The blonde woman clenched her fists angrily when she heard Su Chen's words. If she hadn't been a match for these three people, she would have wanted to kill this stinky man now.

"Nana, come back."

At this time, a woman's voice came from the luxury carriage outside the inn.

The blonde beauty hurriedly replied when she heard the voice in the carriage,

"Yes, master!"

However, the blonde beauty gave Su Chen a fierce look before leaving.

She will remember this bastard. If she encounters this bastard again in the future, she will definitely avenge the humiliation he gave her today.

Outside the inn, the blonde beauty got up After the luxurious carriage, the army escorted the carriage and left unexpectedly. This made Su Chen and the other three people on the second floor confused.

"Master, these people just left like this? Ning Zhongze looked at the leaving army and asked doubtfully.

Su Chen touched his chin and guessed,"I'm afraid they have something secret to do, and they won't even cause trouble in the Eastern Continent." Qingniao looked back at Su Chen and asked,"Master, who is the woman in the carriage?" She is very powerful"

"She should be the queen of the Wuhun Empire."

Su Chen is now very sure that the woman in the carriage is the Spider Queen of the Wuhun Empire, and the blond beauty just now is the Queen's disciple Hu Nana.

When Su Chen used his mental power to check the carriage just now, he was struck by the powerful woman in the carriage. He discovered that even the woman in the carriage was attacking him with her mental power.

Su Chen also hurriedly withdrew his mental power.

He was no match for that powerful woman.

An Extreme Douluo (Distraction Realm) was stronger than

Su Chen. Although Su Chen was not afraid of her,

Su Chen did not want to provoke an unnecessary fight.

At this moment, in the carriage guarded by the army, the blonde beauty said respectfully to a noble woman,

"Master, why are you leaving? The most powerful among the three are the two maids, their strength is Soul Douluo (Celestial Realm), that bastard man is a Soul Emperor (Grand Master), we don't have to be afraid of them at all."

The noble woman said expressionlessly,"Nana, you are wrong. Among the three, that man is the most powerful. That man is at least a peak Douluo (out-of-body realm). He hides his strength."

Although the confrontation just ended before it even started, the noble woman also discovered Su Chen's aura.

A Soul Emperor (Grand Master)?

That man was a bastard.

Nana was right this time.

That bastard wanted to act like a pig. Do you want to eat a tiger?

You dared to peek at her just now.

If there wasn't something urgent to do this time, and the noble woman didn't want to cause trouble in the Eastern Continent, she would definitely kill the peeping tom.

"What? Peak Douluo?"

Nana was stunned when she heard what the noble woman said.

A man who was not much older than her was actually a peak Douluo? This made her feel too unbelievable. The noble woman looked at the stupid Nana and explained ,

"Nana, the Eastern Continent is not comparable to our Southern Continent. The immortal cultivators in the Eastern Continent are very powerful."

"Even if I become a god, I am probably as strong as the immortal cultivators in the Fusion Realm. I am no match for the immortal cultivators in the Dongxu Realm. Even the immortal cultivators in the Mahayana Realm and Tribulation Realm can kill me with one palm."

Nana nodded when she heard the noble woman's words, but she asked a little frustrated,"Master, why is that bastard so powerful at such a young age?"

The noble woman thought for a while and said,

"Either he is a direct disciple of some of the top sects in the Eastern Continent, or he is a powerful family with blood inheritance. You don’t need to be discouraged. Your strength is among the top among the younger generation in the Southern Continent. Within ten years, you will definitely become an extreme fighter. Luo."

When Nana heard the noble woman's words, she felt very depressed.

Ten years?

If she became an Ultimate Douluo in ten years, that bastard?

His strength would be even more terrifying, and her revenge would probably be difficult to avenge.

Just like this overnight. After that,

Qingniao bought three horses in the town and continued on the road.

However, they had been on the road for almost a day, and Su Chen didn't find those people from the Wuhun Empire again.

This made Su Chen feel strange.

Wuhun The people from the empire were obviously heading in this direction. Did they not stop to rest at all last night?

Boom! Suddenly

, a big hole was opened in front of Su Chen and the other three, and then, a woman in white suddenly appeared in front of them..

Damn it!

Why did this old lady Guanyin appear here?

Is it because of the old monk who was killed?

Su Chen was very speechless when he saw Guanyin Bodhisattva blocking the way. I am afraid he will be unlucky today.

The little fox is not here. If Guanyin Bodhisattva If you kill him, Su Chen may not have a chance to escape.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was very angry when she looked at Su Chen.

She had already let this disrespectful bastard off her once, and even informed Buddhism that she would not deal with him in the future.

But this bastard turned around and This bastard was so audacious to kill one of their Buddhist temple abbots.

And he dared to appear near Shushan today.

Could this bastard want to join the Taoist sect?

"Su Chen, you went back on your word. Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Su Chen saw that Qingniao and Ning Zhongze were actually going to attack Guanyin Bodhisattva.

He hurriedly grabbed Qingniao and Ning Zhongze. They didn't know Guanyin Bodhisattva. Wouldn't he?

Su Chen took Qingniao and Ning Zhongze and they After pulling him, he coughed and said,

"cough! Guanyin Bodhisattva, don’t you understand why I wanted to kill that old monk? That old monk just saved his substitute Xu Xian, but he actually killed more than a hundred of my agents."

"Doesn’t Buddhism emphasize not killing?"

"Then why did the old monk kill my men? Guanyin

Bodhisattva asked with a cold expression,"Stop talking nonsense. Although Minghui has killed many of your subordinates, you can kill Minghui, but why do you want to seek refuge in Taoism?""

At this moment,

Qingniao and Ningzhong were completely confused,

Guanyin Bodhisattva?

This cold and beautiful woman is actually Guanyin Bodhisattva?

How is this possible?

Isn't Guanyin Bodhisattva a kind and compassionate god?

But this woman has a cold face. His angry look doesn't look like Guanyin Bodhisattva?

Also, didn't Guanyin Bodhisattva appear with a white lotus platform? A willow and jade vase? Why doesn't this woman have any of these?

"Take refuge in Daomen? Guanyin old......Ahem, Guanyin Bodhisattva, when will I take refuge in Taoism?"

Su Chen wiped the cold sweat from his head.

He almost called out the old lady Guanyin just now.

If Guanyin Bodhisattva heard Su Chen call her like this,

Guanyin Bodhisattva would probably tear his heart out.

"If you don’t want to seek refuge with Taoism, what are you doing here in Shushan? You don't want the sword master from Shushan to deal with me, do you?"


"The sword master is a cave master. I can even kill him with one palm strike. You have come to the wrong place to seek refuge in Shushan."

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