Su Chen and the four girls from Jade Bird were very depressed when they arrived at a cabin.

The environment here was really bad.

They boarded the ship a little late this time. Some of the luxury cabins had been sold. This was probably where civilians lived.

Su Chen looked at the cabin and shook his head and said,"Forget it, let's just stay for a few days."

Zhao Ling'er looked at Su Chen with a look of disgust and said,"You are really hypocritical. It would be nice to have a place to live. You didn't see the civilians outside, but they can't even afford cabins."

"You're so troublesome, why don't you clean it up quickly?"Su Chen patted Zhao Ling'er's head and urged.

Zhao Ling'er is still very worried about him wanting to take away the spirit bead. She has been trying to find ways to antagonize him along the way.

If Su Chen didn't want to get to know this little beauty, he would have done it long ago. Let this little beauty know why the flowers are so red

"Master, I'm afraid the people living next door to us are not simple either."Qingniao said to Su Chen while cleaning up the cabin.

Su Chen nodded when he heard Qingniao's words.

When they arrived at the cabin, they found dozens of warriors from the Western Continent, all of whom were vigilantly protecting a person. Cabin.

I'm afraid he and those people from the Western Continent are the only ones in their cabin.

However, this has nothing to do with him.

As long as these people from the Western Continent don't provoke him, Su Chen will not provoke these people from the Xixi Continent.

"Don't worry about those people, they won't mess with us"

"Yes, Master!"

Zhao Ling'er was speechless when she saw that there was only one bed in the cabin.

There is no cabin on this ship.

Do the five of them want to sleep together?

Zhao Ling'er came to Su Chen and asked,"Su Chen, how can we rest at night? ? This cabin only has one bed, but there are five of us?"

Su Chen hugged Zhao Ling'er's waist and said with a smile,"This bed is still very big. We can still sleep in it if we squeeze together."

"You are shameless, I will not sleep in the same bed with you."Zhao Ling'er slapped Su Chen's hand away in shame and cursed.

Zhao Ling'er didn't expect this bastard to be so shameless.

There are four women here. Can't this bastard give up this cabin to these women?

"That's up to you! Butterfly

Demon smiled and said,"Ling'er, the four of you can sleep well. I will return to my true form at night.""

"I'm not sleeping with this bastard."Zhao Ling'er glanced at Su Chen and said arrogantly,

"Haha, Linger, the master is lying to you, look!"

Ning Zhongze smiled and took out some bedding from the ring and spread it on the deck.

She had prepared these early in the morning.

Ning Zhongze's ring contained some daily necessities.

She and Su Chen had been together for a long time. In the past, when she was in the wild, it was Su Chen who took out the tent and bedding. Now that she has Najie, she is now responsible for these.

Zhao Ling'er was very embarrassed when she saw this.

She felt that she was a little narcissistic just now.

Here None of the women objected, but her reaction was huge, which made her afraid that other people would laugh at her.

Su Chen looked at Zhao Ling'er who was blushing and did not try to challenge her.

The strength of those people in the Western Continent just now was not simple, those Among the people, there were four practitioners of the Golden Core Realm, one Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, and even the woman in the cabin turned out to be a cultivator of the Distraction Realm, which was a level higher than Su Chen's strength.

These things What do people from the mainland do when they come to the Eastern Continent? Don’t the blond and blue-eyed people from the Western Continent practice elements? The aura of the Eastern Continent seems useless to their cultivation, right? When resting at night,


Chen held Ning Zhongze and rested on the bed, and Zhao Linger The girls slept on the floor.

But Su Chen didn't sleep.

He looked at the items given by Guanyin Bodhisattva.

He didn't dare to take the pills given by Guanyin Bodhisattva. Anyone who uses Buddhist pills will regret it. The elixirs must have been tricked by Buddhism, and taking these elixirs will definitely be controlled by Buddhism.

Among these items, except for the thousands of spiritual stones, which are pretty good, the elixirs are useless, but he saw those magical jade slips After that,

Su Chen immediately started to check, the lightning control technique, the magical power of transformation, the magical power of mental attack.


Why is there a white lotus seed?

Su Chen took out the white lotus seed and looked at it, but this lotus seed didn't even have any spiritual energy. It was like a dead lotus seed.

Su Chen looked at the lotus seed and saw nothing.

He thought:"That old lady Guanyin couldn't have made a mistake, right? A dead lotus seed is useless"

"Master, what's wrong?"Ning Zhongze leaned in Su Chen's arms. She saw Su Chen looking at the lotus seeds in his hand and asked doubtfully.

Su Chen touched Ning Zhongze's hair and said,"Nothing, I just want to take a look at this lotus seed. What is the use"

"Isn't this just an ordinary lotus seed? Ning Zhongze blushed and looked at the lotus seed in Su Chen's hand.

Su Chen nodded and said,"Well, I also think this lotus seed is very ordinary, but it was given to me by an immortal from the immortal world. You Do you still think this lotus seed is ordinary?"

"What? Immortal? Master, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Remember that powerful woman we met? She is an immortal, one of the top immortals in the immortal world"


Ning Zhongze sat up immediately.

She didn't care about her naked body at all.


Could the woman they met on the road really be Guanyin Bodhisattva?

When Su Chen called the woman Guanyin Bodhisattva, she and Qingniao thought that Su Chen was trying to seduce the woman, or even talking nonsense.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is a very powerful immortal, and it is impossible to look like what they saw.

When they saw that Guanyin Bodhisattva was not like Guanyin Bodhisattva at all, even their personalities were too different. If that woman was really Guanyin Bodhisattva, then she would be the avatar of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the lower realm. The other women also looked at Su Chen in surprise. , these women are not sleeping, and these women were pretending to sleep just now. After all, there is a man in the cabin, so it is strange that they can fall asleep.

The Butterfly Demon looked at Su Chen and asked worriedly,"Su Chen, is that woman on Shu Mountain really an immortal?" The

Butterfly Demon thought that she was a demon.

If that woman was really an immortal, then she could still be with her in the future. Are Su Chen together?

The butterfly demon found that the woman was very kind to Su Chen, and she was also worried that one day the fairy would let her, the demon, stay away from Su Chen.

Su Chen saw Zhao Ling'er and the girls sitting up.

He thought about it and told Guanyin Bodhisattva's identity.

"Well, that woman is the clone of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the fairy world. You should be careful about that woman in the future."

"Buddhism and we are destined to be enemies. Guanyin Bodhisattva has been deceived by me now. If she finds out that I deceived her in the future, you can think of the consequences."

"Master, could this lotus seed be the lotus seed of the white lotus that Guanyin Bodhisattva sits on?"

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