When Ning Zhong heard that the woman Su Chen said was really Guanyin Bodhisattva, she thought of the white lotus platform where Guanyin Bodhisattva sat.

It is impossible for Guanyin Bodhisattva to give Su Chen an ordinary lotus seed.

Ning Zhong thought about it and felt that this lotus seed should be the lotus seed received from the lotus platform under the seat of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"The twelfth-grade pure white lotus!"Su Chen screamed when he heard Ning Zhongze's words.

Su Chen hurriedly looked at the lotus seeds in his hand.

He also felt that Guanyin Bodhisattva would not give him a necrotic lotus seed, but why would Guanyin Bodhisattva give him such valuables? The treasure of Guanyin Bodhisattva?

You must know that the white lotus of Guanyin Bodhisattva is only of the sixth or eighth grade. It may take several huiyuan to pick out a lotus seed from such a white lotus.

Su Chen didn't know whether the white lotus under the Guanyin Bodhisattva's seat was the same as the tenth grade. Are the second-grade white lotus the same?

But there is a white lotus boy under the Buddhist sage. The white lotus of Guanyin Bodhisattva should be the sixth-grade pure world white lotus or the eighth-grade pure world white lotus.


"What is the Twelfth Grade Pure World White Lotus?"

"Are your lotus seeds grafted from the white lotus of Guanyin Bodhisattva?"

Zhao Ling'er and the other girls said one after another when they heard Su Chen's exclamation.

Su Chen looked at the lotus seeds in his hands and said,

"The twelfth-grade white lotus of pure world is the best innate spiritual treasure in the immortal world. You are not able to touch these for the time being. All you need to know is that this lotus seed is a very, very precious treasure."

Zhao Ling'er and the other girls were very speechless when they heard Su Chen's words. What this bastard said means he didn't say, will the items sent by Guanyin Bodhisattva be ordinary items?

The best innate spiritual treasures?

What kind of treasure is this?

They are all familiar with these. Nothing.


At this time, the ship suddenly seemed to hit something. The whole ship shook violently, and all the debris in the cabin fell down.

"I guess he encountered a sea monster, right?"

Su Chen hurriedly got off the bed.

He looked at the women who were still confused and reminded,"Please clean up quickly. Aren't you afraid of being exposed to the eyes of the men outside?"

Zhao Ling'er and the girls are wearing very cool clothes now. Su Chen doesn't want these women to be seen by other men.

Boom boom boom......

"Help! Someone fell into the river"

"It's the Kraken. We're going to die. It's the Kraken that's attacking the ship."

"Oh my God, this is an inland river. How could a sea monster appear in an inland river?"

"Damn it, I don’t want to die, I have a lot of money, who can come and save me?"

"Immortal cultivators should attack the sea monster quickly, otherwise we will all die in the river."

At this time, the ship was constantly being hit, and the civilians on the ship all screamed.

After Su Chen and the other girls got dressed, they hurriedly came out of the cabin.

In the passage,

Su Chen and the others also I met these people from the Western Continent, but they didn't have time to talk to each other. They were all in a hurry to get to Class A. Otherwise, after the ship was sunk, a lot of them would die. On the deck

, the civilians here were trembling. They hugged tightly what they could, fearing that they would fall off the boat and be eaten by the Kraken.

"Damn it, why are there so many sea monsters?"

Su Chen came to the deck and was very surprised when he saw the sea monsters in the river.

Although these sea monsters were low-level sea monsters, there were too many of them. Hundreds of them kept hitting the big ship. I'm afraid this big ship won't be able to hold on for long.

Qingniao held a long sword and asked Su Chen,"Master, what should we do?" Do you want to attack these sea monsters?"

Su Chen shook his head and stopped,"It's useless. Since the sea monsters appear here, I'm afraid there will be a steady stream of sea monsters coming. These sea monsters obviously live in groups."

When the princess of the Western Continent next to her heard Su Chen's words, she did not let her men kill the sea monsters in the river.

She also saw that these sea monsters lived in groups, and her knights killed hundreds of sea monsters. Monsters, more sea monsters will come soon.

Boom boom boom........

Su Chen looked around the dark surroundings and checked to see if there was any land.

Su Chen was really afraid of what might happen. He was originally worried about encountering a sea monster, but he encountered it only half a day and midnight.

His luck was even too good. Oops,

Su Chen seems to encounter accidents every time he takes a boat. In the past, he encountered wind and waves or enemies. This time, he even encountered a sea monster.

If there is a lottery ticket seller in the Shenyu Continent,

Su Chen will I want to try my luck selling some lottery tickets.

Su Chen hugged Qingniao and Ning Zhongze and shouted hurriedly,"Come to me, Butterfly, you and Ling'er take care of each other. You are strong, so be careful."

Butterfly Demon is at the peak of the Golden Core Realm. Ling'er is also in the early stage of the Golden Core Realm. They are both stronger than Qingniao and Ning Zhongze. Su Chen can only take care of Qingniao and Ning Zhongze first.

"we know!"

"Don't worry, we'll take care of ourselves."

Butterfly Demon and Zhao Ling'er held hands, and they nodded to Su Chen and said, boom boom boom........


There was a huge cracking sound, and the ship cracked from one side in the middle, and the civilians next to it fell in one by one.


"Save me, save me quickly, I'll give you 10,000 gold coins, come and save me"

"Brother, please give me a hand"


"Cough, run quickly, the ship is sinking."

On the deck, after the boat cracked, when the river was about to flood up, there were poor people, warriors, and even immortal cultivators on the deck who were anxious. This place is far away from the land now. If they fell into the river, they would be killed by sea monsters. Kill and eat.


The boat broke apart, and thousands of people fell into the river one after another. The sea monsters jumped on them one by one in an instant, and the river water was dyed red with blood in a short time.

"Butterfly, Linger, go to the wooden board over there"



Su Chen hugged the blue bird and Ning Zhong instantly appeared on a wooden board, and Zhao Ling'er and the Butterfly Demon also followed Su Chen and flew to the wooden board.

Zhao Ling'er looked at the thousands of people falling into the river, and she couldn't bear it. He asked Su Chen,"Su Chen, can't you save these people?""

Su Chen glared at Zhao Ling'er and scolded,"Save me, please be honest, a powerful sea monster is coming."

Su Chen sensed that several powerful monsters were coming in the river.

These sea monsters can compete with the immortal cultivators of the Golden Core Realm. If they fell into the river, even the Golden Core Realm cultivators would instantly fall into the water. If they are killed, those who are cultivating immortals in the Nascent Soul Realm may not be able to escape.

Swish, swish, swish.......

At this time, people from the Western Continent also appeared one after another at Su Chen's place, and the wooden board was instantly filled with people.

"Let me know, won't you go somewhere else? Damn it, the board will sink if someone comes again."

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