Fazheng of Jinshan Temple frowned when he heard Su Chen's words.

He didn't expect that Su Chen wouldn't even give Jinshan Temple face.

Tianyin Temple was a top sect with countless Buddhist masters in the temple, and Jinshan Temple was in the Song Dynasty. It is also a symbol of Buddhism. Immortals in the lower realm of immortality will issue orders from Jinshan Temple. Master Fahai is also the abbot of Jinshan Temple personally ordered by Guanyin Bodhisattva. This is well known in the world of immortality.

What confidence does Su Chen have to provoke Tianyin Temple and Jinshan Temple?

Boom boom boom....


"Ghosts, these are powerful female ghosts, help!"

"Run away, these women are too powerful"

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"They're all running away, hurry up and run away.....ah!"

At this time, shouts of killing suddenly came from the auction, and miserable screams also came from the auction.

"What happened at the auction?"

"It seems like someone is killing people at the auction."

"Shall we go in and take a look?"

"Want to die? The people in the auction were either in the Golden Core Realm or the Yuan Dynasty Realm, and there were even powerful Immortal Cultivators in the Distracting God Realm, and these powerful Immortal Cultivators screamed. Aren't we looking for death if we go in?"

"That's right, it's better not to go in. We'll find out who wants to destroy the auction in a while outside."

Outside the auction, the immortal cultivators and warriors here all looked at the auction. They were very frightened when they heard the screams inside. The guards and strong men in the auction were all very powerful. They all Want to know who is killing the people at the auction?

"Was it your people who did it?"

Baguio whispered when she came to Su Chen.

Baguio felt that the people who massacred and auctioned were Su Chen's men.

Her feeling couldn't be wrong, especially after Su

Chen bought the snake girl Yue Mei.

Chen Chen's eyes were filled with murderous intent at that time, but where were this bastard's men hidden? She also didn't see who Su Chen ordered to massacre the people at the auction.

"It’s none of my business, I don’t have any subordinates!"

"I do not believe!"

"Little beauty, I have been with you all the time, have you noticed that I have subordinates? Baguio snorted at Su Chen and said firmly,

"Humph, I still think it was your men who did it. My intuition is not wrong."

Su Chen shook his head speechlessly after hearing Baguio's words.

This little beauty's intuition is too accurate, right?

Why on earth would Baguio think that it was his men who were massacring people in the auction?

Yue Mei's eyes She looked at Su Chen brightly.

She also guessed that the massacre was arranged by Su Chen. Could it be that Su Chen was seeking revenge for her?

Wasn't Su Chen also interested in herself?

She couldn't think about it, couldn't think about it,

Su Chen Chen is Queen Medusa's man, and she doesn't dare to think anything wrong.

Boom boom boom boom.....

At this time,

Huizhi and Huiming of Tianyin Temple and Fazheng of Jinshan Temple suddenly took action against Su Chen. The sudden attack of three powerful immortal cultivators in the Fusion Realm immediately caused some buildings outside the auction to collapse.

Su Chen sensed the attack when these monks took action, and he quickly dodged the attack by hugging Baguio and Yue Mei.

Su Chen appeared on a big tree holding Baguio and Yue Mei.

He looked at the monks and mocked,"I've been on guard against you shameless bald donkeys."

Huizhi looked at Su Chen indifferently. He said,"The benefactor has become a demon. We are going to get rid of the demon today."

Huiming gathered his magic power and shouted,"Brother, this demon cannot be let go. Let's kill him together."

Fazheng from Jinshan Temple looked at Su Chen and said He said solemnly,"Amitabha, everyone can find evil ways and punish them.""

"If you want to die, I will make it happen for you."

Su Chen looked at these bald donkeys with an expressionless face. What these bald donkeys said hypocritically made Su Chen feel very disgusted.

Just kill people.

They all described themselves as possessed, evil spirits, It's even evil. These bald donkeys really don't deserve to die.

"Kill demons and eliminate harm for the people!"

Huizhi from Tianyin Temple waved his hand and ordered.

Before the auction, three monks from the Fusion Realm and five from the Distraction Realm attacked Su Chen together.

"Su Ying!"

Su Chen saw that these monks were going to kill him together. He shouted disdainfully.

Baguio originally wanted to break away from Su Chen's arms, but after she heard Su Chen's cry, she showed that she was like this. expression, this bastard really has his subordinates hiding here.

"Choo Choo Choo...."

At this time, a blue bird suddenly flew out of Su Chen's arms. The blue bird continued to grow in size after flying into the air. After a while, a giant blue bird more than ten meters long appeared in the sky above the auction building.

"What kind of monster is this? Why does it make me feel so horrible?"

"It's so scary, I saw this giant bird's soul trembling"

"Oh my god, isn't this a monster that has transcended the tribulation realm? As a cultivator in the Nascent Soul Realm, I dare not look directly at this giant bird."

"Impossible, how can a monster in the Tribulation Realm obey human orders?"

"It's too powerful. Let's get out of here quickly, otherwise we will be killed by this powerful monster in a moment."

After the people around the auction saw Qingying's appearance, some people with low strength were stunned by the powerful aura, and the remaining people also hurried away from the auction.

These monks from Tianyin Temple and Jinshan Temple They also stopped attacking.

They looked at Qingying in horror one by one. They all felt that Qingying was so powerful that even this monster was beyond their power.

Huiming asked Huizhi with a trembling heart,"Senior Brother , what kind of monster is this?"

"I can’t see it, Master Fazheng, can you see it?"

Huizhi shook his head with a livid face.

He felt that he couldn't catch the blow of this giant bird at all. If they can't deal with this powerful monster this time, the monks like them will die here.

Fazheng shook his head. He shook his head and said with an ugly expression,

"No, I'm in trouble this time. This monster is probably a monster that has transcended the tribulation realm."

"Be careful for a while, if not, just run away."

"Yes, senior brother!"

"Understood, Master Wisdom!"

The beautiful beauties of the Hehuan Sect looked at the Qingying in the sky with their mouths open.

They were all shocked by the breath of the Qingying. Some of the beauties with low strength in the Hehuan Sect even had weak legs.

Baguio looked at it dumbfounded. The green warbler in the sky, this green warbler made her feel even more powerful than her father. She was trembling all over just looking at the green warbler.

"you.....How come you have such a powerful monster?"

"This is my sister Su Ying. She is not a monster."

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