Qingying is not a monster. To be precise, Qingying is an ancient innate creature. It is more powerful and noble than the mythical beast.

"younger sister? Are you actually a monster? Baguio shouted in surprise when he heard Su Chen's words.

Su Chen scolded Baguio with a black look on his face,"Hua your sister, I am a human being, a pure human being.""

"Inglorious bastard, if you say dirty words again, I will....so I....."

Su Chen hugged Baguio's small waist, touched it and threatened,

"You're just a piece of shit, are you as powerful as me? Is your father as powerful as Su Ying?"

"You are shameless!"

Baguio pinched Su Chen's arm with a face full of shame and anger.

She didn't expect that this bastard would dare to touch her in public. This bastard is just a deadbeat.

"Su Ying, help your brother kill these bald donkeys."

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Boom, boom, boom!

Qingying shouted in agreement after hearing Su Chen's words.

She saw the monks here and rushed over fiercely.

Qingying's instant attack captured three monks in the distraction realm. These When the monks were caught in the air, they were torn apart by Qingying's claws, and a rain of flesh and blood fell from the air.

"Scattered and fled."

Huizhi saw Qingying killing the three of them instantly. He looked at the other monks and shouted loudly.


Qingying appeared above Huizhi instantly and grabbed him and flew into the air.


Huizhi also and The same fate as the previous monks, he was also quickly torn into pieces by Qingying and died.

"Senior brother!"

"Master of Wisdom!"

Huiming and Fazheng saw that Huizhi was also killed instantly by Qingying, which made them very frightened and angry.

Qingying was too powerful.

Huizhi, a strong person in the late stage of the Fusion Realm, was easily killed. They People can't escape at all

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Qingying looked at the remaining five monks and shouted with contempt.

Fazheng looked around and prepared to ask for help, otherwise the monks from Tianyin Temple and Jinshan Temple would die here.

He looked at Shu Mountain, Longhu Mountain, and Maoshan , the immortal cultivators in Fenxiang Valley shouted,"Everyone, the monsters are attacking us humans, are you all going to stand by and watch?"

Everyone from the big sects and top sects around them were very disdainful when they heard Fa Zheng's words.

They saw clearly what happened just now.

These monks shamelessly described Su Chen as possessed by evil spirits. Yes, even some evil way.

They are now attacked and killed by Su Chen's powerful monsters. Are these monks trying to drag them to death together?


"Wan Jian returns to his clan!"

At this time, a Fusion Realm cultivator from Shushan suddenly took action against Qingying in the air, and dozens of flying swords attacked Qingying.


After Qingying softly chirped, dozens of flying swords suddenly shattered one after another.

When Fazheng saw the people from Shushan taking action, he was overjoyed and hurriedly thanked,"Thank you Elder Tianwang of Shushan for your help!"

Su Chen heard that it was the people from Shushan who had just attacked and slapped Qingying, and he threatened without expression,

"People from Shushan, do you want to die?"

Elder Tianwang of Shushan looked at Su Chen and said indifferently,

"Shushan has been conquering demons since ancient times. Monsters must also die, and you, who fight against ghosts and monsters, must also die."

Su Chen was very angry when he heard the words of Elder Tianwang of Shushan.

Jiujianxian and Shushan Swordsman saw him and they didn't dare to speak like this. A waste in the Fusion Realm was even more rampant than the Swordsman. The last time Guanyin Bodhisattva attacked Shushan It was still a little light.

Su Chen said to Elder Tianwang with an indifferent face,"It seems that Shushan was kind to you last time. What happened outside the Demon Locking Tower half a year ago has been forgotten by Shushan.""

Elder Tianwang asked anxiously after hearing Su Chen's words,

"Demon Locking Tower? half year ago? you.....Are you Su Chen?"

"Yes, Elder Tianwang, right? You are more powerful than the Sword Master and the Wine Sword Immortal. Has the Sword Master's strength recovered? Does this make you Shushan become arrogant again?"

Elder Tianwang is dumbfounded now.

He did not expect that this young man is Su Chen.

He has seen the sinkhole outside Shushan Demon Locking Tower. He even knew that the head sword master of Shushan was injured.

The sword master and Jiu Jianxian repeatedly He asked not to offend Su Chen, otherwise the entire Shu Mountain would not be able to protect those who offended Su Chen.

Elder Tianwang hurriedly bowed to Su Chen and saluted,"Young Master Su Chen, I have offended you so much just now. I didn't know you were Young Master Su Chen."

The elders of Shushan suddenly surrendered to Su Chen, which made everyone around him dumbfounded.

They did not expect that this person named Su Chen would actually make the elders of Shushan afraid. What did Su Chen do to Shushan half a year ago?

Bi Yao looked at Su Chen and was even more speechless.

Is this the scapegoat she found?

Who is going to be the scapegoat? Fortunately, her plan has not started yet, otherwise, she will definitely be killed by this bastard who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger..Su

Chen waved his hand and shouted expressionlessly,

"It's too late. If you dare to attack Su Ying, you will die. Su Ying, kill these people."

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Qingying screamed and launched an attack after hearing Su Chen's order. Each of the spiked feathers on her body instantly penetrated the heads of monks such as Elder Tianwang and Fazheng.

Boom boom boom.....

The heads of the monks from Tianyin Temple, Jinshan Temple, and Elder Tianwang suddenly exploded one by one.

Qingying didn't tease these humans again this time.

She killed them with one blow this time.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

After Qingying returned to her petite body, she flew onto Su Chen's shoulder and shouted happily

"Su Ying, you did a good job this time. My brother will give you some jelly beans to eat."

Su Chen touched his green little head and smiled, then he took out some five-turn golden elixir and fed it to Qingying.

Baguio looked at Su Chen feeding Qingying the elixir and said in surprise,"What is this? Pill? Why does it smell so good? I feel an increase in mana just by smelling it."

Su Chen saw Baguio stretching his head and looking at the elixir in his hand.

He smiled and said teasingly,"You're not going to steal my sister's elixir, are you?"

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Qingying also shouted a warning to Baguio.

These pills can greatly improve her cultivation. Even this pill is very delicious.

Qingying does not want to share it with other humans.

Baguio heard what Su Chen said He blushed and shouted,"Asshole, I'm just kidding you, I just want to know what kind of pills these are?"

"Master, everyone in the auction was wiped out."

At this time,

Nie Xiaoqian appeared next to Su Chen with ten female ghosts, and even gave Su Chen some space rings.

Su Chen took the space rings handed over by Nie Xiaoqian and checked them, and he smiled. He told Nie Xiaoqian,"Xiaoqian, take the crystal cage with you and let's go back to the small courtyard.""

"Yes, master!"

Baguio looked at these ten female ghosts in confusion.

Each of these female ghosts were stronger than her. Even the leading female ghost was stronger than the immortal cultivators in the Fusion Realm.

When she looked at Su Chen, she felt incredible, so powerful. There are monsters and powerful female ghosts.

How come Su Chen’s subordinates are either monsters or female ghosts? Doesn’t this bastard have any normal subordinates?

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