When Su Chen heard that today's Qingyun Sect's competition was over, he looked at the Qingyun Sect disciples in the square and was very surprised.

Among the twelve Qingyun Sect disciples, there were actually five female disciples from Xiaozhufeng, Lu Xueqi, Master Feixuan, Wenmin, these people he was familiar with were among them.

The remaining two female disciples of Xiaozhufeng are also quite good. Xiaozhufeng took up almost half of the

Qingyun Sect's Seventh Meridian Martial Arts Competition. Xiaozhufeng stole the show this time. Our Lady of Wudang looked at the people in the square and said disdainfully,"Are you paying attention to some competitions between ordinary people?



Su Chen rolled his eyes at Our Lady of Wudang, ordinary person?

Then he can be considered an ordinary person, right?

I am afraid that in the eyes of Our Lady of Wudang, as long as she is not an immortal, she will think that she is an ordinary person.

Just when Su Chen was chatting with Our Lady of Wudang At that time, in the main hall of Qingyun Sect, the head of Qingyun Sect and the six peak masters were all sitting together with serious expressions on their faces.

The head Daoxuan looked at Shuiyue and said with a serious face,"Junior Sister, are you telling the truth? ?"

"You can ask Fatty Tian." Shui Yue nodded and pointed at Tian Buyi.

Tian Buyi nodded with an ugly face and said,

"Senior Sister Shuiyue said it right. Suru and Su Chen are biological siblings. Suru and Ling'er are now in Hangzhou City."

Tian Buyi dislikes Suru's younger brother Su Chen very much. He is still worried about Su Chen about what happened last time.

Even if Su Chen is his brother-in-law,

Tian Buyi doesn't want to have anything to do with Su Chen.

"what about you? Everyone talks about it, do we still want to protect the Song Dynasty?"

Taoist Canglong of Qingyun Sect said to everyone with a serious face.

"Senior Brother Head, fellow senior brothers, we cannot fail to protect the Song Dynasty. If we give up on the Song Dynasty like this, or even ignore the Song Dynasty, how will we face the people of the world in the future? Will other sects view our Qingyun Sect this way?

"Besides, the Song Dynasty court has always respected us, Qingyun Sect, and even made offerings on time every year. Can we ignore the Song Dynasty court?"

The head Daoxuan nodded when he heard what Master Canglong said.

He also felt that he could not give up the Song Empire like this, but Suru was the elder of their Qingyun Sect.

He was not able to make a decision now.

Daoxuan looked at The other peak masters asked,"Tell me, should we give up on Da Song, or should we save Da Song and take action against Su Chen?""

"I also feel that I cannot give up on the Song Dynasty"

"You are right. The Song Dynasty did not betray our Qingyun Sect. We cannot ignore the life or death of the Song Dynasty Empire."

"Well, we can't give up the Song Empire"

"We'll stick to our previous decision. The worst we can do is not kill Suru's brother."

Other peak masters are also opposed to giving up the Song Empire.

They all feel that if they give up the Song Empire this time, the reputation of their Qingyun Sect will be ruined, and there may even be no empire to worship their Qingyun Sect in the future.

Tian Buyi also He nodded and said,

"I also agree that the Song Empire cannot give up. The worst we can do is imprison Su Chen in Qingyunmen in the future."

"Fatty Tian, ​​you actually object too? Is this worthy of Suru?"

"I'm just talking about things!"

Shui Yue glared at Tian Buyi fiercely.

She didn't expect that Tian Buyi would object.

Su Chen is this fat man's brother-in-law.

Does Fatty Tian want to kill the family out of justice? If Suru finds out about this, their husband and wife may also die. It was almost over,

Shuiyue stood up and warned the others,

"Senior brother, do you know how many troops Su Chen has?"

"Let us tell you that the army fighting the Song Dynasty this time is only one of Su Chen's six combat armies."

"Su Chen's goal is not the Song Empire. All the empires in the Eastern Continent are among Su Chen's goals."

"Can our Qingyun Sect deal with millions of troops? If we kill millions of troops, this will be against the harmony of nature. You should think carefully."

Everyone else was shocked when they heard Shui Yue's words.

Millions of troops?

Want to unify the Eastern Continent?

Does Su Chen have so many troops?

The Eastern Continent is not just populated by those empires, top sects, and big sects , and even small sects, there are countless of them.

Does Su Chen have powerful immortal cultivators to deal with these sects?

"Junior sister, you may have been deceived. Su Chen has only been around for less than a year. Do you think he can have an army of millions?"

"Yes, millions of troops, this is a very large army. If Su Chen had so many troops, wouldn’t the Song Dynasty court know about it? Would those sects in the southern part of the Song Dynasty know?"

"Senior Sister Shuiyue, the news you got is definitely false. This is simply impossible."

"Well, this is really an exaggeration. I don’t believe it anyway."

"I don't believe it either, that guy can't possibly have an army of millions."

The peak masters of the Qingyun Sect shook their heads and said,"

It is impossible to have an army of millions.

The Song Empire only has more than a million troops. How could Su Chen have an army of millions?"

Shui Yue Looking at these people, her expressions were very ugly.

She did not expect that she would not be able to convince these people in the end.

She had no choice now.

Su Chen had already appeared in Qingyun City.

Some disciples of Qingyun Sect had already gone to Qingyun City to look for Su Chen. If it weren't for the Qingyun Sect's Seven Meridians Martial Arts Competition these days, these peak masters would probably go to Qingyun City to kill Su Chen.

"You decide, but we at Xiaozhufeng will not participate in dealing with Su Chen."

Shui Yue stood up, looked at the others and left.

Head Daoxuan and the other peak masters looked at each other and shook their heads.

They all knew why Shui Yue did this.

Shui Yue asked for it from Su Chen. They learned other lost sword techniques from the Qingyun Sect.

However, this matter was of great importance.

They could not ignore the Song Dynasty. At worst, they would just not kill Su Chen in the future.

The next day,

Qingyun Sect’s Seven Meridians Competition As the process continued, many immortal cultivators and warriors also came to the square early. They all wanted to see which disciple would eventually become the chief disciple of Qingyun Sect. The twelve disciples drew lots to decide their opponents, and each disciple stepped forward. Their respective lots were drawn.

After Shi Feixuan drew the lots, she asked Lu Xueqi,

"Senior sister, what is your number? Lu

Xueqi looked at the lot in her hand and replied coldly,

"I am number three"

"Haha, then we can’t get along, I’m number five."

At this time, a little beauty next to her heard Lu Xueqi's words, and she shouted to Lu Xueqi with a mournful face,

"Ah, I am so unlucky. Why am I number three? Senior sister, I give up. I am no match for you."

Lu Xueqi shook her head after hearing this.

She didn't think that the disciples of Xiaozhu Peak were going to fight among themselves.

However, five of the twelve disciples were disciples of Xiaozhu Peak, so the chance of encountering each other was very high.

That's right!

She was helpless.

On the attic, this is where Su Chen and Our Lady of Wudang appeared one after another.

Our Lady of Wudang looked at Su Chen and said sarcastically,"You bastard is really a pervert. In the middle of the night They even went to steal incense and jade."

"I'm a virgin. Are you spying on me at night?"

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