Su Chen didn't expect that the Holy Mother Wudang would spy on him last night, which made Su Chen very speechless.

He was going to see Shi Feixuan to be gentle last night, but he thought that Shi Feixuan would have to participate in the Seven Meridians Martial Arts Competition today. , he was also worried that he would not be able to participate in the competition today due to the torment of his concubine.

Su Chen could only continue to look for Xu Zhihu. He didn't know how long he had watched the Virgin Mary last night.

"Peeping? What nonsense are you talking about, you bastard? I just saw you running out sneakily, so I checked it out casually. You bastard are just a shameless pervert."

"Why am I so horny? I just went to see my wife to be horny? You, an immortal and powerful person, don’t understand the love between men and women in the human world."


I guess!

Why are you so disgusted?

An old maid of who knows how many years.

Su Chen is too lazy to argue with the virgin.

"Who are you?"

At this time, a group of Qingyun Sect disciples discovered Su Chen and Wudang Madonna in the attic, and these disciples quickly surrounded them.

Su Chen saw these disciples surrounding them as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and he He patted his forehead and said,

"We are just here to watch your Qingyun Sect's Seven Meridians martial arts competition. We have no ill intentions."

A Qingyun Sect disciple said expressionlessly,"No one is allowed to exist here. You should go around the square to watch our Qingyun Sect's Seven Meridians Martial Arts Competition."


Su Chen nodded to these disciples of the Qingyun Sect, and he went down to the attic with Our Lady of Wudang.

In the square, the competition between the disciples of the Qingyun Sect also started.

Two disciples of the Qingyun Sect were fighting in the ring. It was very intense, with all kinds of Taoist techniques and even close hand-to-hand combat, which made the ring's protective restrictions rattle.

Here at Xiaozhu Peak,

Shuiyue looked at the fight on the ring and told Shi Feixuan. ,"Feixuan, you should be careful when you meet Qi Hao. Qi Hao is an immortal cultivator in the late Nascent Soul realm."

Master Feixuan nodded to Shuiyue and replied,"Master, don't worry, I will be careful."

"Wen Min, you should also be careful. Although you are at the middle stage of Yuanying Realm, the remaining disciples are all at the Nascent Soul Stage. Don’t be careless."

"Yes, master!"

Shui Yue looked at Lu Xueqi and didn't explain anything.

Lu Xueqi is the most powerful among these disciples. The chief disciple of Qingyun Sect is already destined to be obtained by Lu Xueqi.

Shui Yue looked at the disciples around him and smiled,

Xiao Zhufeng However, five disciples have broken into the top twelve. Her top six disciples may occupy half of the country again. The Xiaozhufeng disciples will give her a face this time.

"In the next battle, Qi Hao from Longshou Peak will compete with Shi Feixuan from Xiaozhu Peak!"

At this time, the last competition was over.

A disciple from Tongtian Peak won one of the top six places. The next competition was about to take place for Shi Feixuan.

"Qi Hao from Longshou Peak, please give me some advice from my junior sister."

"Xiaozhufeng Senior Concubine Xuan, please give me some advice from Senior Brother."

After Qi Hao and Shi Feixuan came on stage, they introduced each other and prepared to start the competition.

"The competition begins!"



After the martial arts competition started,

Qi Hao quickly punched Shi Feixuan, and Shi Feixuan repelled Qi Hao's attack with one palm. Neither Qi Hao nor Shi Feixuan used weapons now. The two of them are now conducting their own tests.

On the competition stage, the two figures are attacking each other quickly, and the afterimages make it difficult for some disciples in the arena to see clearly.

Daoxuan looked at the concubine Xuan on the stage. Qi Hao smiled and said,"Who do you think will win? Cangsong

Taoist stroked his beard and said with a smile,"He must be my disciple. My disciple is a master in the late Yuan Ying stage. Master Fei Xuan is only in the early Yuan Ying stage. This time my disciple wins.""

"Well, Qi Hao's strength is pretty good. I'm afraid Qi Hao will win a promotion spot this time."

"Yes, the level of cultivation is almost too high. Shi Feixuan’s strength is pretty good, but she might lose against Qi Hao."

"One is in the late stage of Yuanying and the other is in the early stage of Yuanying. Does this need to be said?"

"Qi Hao was going to win. If Shi Feixuan didn't have a trump card, she wouldn't be able to defeat Qi Hao."

The other peak masters looked at the ring and said one after another, the gap between the cultivation realms of Shi Feixuan and Qi Hao is too big, and Qi Hao is still the disciple of Longshou Peak, Qi Hao also obtained the true inheritance of Canglong Taoist, Shi Fei Xuan had no chance of winning the competition.

Shui Yue shook her head when she heard the words of the other peak masters. After a while, Shi Fei Xuan would surprise these people.

Although Shui Yue didn't want to refute these peak masters, she couldn't help but look at Tian Buyi. He continued to attack and said,"Fat Tian, ​​none of your disciples have broken into the top twelve, you still have the nerve to sit here."


Tian Buyi was very angry when he heard Shui Yue's words, but he didn't have the face to be angry with Shui Yue. His disciples were all wiped out, and Tian Buyi was also very helpless.

"Junior sister, I have to be serious"


Swish, swish!

At this time,

Qi Hao took out his long sword and quickly used the sword technique. Energy lightsabers appeared in front of Qi Hao one by one. These lightsabers gathered together and attacked Shi Feixuan instantly.

"Taiyin Yuehua!"

Boom, boom, boom!

Shi Feixuan quickly tied the knot, and a huge blue full moon suddenly appeared in front of Shi Feixuan, and Qi Hao's lightsaber was blocked by the huge full moon.

Su Chen looked at I was also very curious when I saw Shi Feixuan defending the full moon. This should be the magical power in Taiyin Kung Fu. It seems that the Taiyin Kung Fu practiced by Shi Feixuan is about to reach the third level.

Our Lady of Wudang saw the blue color of Shi Feixuan

She was also very curious about the Full Moon Shield ,"This defensive power is good, but the cultivation level is still too low. If Shi Feixuan reaches a high level in cultivation, she can use the Full Moon Shield in an instant."


Su Chen looked at Shi Feixuan and nodded with a smile.

When the Virgin Mother saw Su Chen looking at Shi Feixuan and smiling, she asked doubtfully,

"Do you know this woman?"

"Of course, don’t I know my wife?"

"Your wife? You bastard is so sentimental. Humans are all lower body animals."

"Tsk, what do you, an old maid, know? We are in love, and we also want to continue the family line."

Our Lady of Wudang was confused when she heard Su Chen call her an old maid, old maid?

She is not a human being, and she has no idea about men and women at all. What nonsense is this bastard talking about?

Our Lady of Wudang is an innate creature,

Who cares about the relationship between men and women?

This damn bastard, is he despising her?

The Mother of God wanted to strangle this bastard to death when she stared at Su Chen.

"Shi Feixuan is about to make a big move. Is Shi Feixuan going to use the Divine Sword Controlling Thunder Sword Technique this time? Or should I use the Demon-Slaying Sword Technique?"

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