Thousands of disciples of the Qingyun Sect were holding long swords.

They quickly surrounded Su Chen in the square.

On the ground and in the sky, the Qingyun Sect's guarding sword array had been activated, and flying swords were ready to attack Su Chen.

When Su Chen saw thousands of Qingyun Sect disciples trying to attack him, he shook his head and said disdainfully,"You are not overestimating your own capabilities! Su Ying, deal with these people.""

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The green oriole flew out of Su Chen's arms and its chirping suddenly grew louder. A huge blue bird appeared in the sky above the square.

"The Ten Thousand Swords Sword Formation is activated!"

Swish swish swish.....

Thousands of flying swords attacked Su Chen from all directions.


Boom, boom, boom!

When Qingying saw these humans attacking Su Chen, she screamed and her wings vibrated, sending out thousands of white light blades.

The flying swords of Qingyun Sect were instantly shattered by these light blades, and these light blades were The blade did not stop, and the light blades penetrated the surrounding Qingyun Sect disciples one after another. Some disciples with low strength were killed instantly. Thousands of Qingyun Sect disciples were killed and injured hundreds by Qingying in one attack. When Xuan appeared next to Su Chen, he begged loudly.

"Stop, Su Chen, our Qingyun Sect has given up, don’t let your monsters take action again."

Daoxuan found that Su Chen's monster was more powerful than the water unicorn, and the powerful aura made him feel scared.

He was just in a daze for a while, and hundreds of Qingyun Sect's thousands of disciples were killed and injured. He couldn't see When the Qingyun Sect is destroyed, he can bear all the responsibilities

"Give up? Ha ha......"Su Chen laughed when he heard Daoxuan's words.

Give up?

Will you admit defeat if you can't kill yourself?

Is there such a thing in the world?

Su Chen will not let Qingyun Sect go. Since Qingyun Sect wants to stand up for the Song Dynasty, it must know the consequences of failure.

"Mr. Wu Xiang, I can die to apologize. I hope you can let go of the other disciples of Qingyun Sect."

"Daoxuan, do you think it's possible? Except for Xiao Zhufeng, everyone else in Qingyun Sect will die."

"Mr. Wu Xiang, do you really want to kill them all?"

"Daoxuan, I warned you before. If you attack me, there will be no turning back. The Qingyun Sect will no longer exist in the Shenyu Continent."

"I kill you!"


Daoxuan attacked Su Chen angrily, but before he could attack Su Chen, Qingying appeared next to Daoxuan in an instant, grabbed him, and flew into the air.


Daoxuan screamed when he was caught by Qingying's claws.

Qingying's claws were very sharp. It was very painful for Daoxuan to be grabbed by the claws with the power of death.

"Su Chen, let my master brother go."Shui Yue flew over and shouted to Su Chen. When

Su Chen saw Shui Yue arriving, he frowned.

Didn't Shui Yue help each other?

Why did he come to save Daoxuan now?

Su Chen looked at Xiang Shuiyue frowned and said,

"Master Shuiyue, I will not touch the disciples of Xiaozhu Peak, and it is impossible for me to let go of Daoxuan and the remaining disciples of Qingyun Sect. I hope you will not get involved."

Shui Yue shook her head and said hurriedly when she heard Su Chen's words,

"Su Chen, the leader Daoxuan is my senior brother after all. I can't just watch him being killed."

"Shuiyue, do you want to be my enemy?"

"I just don't want my brothers and sisters to be killed"

"Ha ha......, Shuiyue, is this what you just said about two people helping each other?"

"I have no choice, Su Chen, I know I'm no match for you, but even if I die, I can't watch you kill my brother."

"Su Ying, kill!"


Qingying heard Su Chen's order and instantly grabbed Daoxuan's body. Daoxuan died without even screaming, and his flesh and blood also fell from the air.

"Senior brother!"

"Senior brother!"


Shuiyue, the other peak masters of Qingyun Sect, and even all the disciples of Qingyun Sect saw Daoxuan being killed.

They all screamed in grief and anger,

"Kill and avenge the leader!"

"All the disciples of Tongtian Peak come to me to avenge the leader."

"All the disciples took action and killed Su Chen!"

"Kill, if we don’t kill Wu Xiangjun Su Chen today, our Qingyun Sect will be destroyed."

The peak masters and disciples of Qingyun Sect are all angry.

The leader Daoxuan was killed.

They all know that this time it is either you or me who will die. Qingyun Sect and Su Chen are already in a fight to the death.

"If you don’t know whether to live or die, then you all will die! Su Ying, kill everyone who takes action."

Su Chen looked at the Qingyun Sect Peak Master, the elders, and the disciples who were about to take action again. He was also going to kill them all this time.

Boom boom boom! As soon as

Qingying's wings shook,

Qingying was like a shooting star. She quickly shuttled through Qingyun. Among the disciples of Qingyun Sect, she left only a piece of flesh and blood wherever she passed. The disciples of Qingyun Sect were not even able to react when they were killed.

"Su Chen, brother, stop it."

At this time,

Suru's voice suddenly came from outside the square.

"Su Ying, wait and kill again!"

When Su Chen heard Suru's voice, he hurriedly stopped the killing Qingying.

Su Chen didn't expect that Suru would come back. This sister was not his sister. Su Chen was also very helpless towards her.


After a while,

Suru came to the square quickly with Su Yan in her arms. When Su Yan saw Su Chen, he yelled,"

Damn it!

Why did this girl Su Yan come to the Shenyu Continent?

This little witch won't do it again." Did he secretly come to Shenyu Continent?

Su Chen looked at Su Yan and rubbed his forehead.

He really couldn't discipline Su Yan.

This little girl paid too much attention. Su Yan's ability to cause trouble was the same as his. Su Chen hugged Su Yan who flew over and asked doubtfully,"Yan'er, why are you here?"

Su Yan hugged Su Chen's neck and replied with a smile,

"Haha, dad, my mother and Aunt Concubine Yan agreed to my arrival. Really, I didn’t deceive you this time."

Su Yan was also very happy to see Su Chen. She hadn't seen Su Chen for several months.


Su Yan was more interested in the green oriole in the sky.

It was a beautiful huge blue bird.

If she sat on Qingying should be very cool physically.

Su Yan guessed that Qingying was her father's monster, and she wanted to find a way to get Qingying away from Su Chen.

"Su Chen, why did you have a conflict with Qingyun Sect?"

At this time,

Suru came to Su Chen and asked with concern.

Su Chen touched Su Yan's hair and turned around and said,

"The Qingyun Sect wants to help the Song Dynasty Empire kill me. I have no choice but to resist."

"Brother, let's end it here. Just for the sake of your sister, let the Qingyun Sect go."

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