Around the square, the cultivators here looked at the tragic scene of rivers of blood in the square. They were all very frightened.

None of them expected that Qingyun Sect would be completely defeated. Even the guardian beast of Qingyun Sect, Shui Qilin, lay on the ground and did not dare to move.

This shows that Su Chen is very powerful, and it is even possible that as Dao Xuan said, Su Chen is really an immortal from the lower realm of the immortal world.

Suru just wanted to bring Su Yan to Qingyunmen this time to have fun. Qingyunmen's Seven Meridians martial arts competition was very lively. However, she did not expect that Su Chen and Qingyunmen would conflict.

Countless disciples of Qingyun Sect were killed by Su Chen's monsters, and even more disciples were injured.

Suru was very sad about the deaths and injuries of the Qingyun Sect disciples, but Su Chen was her biological brother after all.

Especially this time, it was the Qingyun Sect that attacked her brother first. Su Chen could not be blamed for such a tragedy.

Su Chen looked at Suru and nodded,"Yes, but there is still one person who must die.""


"Cangsong Taoist, the master of Longshou Peak"

"Cangsong Taoist? Can't you spare his life?"

Suru was surprised when she heard the name Su Chen said.

Cangsong Taoist is not only the peak master of Longshou Peak, he is also the law enforcement elder of Qingyun Sect.

Suru doesn't know how Cangsong Taoist offended Su Chen, but he can She died alone to save the remaining disciples of Qingyun Sect.

She wouldn't say anything more.

She was not familiar with Cangsong Taoist.

Besides, Su Chen was able to give in, which made her happy.

Su Chen agreed without hesitation, which made her happy. Suru felt that Su Chen wanted to recognize her as her sister.

"No, he must die!"

"Oh, then you have to figure it out!"

"Su Ying, kill that person!"Su Chen nodded when he heard Suru's words. He pointed to Cangsong Taoist and said to Qingying.

Su Chen was very satisfied with Suru's performance this time.

Regardless of whether Suru is his biological sister or not, with today's performance thing, he will treat Suru well in the future.


After receiving Su Chen's order, Qingying rushed towards Taoist Cangsong.

The disciples around Taoist Cangsong wanted to stop them, but these disciples were swept away by Qingying before they could launch an attack. Empty.

Taoist Cangsong who was about to escape was caught and torn apart by Qingying.

Su Chen saw Taoist Cangsong being quickly torn to pieces by Qingying.

He looked at the water unicorn at his feet and said,

"Shui Qilin, you will follow me from now on. You no longer need to guard Qingyun Gate. I will make you a fairy beast in the future."


Shui Qilin nodded hurriedly and shouted when he heard Su Chen's words.

At this time,

Tian Buyi came over and shouted,

"Suru, your brother went on a killing spree at Qingyun Sect. The head brother was killed, and the disciples suffered heavy casualties. Now, senior brother Cangsong has also been killed. Do you still want to recognize such a devil?"

Suru frowned when she saw Tian Buyi's miserable appearance.

Will Tian Buyi be hurt?

This means that Tian Buyi also took action against Su Chen. Tian Buyi obviously knew that Su Chen was her brother. How could he take action against Su Chen

? Ru said disappointedly after hearing Tian Buyi's words,

"Husband, how can you say this? Su Chen is my biological brother. If Qingyun Sect does not take action against my brother, do you think my brother will take action against Qingyun Sect? Tian

Buyi pointed at Su Chen and scolded him,

"He is a murderous demon without blinking an eye. I will not allow you to recognize the brother of this murderous demon."

Su Chen was very disdainful when he heard Tian Buyi's words.

He is now more and more disgusted with Fatty Tian.

If Fatty Tian wasn't Suru's husband and Tian Linger's father, Su Chen would have twisted him with one hand. neck

"I forgot to tell you that my identity was known to the Qingyun Sect and it was Tian Buyi who exposed it."

"What? Did Tian Buyi expose your identity?"

Suru was shocked when she heard Su Chen's words.

She didn't expect that the person who exposed Su Chen's identity was Tian Buyi.

Tian Buyi knew the relationship between Su Chen and herself.

Not only did Tian Buyi not conceal Su Chen's identity, he actually He also took the initiative to expose it.

Wasn't Tian Buyi worried that she would be sad if Su Chen was killed?

"Tian Buyi, is what my brother said true?"


"Why? You clearly know that Su Chen is my brother, but you still exposed it. Is it because my brother offended you last time? Tian

Buyi looked at Suru and said righteously,

"I am here for the Qingyun Sect and to maintain the reputation of the Qingyun Sect in the mainland. Su Chen is a rebel of the Song Empire. The Song Empire comes to beg us that the Qingyun Sect will destroy Su Chen. How can we not help the Song Empire?"

Suru laughed sadly when she heard Tian Buyi's words,"Haha......Tian Buyi, I am on my brother's side now, are you going to kill me too?"

"If you persist in your obsession, I will clean up the Qingyun Sect."

"court death! Space moves!"


When Su Chen heard Tian Buyi's words, he angrily used his space power to move Tian Buyi to his side in an instant.

Su Chen reached out and quickly pinched Tian Buyi's neck. He wanted to break the fat man's neck.

Suru looked pale and hurriedly said to Su Chen,"Su Chen, let him go. I will handle this matter myself.""

"All right!"

Su Chen frowned and looked at Suru, and then he threw Tian Buyi out.

Su Chen shook his head and stopped thinking about these things.

He called to Shishi Feixuan outside the square,"Feixuan, You bring Ning Zhongze and the others up, we are leaving."

When Shi Feixuan heard what Su Chen said, she waved to Ning Zhongze and the girls, and then

Shi Feixuan said to Lu Xueqi and Wen Min,"Sister, I'm leaving. Thank you for taking care of me during this time. If you have anything to do in the future, you can come to me in Hangzhou."

"Well, we will go to Hangzhou to find you in the future"

"Junior sister, please take care of yourself in the future."

Lu Xueqi and Wenmin nodded when they heard Shi Feixuan's words.

The Qingyun Sect has passed the crisis this time.

If it weren't for Suru's arrival, the Qingyun Sect would have really perished in the Shenyun Continent.

Shi Feixuan's Her identity is not suitable to stay in the Qingyun Sect.

Su Chen's monster killed hundreds of Qingyun Sect disciples, and Shi Feixuan is the wife of that bastard.

Her identity will be very embarrassing if she stays in the Qingyun Sect.

Shui Qilin On the back,

Su Chen held Su Yan,

Shifei Xuan, Ning Zhongze, Qingniao, Xuanyuan Qingying, and the follower Wudang Virgin. They all stood on Shui Qilin's back.

Su Chen looked at the distance of the square. Baguio didn't call her.

He was in a lot of troubles now.

Su Chen could only find the little beauty Baguio when he had the opportunity in the future.

Su Chen looked at Suru and said,"We are at the Qingshan Inn in Qingyun City. Wait for you"

"Okay, brother, I will go find you in a day or two."

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