Su Chen teleported several times and appeared in Linjiang City near the southern continent.

This place was thousands of miles away from Zhenjiang City. Su Chen did not believe that Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin could find him.

On the seaside, huge ships were docked in the port, and many civilians were constantly carrying supplies to the ships.

Su Chen stood by the sea.

He felt very good looking at the sea in the distance.

Looking at the vast sea, he no longer had to think about those messy things.


Aren't these ships afraid of being attacked by sea monsters when they go to sea?

Su Chen saw many people getting on a big boat one after another, which made him very confused.

The last time Su Chen took a boat on an inland river, he was attacked by a sea monster. In this vast sea , aren’t there more sea monsters? Aren’t these ordinary people worried about being buried in the sea?

"The boat to Poseidon Island is about to leave. One gold coin per person. Those who want to go to Poseidon Island should get on the boat quickly."

At this time, on a large ship not far away, a cultivator shouted loudly to the shore,

"Poseidon Island?"

Su Chen was very confused when he heard the cry of the immortal cultivator,

Poseidon Island?

Is this the Poseidon Island that was tested in Tangshan?

Su Chen thought that this is the junction with the Southern Continent, and

Poseidon Island is on the sea.

Maybe Poseidon Island really is It's the one he imagined, so why don't you go and see it?


It's just a soul god's first-level cultivation realm (Fusion Realm), or at most a soul god's second-level cultivation realm (Dongxu Realm) , Su Chen's strength can completely crush the Poseidon.

Su Chen felt very guilty after looking at the big ship.

Every time he took the ship, something would happen. If he took the ship again this time, Su Chen didn't know if something would happen again.

Su Chen thought about it for a while and decided to go to Poseidon Island.

He couldn't go back to Hangzhou City recently.

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang couldn't find him. Hangzhou City must be their focus.

Su Chen paid the money and went there. After getting on the big ship, he looked at the people around him and didn't care.

The most powerful immortal cultivators here were at the Golden Core level. If this ship was a black ship, Su Chen could kill them with a little finger.

Three days later,

Zhenjiang City Jinshan Temple,

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Madonna came out of the barrier.

When they came out, they saw that Jinshan Temple had been destroyed. The Black Armor Legion and Su Chen were gone. Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Madonna were very angry.

Neither of them thought that Su Chen would leave like this. What was the point of the fight between them?

Guanyin Bodhisattva wanted to strangle that bastard to death.

She even gave up Jinshan Temple for Su Chen, but that bastard was like this Guanyin Bodhisattva now wants to go to Hangzhou City to kill that bastard.

Our Lady of Wudang clenched her fists tightly, her beautiful face was very angry, this time it was the bastard Su Chen who asked her to come with him Jinshan Temple, but after she fought with the bitch Guanyin, that bastard left without waiting for her. Did he abandon her?

Or kicked him away after using her?

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked cold and treated the two around him like a holy mother. said,

"Old Mother Lishan, you and Buddhism have already formed a relationship. It is impossible for Buddhism to let you go after you return to the fairy world."

Our Lady of Wudang frowned when she heard Guanyin Bodhisattva's words.

She and Guanyin Bodhisattva fought in the barrier for three days and three nights.

They couldn't decide the winner.

But I, Our Lady of Wudang, also guessed why Guanyin Bodhisattva and Guanyin Bodhisattva were fighting. She fights.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is between Jinshan Temple and Su Chen.

She chooses to help Su Chen.

Guanyin Bodhisattva uses herself to create an opportunity for Su Chen.

This Guanyin bitch is really good to Su Chen, and even abandons the interests of Buddhism. abandon

"Guanyin, why do you think I don't know? You want to shift all the responsibility to me for Su Chen. You really care about that little bastard. However, I will accept this matter."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's face changed when she heard the words of Our Lady of Wudang.

She threatened uneasily,

"Hum, after returning, your original body, the Holy Mother, should be prepared to face the revenge of Buddhism."

Our Lady of Wudang reminded Guanyin Bodhisattva disdainfully,

"revenge? Do you Buddhists dare? Guanyin, I just went to Chaos not long ago, and my master gave me the Qingping Sword. Do you Buddhists dare to take action against me, the only remaining Jie Jiao disciple?"

Our Lady of Wudang is also very helpless.

She took the blame for that bastard Su Chen this time.

Our Lady of Wudang is also worried about being targeted by Buddhism after returning. There are many quasi-sage masters in Buddhism. Besides, the journey to the west is about to begin. Wudang Holy Mother, she doesn’t want to be suppressed by Buddhism at this time.

"What? Saint Tongtian actually gave you the Qingping Sword? How can this be?"

"Guanyin, there is nothing impossible about this. I have told the master everything about Su Chen. If Su Chen is willing to join Jiejiao, I will give the Qingping Sword to Su Chen in the future."

When Guanyin Bodhisattva heard the words of Mother Wudang, she shouted angrily,

"Mother Lishan, Su Chen has a good relationship with you. Why do you want to drag him into the quagmire of Jie Jiao? You are harming Su Chen."

Guanyin Bodhisattva did not expect that Our Lady of Wudang would do this.

She would tell Saint Tongtian about Su Chen. This would be very detrimental to Su Chen.

If Jie Jiao really tempted Su Chen to join Jie Jiao,

Su Chen would definitely do it in the future. Being suppressed by Buddhism and the Chanjiao people's sect may even put their lives in danger.

When the Virgin Mother Wu heard the words of Guanyin Bodhisattva, her face also changed.

She knew that if Su Chen joined the Jiejiao sect, other sects would definitely not Will let him go, those sects will never see Jie Jiao recover again.

However, when Our Lady of Wudang thought of what Su Chen had done before, she felt that it was much safer for Su Chen to join Jie Jiao than to become a Human Emperor.

Human Emperor If Su Chen was born, Buddhism, Chan Sect, Human Sect, Heavenly Court, and even their Jie Sect would not be able to let Su Chen go. The final fate of that bastard would definitely be ruthlessly suppressed.

When the Virgin Mother thought of this, she decided to tell Guanyin Bodhisattva, although this bitch is not very good

, she really cares about Su Chen. Maybe she will work with this bitch to help that bastard Su Chen in the future.

"You don't need to care about this. Guanyin, let me tell you a secret. Su Chen can use luck. He is also the emperor of an empire. I suspect that Su Chen may have the destiny of a human emperor. You should know what this means."

Guanyin Bodhisattva was very shocked when he heard Wudang Mother's words.

Su Chen can actually use luck?

Or is he an imperial emperor?

The destiny of the human emperor?

How is this possible?

Guanyin Bodhisattva was frightened by the news.

If Su Chen really He is the next generation of Human Emperor. If the various sects in the immortal world find out, this will probably cause a new war.

The Battle of the Gods is to cut off the human emperor from the human race. In the future, the human race can only have the emperor, and it is impossible for the human emperor to appear again..

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Our Lady of Wudang and asked in disbelief,

"This is impossible. How can Su Chen use luck? When did he become an emperor in the Godfall Continent? Human Emperor? After the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the fate of the Human Emperor of the human race has been cut off by the saints. How could the Human Emperor reappear?"

"Do you think I would cheat on you?"

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