Guanyin Bodhisattva fell silent after hearing the words of Our Lady of Wudang.

It was impossible for Our Lady of Wudang to use this matter to deceive herself. It seemed that Su Chen was really destined to be a human emperor.

But how could that bastard have the status of an emperor?

The destiny of the Human Emperor is to have the energy of the Human Emperor.

Su Chen is just a prince of Wu Xiangjun.

Even if Su Chen is an emperor, it is impossible for an emperor to gather the energy of the Human Emperor.

Unless, unless that bastard controls a world, but is this possible?

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Our Lady of Wudang and reminded,"Old Mother Lishan, this matter must be kept secret. It is absolutely impossible for Su Chen's identity to be revealed. I will go to Hangzhou City to investigate."

Our Lady of Wudang nodded and continued. said,

"I know that the city of Hangzhou is indeed very weird. The women in Su Chen are all very lucky."

"Especially Su Chen's two daughters, Su Yan and Su Yue, they have more luck than even the great powers in the fairy world. I suspect that Su Chen may not be a human race from the Shen Yun Continent."

"I think so tooYes, it’s better to investigate clearly first before talking."

"Guanyin, if Su Chen was really the Human Emperor, what would you do?"

"Nothing can happen to Su Chen."Guanyin Bodhisattva said without thinking when she heard the words of Our Lady of Wudang.

Her feelings for Su Chen were very special. Su Chen was more important to her than Buddhism.

Otherwise, she would not have created a chance for Su Chen to be destroyed. Jinshan Temple.

Our Lady of Wudang shook her head and said worriedly,"But can the two of us save Su Chen?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled when he thought of the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother of the West. That bastard has no other abilities, but his ability to provoke women is very powerful.

He knows all the powerful women in the fairy world, and even has a very good relationship with

Guanyin. When the Bodhisattva thought of this, he said to Our Lady Wudang,

"No, not only the two of us, the Queen Mother and even the Queen Mother of the West will not see anything happen to Su Chen"

"Queen Mother, I am very sure. After Queen Mother Xi returns to the fairy world, I will go and test it myself."

Our Lady of Wudang was very speechless when she heard what Guanyin Bodhisattva said.

She knew that the Queen Mother was obedient to Su Chen.

Although she didn't see anything, the Queen Mother of the West had not left West Kunlun for hundreds of thousands of years. She did it for Su Chen last time. When morning comes to Pantaoyuan, the Queen Mother of the West may also have a close relationship with Su Chen.

There is also the Moon God Chang Xi.

Su Chen talked a lot about the Moon God Chang Xi last time. Maybe the Moon God Chang Xi will help Su Chen in the future. The Holy Mother of Jin Ling and Yun Xiao in the church also have a good impression of Su Chen. If Holy Mother of Jin Ling and Yun Xiao are rescued by Su Chen from the control of the Conferred Gods List, they will also be able to help Su Chen. In this way, there are seven accurate people on their side. Holy Power, this is more than the quasi-sages of Buddhism.

After Our Lady of Wudang thought about the people Su Chen knew,

Our Lady of Wudang said her thoughts to Guanyin Bodhisattva,

"Guanyin, as well as the moon god Chang Xi, Chang'e is just Chang Xi's good corpse. If we can convince Chang Xi, we will have five quasi-sages to protect that bastard. If my senior sisters escape from the control of the list of gods in the future, the Golden Spirit Mother and the Yun Xiao will also try his best to help Su Chen."

Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded when she heard the words of the Holy Mother Wudang.

She was very surprised now.

Su Chen had only been in the fairy world for more than a year, but she could not imagine knowing such a powerful person.

But why did that bastard know him? All of them are women?


There is also Zhen Yuanzi who is a man.

Guanyin Bodhisattva also knows that Su Chen is helpless.

"Let’s go to Hangzhou City first. We must investigate Su Chen’s affairs first."


Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang looked at each other and disappeared one after another. They had been fighting for three days and three nights, just for Su Chen's sake.

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang will start to cooperate in the future.

On the sea,

Su Chen Zuo's big ship has been sailing on the sea for three days, and nothing happened along the way.

Su Chen also understood why the sea monsters did not attack these ships.

These ships leading to Poseidon Island were all done by people from Poseidon Island. Pass the sign.

As for what sign will prevent the sea monsters from attacking these ships, the people on the ship are not clear.

Su Chen sat on a chair and looked at the vast sea.

Although there was no accident on the ship this time, the people on the ship were bored. Life made Su Chen feel very boring. Once the novelty of going to sea wore off, Su Chen no longer had any interest in the sea.

"Look, there's a ship sinking."

At this time, a person on the boat suddenly shouted.

An old man looked over and shook his head and said,"It's a ship from the Southern Continent. I'm afraid that ship has no markings. It should have been attacked by a sea monster."

"Someone, someone is still alive"

"Come closer, someone is still alive"

"Boss of the ship, there are still people alive. Come over and save them."

"There are two people, I saw two people are still alive"

"Yes, it's a man and a woman, hurry up and save them."

When many people on the big ship looked over, they found that there were still survivors, and the guests on the ship shouted.

Su Chen suddenly discovered that the woman who fell into the water turned out to be Ning Rongrong.

This made Su Chen very surprised.

"Huh? Isn't that Ning Rongrong? How come she is here? With Ning Rongrong's cultivation, it was impossible for her to appear on Poseidon Island so early."

After a while, after the ship approached,

Ning Rongrong and a man were rescued onto the ship.

Su Chen did not come forward to say hello to Ning Rongrong.

He also had a relationship with Ning Rongrong, and they even made a fuss at that time. Unpleasant, I'm afraid Ning Rongrong won't remember him.

One day later, there was only half a day left to Poseidon Island. Su Chen felt that this time he was very lucky. His bad luck would be broken this time. I'm afraid it would be difficult to take a boat in the future. It was impossible for another accident to happen.

At this moment,

Ning Rongrong also appeared on the deck.

She was very lucky yesterday.

If she hadn't encountered a ship passing by, she might have been swept into the sea with others.

Ning Rongrong was also She was very worried about her friends.

Yesterday, the sea monster attacked too fast. They all fell into the water without any preparation. Ning Rongrong didn't know if something would happen to Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and others.

"It's you?"

Ning Rongrong suddenly discovered Su Chen.

She saw Su Chen leisurely sitting on a chair drinking tea.

Ning Rongrong was very surprised.

She didn't expect that this bastard who had teased her in the monster forest would be here. They met here.

Su Chen looked at Ning Rongrong and smiled. He didn't expect that Ning Rongrong really remembered him. Could this beautiful little beauty still miss the things in the monster forest?

"Little beauty, I didn’t expect you to still remember me. Do you want to finish what you didn’t finish in the monster forest last time?"

When Ning Rongrong heard Su Chen's words, she took a few steps back in fright.

She looked at Su Chen and threatened,

"You are dreaming. It is impossible for me to kiss you. Your name is Su Chen, right? I brought my Uncle Jian with me this time. If you dare to go against me, my Uncle Jian will kill you."

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