After Xiaobai, the Great White Shark, ate the fifth-turn golden elixir given to her by Su Chen, the soul power in her body increased rapidly, and even the hidden disease that was injured by the Demon Whale King was recovered.

Xiaobai looked at Su Chen and was very surprised.

How could this Su Chen have such a pill?

Su Chen smiled when he heard Xiaobai's words and said,"Xiaobai, you didn't save me for nothing this time, did you?"

"Su Chen, what kind of elixir did you give me?"

Xiao Bai looked at Su Chen with her huge head and asked doubtfully.

She felt that Su Chen's elixir was very extraordinary.

Immortal cultivators in the Eastern Continent were good at refining elixirs.

Su Chen's elixir was probably made from elixirs. , otherwise it would be impossible to have such a great effect on soul beasts.

"This is just a jelly bean, Xiaobai, I am going to enjoy the scenery of Poseidon Island. We will meet again in the future."

Su Chen waved to Xiaobai and left.

He wanted to see what was going on on Poseidon Island. Why was Poseidon so interested in Tangshan in the plot?

By the way!

And Tangshan!

That guy from Tangshan is also in the ruins space. If he didn't die, could it be that when Tangshan came out of the ruins space, he was brought to Poseidon Island by Poseidon?

Otherwise, how could Ning Rongrong and the others come to Poseidon Island for a trial at this time?


When Ning Rongrong saw Su Chen coming over, she waved her hand and called to Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at Ning Rongrong and said,"Ning Rongrong, I have something to do, see you in the future!"

Su Chen said and left quickly.

He wanted to meet the high priest of Poseidon Island first.

That extremely beautiful woman was also a tragic figure.

Su Chen also couldn't understand why the trial in Tangshan would let him The high priest offered sacrifices?

Qian Xueer had his grandfather offer sacrifices, and Tangshan had the high priest Bo Saixi offer sacrifices. Why do these tests by the God of Justice require sacrifices?

Then why does the Queen of the Spirit Empire, Bi Dong'er, not need to offer sacrifices ? Sacrifice?

Sacrifice for justice?

The evil doesn't want to sacrifice?

This is really ironic.

Ning Rongrong saw that Su Chen left like this, which made her unable to understand why Su Chen left? And to him? Could it be that she was indifferent because she didn't save him before?

Sword Douluo patted Ning Rongrong on the shoulder and said,

"Rong'er, let's leave too. We still need to find your friends."

Sword Douluo was very wary of Su Chen.

This grand master's warrior might not be simple.

From the conversation between Su Chen and Great White Shark just now, Sword Douluo guessed that Su Chen should come from a top sect, or even a top sect. an important figure.


Su Chen would not have the precious panacea

"All right!"

Ning Rongrong watched Su Chen leave and left with Sword Douluo. She still had to look for Xiao Wu and the others. She didn't know if Xiao Wu and the others would be in danger. On

Poseidon Island,

Su Chen looked at I was very surprised by the strange buildings here.

The buildings here are all similar to Western buildings. Did Poseidon come from the Western Continent?

Or are there people from the Western Continent living on Poseidon Island?

"Um? That is? Is that the power of faith? Poseidon Island actually has the power of faith. Does Poseidon need the power of faith to practice? Isn’t this the ability of the Holy Family in the Western Continent?"

Su Chen suddenly saw white threads gathering on the tower. If those white threads were not powerful, they would not be visible at all.

Su Chen felt that these white threads were very similar to his luck, and he suddenly thought of the power of faith in the West. ,

Su Chen understood everything when he thought of this.

Su Chen's mental power began to check the entire Poseidon Island. If he wanted to find Poseidon,

Poseidon must die.

Although the power of faith cannot match luck, if Poseidon uses luck, the son of luck, , then the Poseidon's cultivation level will improve very quickly, and he can even become a real god and ascend to the fairy world.

Su Chen thought that Poseidon, the Poseidon, could control this Poseidon Island.

He must have collected a lot of energy. Luck.

The child of luck cannot be killed unless the child's luck is exhausted.

Su Chen guessed that Poseidon, the god of the sea, is interested in Tangshan, and he may also be interested in Tangshan's luck. If the god of the sea cannot kill Tangshan, then only Tangshan can be used.

As long as Tangshan starts to believe in Poseidon, his luck will be taken away by Poseidon.

If Tangshan's luck is stolen by Poseidon in the future, then Tangshan will be killed.

No wonder the high priest of Poseidon Temple Bo Saixi will be sacrificed.

High Priest Bo Saixi is blocking the road to Tangshan.

High Priest Bo Saixi is the only Poseidon on Poseidon Island. He is also the most likely to be the next Poseidon successor. There is a high priest. With Bo Saixi here, how could Tangshan inherit a sea god with a false name?

Su Chen's face was very ugly.

He didn't care at all about the life and death of Tangshan and other sons of luck, but he had two daughters.

Su Yanhe The luck of Su Yue and the others is much greater than that of the lucky sons of Tangshan. The luck of the imperial princess and the daughter of the Emperor is simply not comparable to that of the lucky sons of Tangshan.

Su Chen didn't Maybe there is no threat left, not afraid of what may happen, but what if, he must kill the Poseidon who is a threat to his daughters.


Su Chen found the palace of the high priest Bo Saisi and teleported there.

At this moment, in a secret realm on Poseidon Island,

Tangshan is cultivating here.

Tangshan's strength has improved very quickly in the past few months. He is now a Contra (Golden Core Realm) soul cultivator, with several With continuous promotions over the past month, Tangshan’s strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

"call! He already has the strength of Soul Douluo. If he continues to practice in this place with strong soul power for another year, he can become a titled Douluo."

Tang Shan stood up from practicing.

After he was unconscious in the ruins space a few months ago and was teleported out, he was actually saved by the God of the Sea. He was even favored by the God of the Sea and stayed here to practice.

"Alas, my father was killed, and my mother Blue Yincao also stayed in the ruins space. Fortunately, she was favored by Poseidon. Otherwise, I might not be able to move forward in the Southern Continent in the future."

Tangshan looked around and planned to go out.

Poseidon's training was about to begin.

Xiao Wu and others should be arriving at Poseidon Island soon. Tangshan also needed Xiao Wu and others to help him pass Poseidon's trial, otherwise he would A person simply cannot pass the test of Poseidon. Su Chen was confused when he appeared in the palace of High Priest Bo Saixi. He did not expect that High Priest Bo Saixi was taking a bath, or taking a bath under a small waterfall in the palace.. Su Chen was too embarrassed to make a sound. He wanted to leave immediately, but the high priest Bo Saixi's perfect figure made him not want to leave at all. Tik da! At this time, Su Chen's nosebleed dropped. on the floor


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