In the High Priest's Temple,

Bo Saixi was taking a bath under a waterfall in a pool in the main hall, but a clicking sound suddenly came from the side hall, which made her instantly reach out and pull her dress over to cover her body.

This is the place where she bathes. No one can come without her permission. Who could secretly appear here? You even dare to spy on yourself taking a shower?

Bo Saixi turned around and saw a man with a nosebleed looking at her.

This made Bo Saixi very angry.

She was actually seen by this bastard. This damn voyeur actually dared to come to Poseidon Temple to spy on her.

"Endless sea of ​​burial!"

Boom boom boom boom........

As soon as Bo Saixi's second soul skill, the black halo, appeared, the water under the waterfall immediately condensed countless bubbles, and these bubbles with thunder and lightning quickly attacked Su Chen.

I'll do it!

Su Chen didn't expect that Bo Saixi would launch a sudden attack, so he quickly teleported to the side.


Bo Saixi is so beautiful. She has a tall and perfect figure, long sea-blue hair, and a soft face that makes people unconsciously attracted to her. Her beauty comes more from her temperament and nobility. Elegant and warm. swish swish.......

Just after Su Chen escaped, the water molecules in the surrounding air suddenly appeared and turned into bubbles, attacking Su Chen from all directions.

Holy shit!

What the hell!

The soul skill of High Priest Bo Saixi turned out to be a group attack, and even the water in the air could be used to attack. The strength of this beautiful woman was really very powerful.

Su Chen felt that Bo Saixi was more powerful than the Queen of the Spirit Empire and Dong'er.

But yes,

Bo Saixi is very old.

She is one generation older than the Empress of the Spirit Empire, the King of Naval Battles!

This is not just talk

"Peeping Tom, you're dead this time."Bo Saixi looked at Su Chen who was surrounded by sea bubbles and yelled angrily.

This shameless pervert dared her to take her idea.

Bo Saixi won't cut this shameless pervert into pieces this time. She is not the high priest of Poseidon Island Temple

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, High Priest, I came to see you for something. I didn’t mean to peek at you taking a shower."

"Bastard, you still dare to talk nonsense"

"Poseidon! Tangshan! High Priest, do you really not want to hear it?"

Su Chen saw that the thunder bubble was about to attack from all directions, so he hurriedly shouted to Bo Saixi.

Although Su Chen could easily break the attack, he didn't want to reveal his strength yet.

Poseidon hadn't appeared yet, so he Poseidon, the God of Poseidon, was not found on Poseidon Island.

Su Chen was also afraid that Poseidon would not show up on Poseidon Island if he knew about his strength.

Bo Saixi was stunned when he heard Su Chen's words.

Poseidon secretly brought Poseidon to Poseidon. She knew about Tangshan, and she was the only one in the entire Poseidon Island who knew that Tangshan was on Poseidon Island.

How could this bastard know about Tangshan?

When Su Chen saw the high priest Bo Saixi stop attacking, he hurriedly asked Bo Saixi," High Priest, aren't you surprised by Tangshan's appearance?

Bo Saixi looked at Su Chen and said coldly,"Accident?" Why should I be surprised?"

"High Priest, please put away your soul skills first. I am a great master and there is no way I can escape from you."

Bo Saixi put away the black soul ring after thinking about it.

She also wanted to know what Poseidon was doing when he brought Tangshan to Poseidon Island, and she also had a bad feeling recently, as if something big was going to happen.

Bo Saixi Looking at Su Chen, he snorted coldly,"Humph, let me spare your life first, but you can't leave Poseidon Island alive."

"Understand, understand"

"Say, what do you know?"

"Poseidon is preparing to let Tangshan inherit Poseidon"

"This is impossible. Tangshan's realm makes it impossible to inherit Poseidon. You are talking nonsense."

Bo Saixi shouted loudly when he heard Su Chen's words.

Tangshan was just a small soul cultivator.

Even if he had Poseidon's help during this period, Tangshan's strength would not be able to succeed Poseidon.

Su Chen shook his head. He shook his head and continued,

"Listen to me, Poseidon has his own purpose. I can't tell you now, but High Priest, you are in danger. If Tangshan completes Poseidon's trial, what do you think will happen to you?"

High Priest Bo Saixi's expression changed when he heard Su Chen's words,

Poseidon Trial?

She knew that if Tangshan really passed the trial, her end would be sacrifice.

This was the last step for Tangshan to inherit Poseidon.

Bo Saixi Sisi couldn't believe it when she thought of this.

She was the high priest of Poseidon Temple, and Poseidon actually wanted to sacrifice to her for a little soul master. Could it be that his peak peerless Douluo cultivation level was not as good as that of Tangshan, a little soul master

? Sisi clenched his fists tightly and pretended to be calm and said,

"What could happen to me? I am the high priest of Poseidon Temple. Even if Tangshan passes the trial and becomes the next Poseidon, I will still be the high priest of Poseidon Temple.

Su Chen crossed his arms and said with a smile,"Really?" If you didn't hold your fist, I would really believe what you said is true."

Su Chen could tell that Bo Saixi should know something, and he should even think about the sacrifice.

After all, Bo Saixi is the high priest of Poseidon Temple, and she probably knows everything about Poseidon Temple. Chu

"What else do you know?"

"High Priest, let’s cooperate. Tangshan is my enemy. If I kill Tangshan, you won’t have to worry about being sacrificed by the Poseidon in the future."

"Ha ha....., you are dreaming. Tangshan has been taken to the secret realm by Poseidon to practice. After Tangshan comes out, his strength will be greatly increased. With the strength of your great master, there is no way you can be Tangshan's opponent."

"You don't have to worry about this. If I am killed by Tangshan, it will save you from killing me in the future. Isn't this the best of both worlds for you?"

Bo Saixi fell silent when she heard Su Chen's words.

She couldn't figure out why Poseidon would do this, but the bastard who spied on her was dead. If she could use this bastard to deal with Tangshan, it would be the best of both worlds for her.

Su Chen looked at the high priest Bo Saixi and waited for her answer.

He was not worried about Bo Saixi's disapproval.

Whether Su Chen died in Tangshan's hands or in Bo Saixi's hands, this mattered to Bo Saixi. It's nothing. At most, it's a pity that Bo Saixi couldn't kill him with his own hands.

Bo Saixi glared at Su Chen and nodded in agreement,"I agree. You will live in my palace for the past two days without me. You are not allowed to go out with your permission, otherwise, I will kill you"

"Well, I won't go out without your permission."

Su Chen nodded when he heard Bo Saixi's words. It's the best thing for him to stay in the high priest's palace. If Tangshan starts the trial, Bo Saixi will be the one to preside over the trial in Tangshan. From now on, Tangshan He will know every move of

"Bo Saixi, are you still taking a shower? If you don’t want to wash it, I’ll wash it here. I’ve been on the boat for several days and my body is sticky and uncomfortable."


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