Three days later, in the palace of the high priest on Poseidon Island , Su Chen was sitting leisurely in the courtyard of the palace basking in the sun. The maids around him poured wine for Su Chen from time to time. The guards around him looked at Su Chen from time to time. They all I don’t understand why the high priest treated this young man so favorably. The high priest’s palace is like Su Chen’s palace.

"Master Su Chen, Xiaobai, the king of great white sharks, has arrived."

At this time, a guard came over and saluted Su Chen.

When Su Chen heard Xiao Bai's arrival, he stretched his waist and stood up and said,

"Let her come over!"

"Yes, Master Su Chen."

After a while,

Xiaobai came over quickly.

When she saw Su Chen, she shouted,

"Su Chen, what do you want from me? I'm about to advance and I don't have time to play with you."

Xiao Bai did not expect that Su Chen actually knew the high priest and even lived in the high priest's palace.

This made Xiao Bai very confused about Su Chen's identity.

She had never seen Su Chen come to Poseidon Island before. , then how did he know the high priest?

And the relationship between Su Chen and the high priest should be very close.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the high priest Bo Saixi to let Su Chen live in her palace.

Su Chen watched as he turned into a human form Xiaobai's eyes lit up.

Xiaobai is really beautiful in human form.

Her long gray-blue hair is scattered on her shoulders. Her eyes are also gray-blue. She has a tall and perfect figure and an uneven body shape. She is very hot and fair. Her skin revealed a gray-blue color.

If Xiaobai were a human, she would definitely be an exotic beauty.

Su Chen looked at Xiaobai for a while and then asked with a smile,"Xiaobai, has Poseidon seen anything lately?" Give you a task?"

Xiao Bai originally saw Su Chen looking at her, which made her face a little red.

After hearing Su Chen's words, she hurriedly said,

"Yes, there will be several humans who will accept my test in five days. What are these doing, you ask?"

Su Chen didn't expect that the assessment in Tangshan had already begun.

Fortunately, he asked the guards to find Xiao Bai this time.

Otherwise, he might have missed the assessment of those in Tangshan. The high priest Bo Saixi didn't even tell him that the assessment had started. Look. That woman still didn’t believe him.

Su Chen thought about it and said to Xiao Bai,

"Xiaobai, I'm a little bored on Poseidon Island. I'll go find you in five days and watch you play with those humans."

"Okay, but give me another one of your jelly beans"

"Haha, here you go, these are three fifth-level golden elixirs, but you'd better take them after you advance to Peerless Douluo."

Xiao Bai looked at the elixir in his hand and smiled and said,"I'm not stupid. Thank you Su Chen. I'm going back. I'll give you this bead. As long as they are members of my Great White Shark clan, they will obey your orders.."

Xiaobai didn't expect that Su Chen would be so generous. He gave her three more precious pills at once, which made Xiaobai feel very good about Su Chen.

Xiaobai decided that in the future, if Su Chen wants me to be in danger, she will help me. Help this little bastard

"OK, thank you very much."

Su Chen looked at the bead in his hand and smiled.

He didn't expect that Xiaobai would give him a bead that could command the great white shark.

It was of no use to him, but it was better than boring.

He would never have it again. You can sit on the Great White Shark and go out to sea for fun.

Xiaobai and Su Chen chatted for a while and left in a hurry.

Su Chen lay on the rocking chair again. Bo Saixi did not tell him that

Tangshan had begun trials.

Something is wrong.

Damn it!

Su Chen suddenly thought of that woman Bo Saixi and why she didn't tell him about Tangshan.

Wouldn't that woman Bo Saixi have met Tangshan?

If Tangshan told him his grandfather's name,

I'm afraid that silly woman Bo Saixi won't let Tangshan die. Su Chen felt very helpless when he thought that Bo Saixi had a relationship with Tangshan's grandfather. That silly girl Bo Saixi had a crush on Tangshan's grandfather. Now there's trouble. That stupid woman would definitely not kill Tang Shan again, and might even be willing to be sacrificed by Tang Shan. Su Chen stood up and was about to leave. Bo Saixi was unsure. Women he had a crush on were very crazy, and he didn't want to waver. Sisi went back on his word and came to kill himself

"where are you going?"

At this time,

Bo Saixi came out of the palace, looked at Su Chen, and asked coldly,"

Oh no!

Isn't this great beauty Bo Saixi always monitoring me?"

Xiaobai's arrival must have been known to Bo Saixi. He might even have heard the conversation between him and Xiaobai.

Su Chen coughed and hurriedly replied,

"Ahem, Bo Saixi, I'm just bored in the palace and want to go out for a walk. Don't worry, I won't leave Poseidon Island."

"Do you think I would believe it?"Bo Saixi looked at Su Chen with a cold face and said indifferently.

Su Chen immediately flattered him and said,

"You will definitely believe that you are a great beauty, and great beauties are very kind-hearted."


"I'll be back after I go out for a walk." boom!

"Holy shit! Bo Saixi, what are you doing?"

When Su Chen was about to leave,

Bo Saixi slapped Su Chen in front of him. Su Chen quickly backed away and shouted to Bo Saixi.

Bo Saixi looked at Su Chen and said coldly,"You actually and I know Xiaobai, the King of Great White Sharks, and you also know about the trials in Tangshan. Do you think I will let you go?"

"Bo Saixi, you want to kill me?" Su Chen 's face turned cold after hearing what Bo Saixi said. This beautiful high priest seems to be determined to kill him. Does he want to capture the high priest Bo Saisi first?

"What do you think?"

"You can't kill me!"

Bo Saixi coldly and arrogantly mocked Su Chen with disdain,

"Yeah? You are a little grand master warrior, why do you think I can't kill you?"

"Haha, Bo Saixi, what you promised me three days ago is considered fart?"

"court death!"

Su Chen saw that Bo Saixi was about to launch a soul ring attack.

He took out Suru's token and threw it to Bo Saixi and said,"Wait, Bo Saixi, look at this and tell me whether you dare to kill me."

This token is the token of the Qingyun Sect.

After Suru quit the Qingyun Sect, it was naturally impossible for her to keep her token.

Su Chen was bored and played with the token. He wanted to see if the Qingyun Sect could Stop High Priest Bo Saixi.

High Priest Bo Saixi was very surprised when he confirmed the token.

This is the token of Qingyun Sect, and it is also the token of an elder. Qingyun Sect is one of the top sects in the mainland. Qingyun

Sect is one of the top sects in the mainland.

The sect has Daoxuan, the leader of the second level Soul God (Dongxu Realm), and even the holy beast Water Kirin of the third level Soul God (Mahayana Realm), and the Immortal Killing Divine Sword is also a very powerful artifact. But

Poseidon Island dare not Offending the Qingyun Sect.

Bo Saixi looked at Su Chen and said with a complicated expression,

"Qingyunmen? The top sect of Taoist sect, I didn’t expect you to be from Qingyun sect."

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