After Su Chen withdrew his terrifying aura, High Priest Bo Saixi and Xiao Bai stared at Su Chen with serious expressions.

Su Chen's terrifying aura just now made them all breathless, and they almost collapsed to the ground under the threat of Su Chen's aura.

If Su Chen hadn't targeted them, the two of them would have fainted.

At this moment,

Su Chen let out a long breath.

He was also frightened by the news in the secret letter.

Su Yue was arrested?

When Su Chen saw the beginning, he couldn't help but burst into physical aura. If he hadn't seen Su Yue being taken away by Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin, he would have burst out with terrifying murderous intent.

Su Chen was also speechless to Xiao Bai.

The secret letter didn't tell him not to worry first, but started by saying that Su Yue had been arrested. Wasn't this intentional to make him worry?

I'm afraid Xiaobai did it on purpose.

He was away from the house all day long, and the women in the family might be resentful of him.

When Su Chen heard the words of Bo Saixi and Great White Shark Xiaobai, he also knew that his strength had been exposed just now, and he was in trouble this time.

Not only Bo Saixi and Xiaobai knew about his burst of aura, but also the entire Poseidon Island. Everyone on the Internet probably knew about it. Su Chen was also worried that Poseidon, the God of the Sea, had sensed his presence. Will Poseidon be frightened and run away?

Su Chen walked to Xiaobai, the Great White Shark, and he took out a bottle of Five-turn Golden Pill and said with a smile,"Xiaobai, I didn't mean to deceive you. This is my fault. This is a bottle of Five-turn Golden Pill. I apologized to you at that time."

Su Chen was very grateful to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai knew clearly that she was no match for High Priest Bo Saixi, but she still fought against High Priest Bo Saixi for him.

Su Chen guessed that Xiaobai wanted to buy him time to escape, and he was really grateful to Xiaobai. Xiaobai was very happy when she took a bottle of fifth-level golden elixir handed to her by Su Chen. These elixirs were magical elixirs. She could break through to the Peerless Douluo (distraction realm) by eating one before. If she takes a few more pills to practice, her strength will definitely improve very quickly in the future, and she can even surpass the high priest Bo Saixi in a few years. Besides, there must be a reason why Su Chen concealed his cultivation level. Su Chen didn't look down on himself because of his strength. Su Chen even apologized to her. Xiaobai still feels good about Su Chen. Thinking of this, she smiled and said,"That's pretty much it. Su Chen, what is your level of strength?" Su Chen smiled and replied,"The peak of Dongxu Realm is also the peak of the second level of Soul God Realm." hiss! Great White Shark Xiaobai was frightened when he heard Su Chen's words. The second level of Soul God Realm peak? This was much more powerful than Poseidon, the God of the Sea. Last time she heard that Poseidon, the God of the Sea, was at the first level of Soul Divine Realm. How could Su Chen be so powerful at such a young age? After Bo Saixi heard the conversation between Su Chen and Xiao Bai, she was very shocked. Second level of Soul God Realm? How could this bastard be so powerful? How else is she going to kill this bastard in the future? This bastard might kill her with one finger. Bo Saixi looked at Su Chen and clenched her fists in anger. This bastard was so powerful. Su Chen must have done it on purpose when he peeked at her taking a bath last time. damn it! High Priest Bo Saixi couldn't even take action against this bastard now, which made her very angry and helpless. Su Chen touched Xiaobai's hair and said with a smile,"Xiaobai, please go back first. I will go find you in two days."


"All right!"

Xiaobai nodded when she heard Su Chen's words. She looked at the angry high priest and quickly jumped into the sea and disappeared.

After Xiaobai left, Su Chen looked at the beautiful high priest Bo Saixi. He waved his hand and said,"Bo Saixi, please leave too!"

Bo Saixi glared at Su Chen and said fiercely,"Su Chen, I will never let you go."

"up to you!"

Su Chen was too lazy to pay attention to this silly woman.

Bo Saixi would never come to trouble him again, or even assassinate him.

Su Chen looked around and walked towards the small fishing village.

"Wait, tell me, what are you trying to do by hiding your cultivation and coming to Poseidon Island?"

"Didn’t I say that before? I came here this time to kill Tangshan"

"You are talking nonsense. Is it difficult for you to kill Tangshan? If you wanted to kill Tangshan, would Tangshan be able to survive until now?"

"Bo Saixi, you asked too much, and I don’t need to answer you."

Bo Saixi stopped Su Chen and refused to let him leave.

She wanted to know what Su Chen was going to do when he came to Poseidon Island this time. She also didn't believe that Su Chen came here for Tangshan.

Su Chen was stronger than Poseidon, the god of the sea. , would a small Tangshan allow Su Chen to mobilize his troops to kill him personally?

Also, this bastard is probably not a disciple of the Qingyun Sect. Does the Qingyun Sect have such a young and powerful disciple?

Su Chen looked at Bose standing in front of him Xi was very speechless.


Bo Saixi was really beautiful when seen up close. With a cold face, a cold and arrogant temperament, and a tall and perfect figure, Bo Saixi was really very beautiful and perfect.

"Su Chen, are you planning to take action against Poseidon Island?"

Bo Saixi suddenly thought of Su Chen's appearance on Poseidon Island.

Could it be that Su Chen had thoughts about Poseidon Island? Or even did this bastard want to conquer Poseidon Island?

"If you think too much, Poseidon Island is useless. I have no interest in Poseidon Island at all.

Bo Saixi glared at Su Chen and continued to ask,"Then what are your plans?""

Bo Saixi shook her head when she heard what Su Chen said.

She didn't believe what Su Chen said.

Even if Su Chen had no intention of visiting Poseidon Island, it was very abnormal for this bastard to appear on Poseidon Island.

"Bo Saixi, if you have the leisure, you should check Tangshan, otherwise your old lover will really break up."Su Chen disappeared after saying to Bo Saixi.

He didn't care about what would happen to Bo Saixi in the future. He had to think carefully about what Guanyin and Wudang were going to do when they took Su Yue away.

Guanyin and Wudang The Holy Mother actually reconciled as before? They even moved into Hangzhou Mansion.

Could it be that they had doubts about their identity?

Su Chen thought about it but didn't reveal his identity anywhere. Why did Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Holy Mother take Su away? Where is Yue? What information are they trying to find out?

At the beach, after Su Chen left, Bo Saixi stood at the beach thinking about what Su Chen said. Bo Saixi didn’t understand what Su Chen meant?

Tangshan ?

She doesn't care about him now.

She can't do anything about what will happen to Tang Chen's descendants in the future. She can't protect him if Su Chen really wants to kill Tang Shan.

"well! What on earth was that bastard doing in Poseidon Island? There is nothing on Poseidon Island that can attract a powerful immortal cultivator, right?"

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