After Su Chen returned to his room in the small fishing village, he lay on the bed and couldn't figure out how the Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Virgin of Wudang could reconcile. They fought fiercely at Jinshan Temple, and Buddhism and Jiejiao were also mortal enemies. How could they turn enemies into friends and reconcile as before?

I'll do it!

Something bad happened!

Something bad happened!

Su Chen suddenly thought of what happened in Jinshan Temple.

He used his luck to help the Black Armored Legion fight in Jinshan Temple. He even said that he was the emperor of the Xuantian Empire. These must have been heard by Our Lady of Wudang.

"Damn it, why did I forget that Wudang Holy Mother was beside me in the first place? Now I'm in trouble. Wudang Holy Mother must have guessed that he was not from the Shenyun Continent, and even suspected that he might be the Human Emperor."

Su Chen was very annoyed when he sat up.

How could he make such a low-level mistake?

Our Lady of Wudang must have told Guanyin Bodhisattva. It seems that they took Su Yue away to make sure.

Yue'er is young,

Guanyin The Bodhisattva and the Wudang Virgin must have tempted Yue'er to reveal his secret.


Bo Saixi suddenly appeared in Su Chen's room.

She was very surprised to see Su Chen's absent-minded, even flustered look.

This bastard Why did it become like this all of a sudden? Did that secret letter tell this bastard some bad news?

"Nie Xiaoqian!"

Su Chen suddenly shouted, and a beautiful man in a white dress suddenly appeared and saluted Su Chen,


"Lead all the female ghosts in the Nascent Soul Realm to search for secret places or even hidden barriers in Poseidon Island. If you find anyone with cultivation level above the Fusion Realm, please notify me immediately."

"Yes, master!"

After Nie Xiaoqian saluted Su Chen, more than ten beautiful women in white dresses suddenly appeared in the room. After these women appeared, they saluted Su Chen and then disappeared into the room one by one.

Bo Saixi looked at all this in confusion. , she did not expect that Su Chen would have so many powerful subordinates, even the beautiful woman who appeared earlier was stronger than her, and even the remaining women were also very powerful.

Su Chen quickly wrote a secret letter After writing the letter, he took out a three-turn pill and fed it to the Butterfly-winged Bird on his shoulder, saying,"Butterfly-winged Bird, I'm going to trouble you again. If you eat this elixir, send the secret message back to Hangzhou City as soon as possible.""

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The little butterfly-winged bird screamed and flew away quickly after eating the golden elixir.

Su Chen suddenly shouted again,


Su Chen doesn't want to wait any longer now.

He wants to find Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Our Lady as soon as possible, even though the system has sealed the memories of everyone who came to Shenyu Continent.

The secrets of Tianxuan Continent,

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Our Lady cannot be found from It was found in his memory that Su Yue was still young.

Although Su Yue was smart, Su Chen was also worried that Su Yue would inadvertently reveal the secrets of Tianxuan Continent.


A woman suddenly appeared next to Su Chen and saluted.

This woman had long sea-blue shawl hair, a beautiful face, and a curvy figure. She was a very beautiful woman.

Su Chen looked at Lan Yin Cao then ordered,"A Yin, go to Poseidon Island to find a man named Tang Shan and capture him.""

"Yes, master!"

After Su Chen arranged all this and thought about it without missing anything, he looked at the high priest Bo Saixi beside him.

This woman had heard what he had just ordered.

Su Chen had no time to talk to Bo Saixi just now. , the matter of Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin made him lose his sense of proportion.

The identity of his emperor must not be exposed, otherwise, the Buddhism of the Immortal World, the Human Sect, the Chan Sect, the Heavenly Court, and even the Jie Sect will not let him go..When the time comes, he, his women, daughters, and even millions of black-armored legions will be slaughtered.

Bo Saixi saw another woman stronger than her appear, which made her a little numb Now, she was even more curious about Su Chen's identity. This bastard's subordinates are so powerful. Who is he?

Su Chen looked at Bo Saixi and said coldly,"You shouldn't have come, nor should you." Hear what I just said.

High Priest Bo Saixi looked at Su Chen and asked complicatedly,"Who are you?""

"Hangzhou Chengwu Xiangjun!"

When Bo Saixi heard Su Chen's words, he said with disbelief,"Mr. Wu Xiang of Hangzhou City? How can you be a noble? How could a noble be a powerful immortal cultivator?"

"Bo Saixi, you asked too much. You should think about your own situation."

"You want to kill me?"

"What do you think?"

When Bo Saixi heard Su Chen's words, she knew that Su Chen really wanted to kill her.

However, she didn't care.

Su Chen was one step ahead of schedule in killing her. Even if Su Chen didn't kill her, Bo Saixi wouldn't be able to survive for long. , after all, she is already preparing to sacrifice for the trial in Tangshan

"Let’s do it!"

Su Chen was speechless when he saw Bo Saixi closing his eyes and waiting for death.

He was just scaring the high priest Bo Saixi. He didn't expect that this woman didn't resist or run away. She just closed her eyes and waited for death. It seems that High Priest Bo Saixi also knew that he could not escape.

Su Chen waved his hand and said to High Priest Bo Saixi,"Leave! For Xiaobai’s sake, I won’t kill you."

"Um? you sure? I heard your secret, are you really not going to kill me?"

Bo Saixi opened his eyes and asked doubtfully, what on earth is this bastard going to do?

One moment he wants to kill himself, the next moment he lets her go, and he also says that for Xiaobai's sake, Xiaobai, the king of the great white sharks, is so Big face?

"secret? My identity will be known to every household in the Eastern Continent in the future, and there is no need for me to hide it."

"Are you really Mr. Wu Xiang from Hangzhou City in the Eastern Continent?"


Bo Saixi shook her head when she heard Su Chen's admission.

She still didn't believe this bastard, a monarch in his twenties.

How could he be so powerful?

This bastard just let his men attack Poseidon. Looking for secret places and barriers on the island, she also wanted to know what Su Chen was going to do on Poseidon Island.

"I won’t leave, I want to know what exactly you are going to do on Poseidon Island."

Su Chen didn't expect that Bo Saixi would not leave. He was very irritable now. Before Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin Mary were settled, Su Chen had no intention of talking to this woman.

Su Chen suddenly touched Bo Saixi's face and smiled. He said,"Girl, I peeked at you taking a shower, aren't you afraid of what I would do when we were alone in the room?"

"Shameless pervert, what are you going to do?"Bo Saixi quickly slapped Su Chen's hand away and yelled angrily.

Su Chen crossed his arms and threatened Bo Saixi,"Leave, or you will know what will happen to you."

"Don't think about it, I am the high priest of Poseidon Island. If you do something that harms Poseidon Island, I will definitely stop you. Even if I am not your opponent, I will not let you destroy Poseidon Island even if I die."

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