On Poseidon Island, beautiful women in white dresses shuttled quickly on Poseidon Island. They seemed to be searching for something.

Some powerful soul cultivators on Poseidon Island also discovered these beautiful women, but they did not dare to stop them.

"Do we really not stop it?"

"How to stop it? There are more than ten immortal cultivators, and there are only seven of us. We are no match for those women."

"Yes, the leading woman is even more powerful. The seven of us combined are no match for that woman, let alone the remaining ten or so powerful women."

"what should we do?"

"Go to the Poseidon Temple to find the high priest and see what the high priest will do."

"That's all we can do, let's go find the high priest first"

"Let's go and quickly go to Poseidon Temple to find the high priest."

In a palace next to the Poseidon Pillar, the guardians of the seven sacred pillars were very surprised and helpless after discovering Nie Xiaoqian and others. As the guardians of Poseidon Island, they were unable to stop those powerful cultivators. Those women. Although those women are at the same level of cultivation as them, they are all Titled Douluo (Nascent Soul Realm), but those women are all immortal cultivators, and they soul cultivators are no match at all. And there is also a beautiful woman They are more powerful than them, and they are no match for the beautiful woman in the lead. The guardians of the seven holy pillars can only go to the high priest first to check the situation. In a palace, Tangshan, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu and more than ten people They were talking about the terrifying breath just now. Boom! Suddenly, the door of the palace was suddenly blasted open, and then a beautiful woman in a blue dress appeared in the palace.


"Everyone, be careful, this woman is coming with bad intentions!"

"So powerful, is this woman a titled Douluo?"

"Uncle Jian, what is this?"

"Be careful, this woman is more powerful than a titled Douluo, I can feel it"

"who are you?"

Everyone in Tangshan looked at this unkind woman.

They were all very vigilant and confused.

They had not offended anyone on Poseidon Island. Why did this woman look so cold and heartless? Everyone in Tangshan knew this. Women are probably troublesome

"Who is Tangshan?"

Lanyincao looked at the people in the palace and asked indifferently.

Lanyincao had also felt Su Chen's irritability and uneasiness before. She didn't know what happened to Su Chen, but she wanted to complete Su Chen's friendship as soon as possible. The task given to her.

This is the first time she has worked for Su Chen after recovering.

Lan Yincao must complete the task assigned to her by Su Chen flawlessly.

"I am Tangshan, senior, what do you want from me?"Tangshan stood up and saluted Lan Yincao.

Tangshan felt that this woman seemed to be very familiar, just like his family.

This made Tangshan very strange.

He had never felt like this before. What on earth is this beautiful woman like? Who is he?


Lan Yincao burst out with a powerful aura after hearing Tang Shan's words.

She stretched out her hand and sucked Tangshan in.

The powerful aura was Ning Rongrong, Sword Douluo, Oscar, Xiao Wu, and others. They were all suppressed underground.

They all looked at the beautiful woman in front of them in horror.

This woman was so powerful that they couldn't even think of any resistance.

Sword Douluo's face turned red and he resisted the force of Blue Yincao. Momentum, he did not expect this woman to be so powerful. This woman must be a peerless Douluo (distraction realm).

"what are you up to? Tangshan asked in panic when he was caught by Lan Yin Cao.

Lan Yin Cao looked at Tang Shan indifferently and said,"Catch you, my master wants to see you!""

Tangshan was confused when he heard Lan Yincao's words, master?

This beautiful and powerful woman actually has a master? But why did the master of this beautiful woman want to arrest him?

"Owner? I have not offended you, nor do I know your so-called master. Senior, I am a friend of Poseidon, the God of the Sea. If you catch me, you will offend the Lord Poseidon."

Lanyincao smiled disdainfully,


A person who may not even be able to compare with her master's level of cultivation, but is still arrogant and calls himself Poseidon?

What if Poseidon appears?

Lanyincao thinks that Su Chen might What we are looking for on Poseidon Island is Poseidon. She also heard clearly that Nie Xiaoqian and those female ghosts went out to search for secret places and barriers.

"Poseidon? Haha, do you think I will be afraid of Poseidon? Boy, don't be nagging, come with me to see my master."

"Who is your master?"

"You will know when you arrive."

Lanyincao grabbed Tangshan and left quickly. She didn't want to delay her. Su Chen was still waiting for her to take Tangshan back. She didn't want Su Chen to wait too long.

After Lanyincao left,

Ning Rongrong and others also regained their freedom.

They saw Lan Yincao kidnapped Tangshan, which made them wonder what happened.

"what to do? what should we do?"

"Go and save Tangshan. We can't just watch Tangshan being taken away and ignore him."

"I want to save my brother"

"Xiao Wu, calm down. Even if we go there, we can't save Tangshan. That woman is too powerful."

"Let’s go find the high priest. Tangshan said that the high priest knew his grandfather."

"So what are you waiting for? Let's go find the high priest quickly."

Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, and Oscar were all very anxious.

Tangshan was captured by a powerful woman of unknown origin.

They couldn't save Tangshan even if they wanted to.

They couldn't even resist the powerful woman's momentum.

He Talking about saving Tangshan?

The few of them can only go to Poseidon Temple to find the high priest for help.

In the small fishing village,

Su Chen's room was shrouded in the law of space.

A layer of blue light protected the room. From the outside,

This room is looming, as if you can walk in with one step, but also as if you can never reach the room.

"Huh? What is the master doing? Why are the rooms isolated?"

After Lan Yin Cao came back with Tang Shan, she looked at the room where Su Chen lived and was very confused.

The room had been protected by the power of space.

Lan Yin Cao knew that Su Chen knew the laws of space. These blue barriers were also arranged by Su Chen. Yes, it’s just why the space rules are arranged to isolate the room at this time? This makes her confused.

"That woman in the room?"

Lanyincao suddenly thought of High Priest Bo Saixi, and her face turned red quickly.

Lan Yincao felt that Su Chen must be fooling around with that woman, otherwise Su Chen would not have been able to seal the room and prevent anyone from entering. Lan Yincao felt that Su Chen must be fooling around with that woman.


Su Chen would not have sealed the room to prevent anyone from entering.

Lan Yincao Yincao left Tangshan aside, so she imprisoned Tangshan with the Blue Yin Cage.

It was impossible for her to disturb Su Chen now, and Lan Yincao could only wait for Su Chen and that hateful woman to come out.

"Bluegrass? How come you have the Blue Yin Grass Martial Spirit?"

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