Tangshan was very surprised when he saw that he was imprisoned by the Blue Yin Cage.

The Blue Yin Grass Martial Spirit?

Why does this woman also have bluegrass?

Tangshan's blue yin grass martial spirit was passed down to him by her mother. Except for her mother and him, no one else in this world could have a blue yin grass martial spirit.

Lan Yin Cao looked at Tangshan and sneered,"Tsk! I am the Lan Yin Cao Emperor. Is it strange that I have the Lan Yin Cao martial spirit?"

"Emperor Lan Yin? Impossible, my mother is the Lanyin Emperor, you......Are you my mother?"

Tangshan was very surprised when he heard Lan Yincao's words,

Lan Yin Huang?

Her mother is Lan Yin Huang.

Is this beautiful woman her mother?

But wasn't her mother thrown into the ruins space?

It's just Lan Yin. Cao Wuhun can't lie, no wonder!

No wonder he felt that this woman was very familiar and friendly before. This beautiful woman may really be her mother.

Lan Yincao was very angry when he heard Tang Shan's words.

She is a perfect body.

What nonsense is this little bastard talking about?


How could she be the mother of this Tangshan?

"Boy, what are you talking about? How could I be your mother? If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you. Tang

Shan grabbed Lan Yin's cage and shouted loudly,"Impossible, you are my mother. Do you know Tang?" I am Tang Shan, Tang Hao’s son. Do you really not remember us?"

Lanyincao is too lazy to pay attention to this Tangshan.

What Tang name?

What Tangshan?

She has no memory of these two people. How can Lan Yincao get married if she is a perfect body? She even has such an old son? This Tangshan must have been frightened out of her mind.

Blue Yincao sat elegantly on the stone outside the room.

She felt very ashamed and angry when she looked at the room.

Why did Su Chen have a relationship with the woman he just met?

Su Chen had already given up. After marrying that beautiful ghost Nie Xiaoqian, when will it be her turn? Couldn’t her appearance be as good as that of Nie Xiaoqian and that high priest Bo Saixi?

Tangshan saw that Blue Yincao didn’t pay attention to him, which made him unable to think about anything. Understand, this is obviously his mother.

It’s understandable that Lan Yincao doesn’t recognize him.

After all, he has never seen his mother since he was a child, but why doesn’t she know his father’s name?

An hour later, in the room,

Su Chen Seeing the disheveled High Priest Bo Saixi staring at him fiercely, he hurriedly put on his clothes in embarrassment.

Su Chen had previously tried to scare the High Priest Bo Saixi, but the High Priest Bo Saixi was so arrogant that he refused to leave.

This Su Chen attacked her, but things turned out to be a bit complicated.

Su Chen originally wanted to spank the high priest Bo Saixi a few times to make her leave in fear, but as he was spanking, Su Chen got angry. The high priest Bo Saisi also had his innocence corrupted by him.

"Give me the cultivation level to unlock the seal!"The high priest looked at Su Chen and shouted coldly.

The high priest Bo Saixi is now even more stunningly beautiful.

His crimson face is now very delicate. His cold eyes make the high priest look even more cold and noble. The tattered clothes The skirt covering her body is very tempting,

"oh! OK"

After Su Chen heard the words of High Priest Bo Saixi, he hurriedly unlocked the sealed realm of cultivation of the High Priest.

When he saw the High Priest wearing clothes,

Su Chen touched his nose and stood aside.!

Come on!

Su Chen didn’t expect that after High Priest Bo Saixi put on her clothes, she would suddenly attack him.


Su Chen teleported behind High Priest Bo Saixi, and he hugged her tightly. She, this arrogant woman,

Su Chen felt that she had to continue to seal her cultivation realm.

"High Priest, I warn you, if you attack me again, I will continue to seal your cultivation realm."

"Bastard, let me go. Let me go."High Priest Bo Saixi looked at Su Chen's struggle and shouted fiercely.

Her innocence has been ruined by this bastard. She will kill this shameless pervert even if she dies.

High Priest Bo Saixi is now in her heart She hated this bastard very much.

Her decades of innocence had been insulted like this.

What was the point of living for her?

High Priest Bo Saixi knew that she couldn't kill this bastard. She stared at Su Chen and activated her soul power to prepare to self-destruct. Soul rings, she wanted to die together with this shameless pervert.

All seven soul rings, black, black, black, black, black and red, appeared.

Damn it!

This woman is so cruel.

Is she going to self-destruct and die with herself?

Su Chen thought He humiliated High Priest Bo Saixi, and it was understandable for High Priest Bo Saisi to do so.

But he didn't want to die like this, so

Su Chen quickly sealed the realm of cultivation of High Priest Bo Saixi. After Sisi's cultivation realm was sealed, the seven soul rings also disappeared without a trace.

After Su Chen sealed the high priest Bo Saixi again, he let go of the beautiful high priest and said,"High priest, I was sorry for you just now, but I also reminded you several times to ask you to leave, and you can't blame me for that."

High Priest Bo Saixi stared at Su Chen with a look of despair and cursed,"Shameless pervert, you will not die in peace."

High Priest Bo Saixi didn't expect that even if she wanted to blow herself up, would she want this bastard to do whatever he wanted to her in the future?

She wasn't willing to accept it.

She wouldn't be willing to die even if she didn't kill this bastard.

Su Chen heard the high priest Bo Saixi Sisi was very helpless.

He would definitely not kill High Priest Bo Saisi. Even after he killed Poseidon, Poseidon Island was ruled by High Priest Bo Saisi. This can be regarded as Su Chen's love for the high priest. Bo Saixi's compensation.

Su Chen looked at Bo Saixi and wondered how to deal with this beautiful girl. He couldn't always seal the cultivation of the high priest Bo Saixi. It would be a bit troublesome for this woman to deal with her.

Su Chen After thinking about it, he quickly hugged the high priest and said with a smile,"I know, high priest, you are my woman now, have you ever cursed your husband like this?"

High Priest Bo Saixi pushed Su Chen and cursed angrily,"Get out, I'm not your woman, you shameless pervert, I want to tear you into pieces right now."

"That's not okay. If you kill me, our children will have no father in the future."


The high priest Bo Saixi was confused when he heard Su Chen's words.

Although she was very old, she didn't know anything about men and women.

Bo Saixi thought that she had already had a relationship with Su Chen. Could it be that she had already had a relationship with Su Chen? Will she really be pregnant with this bastard's child?

High Priest Bo Saixi panicked for a moment.

She didn't want to be pregnant with this shameless child.

Su Chen looked at the confused High Priest Bo Saixi and he was also confused. Yes, he was just talking casually.

Why does it look like High Priest Bo Saixi believed what he said?

Doesn’t it mean that High Priest Bo Saixi doesn’t know anything about men and women?

Pregnancy does not happen once or twice. You can get pregnant, but some people can't get pregnant for several years. High Priest Bo Saixi won't just focus on cultivation. He doesn't know anything about worldly things, right?

"Yes, I have already thought about the names of our future children. From now on, our daughter will be called Susie. How about this name? Doesn’t it sound very nice?"

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