Wenquxing was stunned when he heard Xiaoqing calling Su Chen's name.

Su Chen, the general of Yaochi in Heaven, was very famous. Although he had never met Su Chen, he had also heard of Su Chen's legend.

Don't worry. It seems that Su Chen is just a little monk.

In the Heavenly Court,

Emperor Haotian is the boss, and Su Chen is the second-in-command, and he is also a person that no one can afford to mess with. Even if the gods in the Heavenly Court dare to disobey the orders of the Emperor of Heaven, they would not dare to disobey the Yaochi Divine General Su. Chen's Order, Jie Jiao, Chan Jiao, Ren Jiao, Buddhism, these major religions are all related to Su Chen.

The Queen Mother of Yaochi, the Guanyin Bodhisattva of Buddhism, the Queen Mother of West Kunlun, the Wudang Holy Mother of Jiejiao, the Golden Spirit Holy Mother, Yunxiao, these powerful quasi-sages are all closely related to Su Chen.

Moreover, it is rumored that Su Chen has the final say in the Yaochi Palace of the Queen Mother. Does he, a little fairy, dare to offend Su Chen?

In heaven, little gods like him are not even qualified to see Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at Wenquxing expressionlessly and said coldly,

"Wen Quxing actually knows the name of this divine general."

Wenquxing turned pale when he heard Su Chen's words. This Su Chen turned out to be the Yaochi Divine General in Heaven.

He is going to be finished this time.

Although Wenquxing has a good relationship with Lei Zhenzi, the third generation disciple of Chanjiao, Su Chen has a close relationship with Anji. The relationship between the immortals was very good, and the Antarctic immortal even went to the Yaochi Wonderland to meet Su Chen in person.

Wenquxing felt that he was going to die this time.

He was immediately frightened into a cold sweat, and plop!

Wenquxing hurriedly knelt down to Su Chen. Begging for mercy,"God will atone for his sins. Xiaoxian didn't know that God will be here. Just now, Xiaoxian spoke uncontrollably. I hope Master God can forgive Xiaoxian for the offense he just committed.""

Su Chen looked at Wen Quxing who was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

He asked without any politeness.

"Atonement? offend? Who dares to offend me in this heavenly palace? Even Emperor Haotian wants to give me some face, but you, a little immortal, dare to threaten me? If you even want to rob the woman of this divine general, you will be thrown into the eighteenth level of hell."

Wen Quxing kept kowtowing to Su Chen and begging for mercy,"God will atone, God will atone, Xiaoxian will never dare to do it again, please ask God to forgive Xiaoxian this time."

Ji Ruxi and the women looked at Su Chen in shock.

They didn't expect that Xiaoqing just called out Su Chen's name, and Wenquxing was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy.

Yaochi Divine General?

When did Su Chen become a bastard ? The Divine General of Yaochi?

And it seems that Su Chen's status in the heaven is still very high.

It's just Su Chen who is not an immortal yet.

How could he be the Divine General of Yaochi?

Even an immortal was frightened by Su Chen. Their bodies were covered in cold sweat.

Ji Ruxi and the other girls looked at Su Chen and their faces turned cold. They felt that Su Chen had hidden a lot of things from them.

When did this bastard go to the fairy world?

He even became a Yaochi general in the fairy world?

No wonder when this bastard came back last time, he would bring a lot of fairy fruits, fairy wine, and even golden elixirs that can increase cultivation.

After Ji Ruxi and these women looked at each other, they planned to wait for Su Chen to deal with Wenquxing's matter Finally, they asked Su Chen to tell them everything they had hidden.

Su Chen looked at Wen Quxing and ordered expressionlessly,

"Wenquxing, self-proclaimed cultivator, I will deal with you after I return to heaven."

Su Chen originally wanted the little fox to kill Wenquxing, but he thought that Wenquxing was just a clone.

If he killed Wenquxing's clone, the real Wenquxing in the fairy world would probably get the news. The real Wenquxing in the fairy world knew that he had offended him. He will not be able to survive.

If he reveals what happened to the Shenyu Continent, I am afraid that there will be no peace in the Shenyu Continent in the future. The gods in the fairy world will find a way to come to the Shenyu Continent.

Su Chen thought about it and decided not to kill Wen Quxing first. The clone, this matter will wait until he returns to the fairy world before executing Wenquxing.

Wenquxing was very helpless when he heard Su Chen's words.

Would he dare to disobey Su Chen's order?

Wenquxing also thought about killing someone to silence him, but what's the use of killing a clone?

He He came to the Shenyu Continent with a clone, and Su Chen must have used a clone to come to the Shenyu Continent. Does he dare to kill Su Chen?

If Wen Quxing dares to take action against Su Chen, I am afraid there will be no place for him in the fairy world. Those in the fairy world The gods who want to make peace with Su Chen will definitely hunt him down with all their strength.

At that time, Wenquxing will really have no way to go to heaven and no land to enter. There is no place for him in heaven and earth.

Wenquxing is helpless.

He really couldn't afford to offend Su Chen for his self-proclaimed cultivation. If he killed a clone of Su Chen, he would die without a burial place.

If he confessed to Su Chen's self-proclaimed cultivation, he might still have a chance to survive.

Wenquxing I hope Su Chen can spare his life when he returns to heaven in the future.

When Su Chen saw that Wen Quxing was so sensible, he proclaimed himself a cultivator and was ready to arrest him. This made him a little confused.

He originally thought that Wen Quxing would kill him and silence him. Could it be that he was in heaven? Is this what scares the gods?

"Little fox, you will imprison Wenquxing. By the way, ask him how he came to the Shenyu Continent."


"Su Chen, you really impress me, Yaochi Divine General? Haha, I'll come back to you bastard again in the future."

After the little fox suddenly appeared and taunted Su Chen, she grabbed Wenquxing and disappeared into the city lord's palace.

Ji Ruxi and the others saw that Su Chen had taken down Wenquxing in just a few words.

They were all speechless towards Su Chen. They originally thought there was someone there. It was an earth-shattering battle, but they didn't expect it to end so anticlimactically.

Ji Ruxi and Qing Lengde mocked Su Chen,"Husband, won't you explain it to us? Lord Yaochi God General?"

The other women also looked at Su Chen with unkind expressions. They wanted Su Chen to explain it to them no matter what this time. I

'm afraid this bastard was hiding more than one thing from them. They also wanted to know why Su Chen wanted to Hiding these things from them, could it be that Su Chen didn't believe them?

Damn it,

Su Chen looked at Ji Ruxi and the women with unkind expressions.

He was also very helpless.

Ji Ruxi and these women knew about the ladder. But he has been to the fairy world, and no one even knows about the things he did in the fairy world, huh?


Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin Mary know that he has been to the heaven.

Looking at the appearance of Ji Ruxi and the girls this time, they will definitely We need to get to the bottom of everything he hides, but can he tell some things?

The Human Emperor?

Does he dare to tell Ji Ruxi and these women?

The Human Emperor matter is of great importance, and it is related to the lives of his entire family. You Guan, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better. It is impossible for Su Chen to tell anyone, not even the most trustworthy people.

If they go to the fairy world, those powerful men in the fairy world will probably be able to tell Ji Ruxi and these people at a casual glance. There is no problem with Su Chen's systematic protection of women's memories, but Ji Ruxi and these women do not have systematic protection. When

Shi Feixuan saw Su Chen's deep thought, she smiled and asked,"Husband, are you trying to fool me?" Us?"

"No, no, how could I fool you, I was just wondering how to tell you."

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