Ji Ruxi and the other girls were speechless when they heard Su Chen's words.

They didn't believe what Su Chen just said. This bastard lied without blinking an eye. When they were not with Su Chen, they were all deceived by this bastard. Pass

"I ask you to answer!"Xiao Qing looked at Su Chen and said proudly.

When Su Chen saw the other women nodding, he smiled and said to Xiao Qing,"Okay, you ask and I answer, Xiao Qing, you ask!"

"Have you been to fairyland?"

"Been there!"

"Are you really the divine general of Yaochi in heaven?"


"You are the divine general of Yaochi, so how powerful are you in heaven?"

"Under one person, above ten thousand people!"

Su Chen smiled and answered Xiao Qing's question.

He had nothing to hide in the fairy world. As long as it didn't involve the Human Emperor and the system, Su Chen would not hide other things from his women. After Xiaoqing ,

Ji Ruxi and the other women heard what Su Chen said, they were all very surprised.

Su Chen was actually lower than one person and higher than ten thousand people in the Heavenly Court?

Could it be that in the Heavenly Court, apart from the Emperor of Heaven,

Su Chen was The second most powerful person in heaven?

What about the Queen Mother?

Where are the four great emperors in the east, west, south and north?

And where is the Supreme Lord?

Su Chen is a small monk.

He is probably not as powerful as the heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven, let alone The powerful gods Erlang God Yang Jian and Nezha

"Husband, how did you get to the fairy world?"Ji Ruxihe poured Su Chen a cup of tea and asked in confusion.

Su Chen explained while drinking the tea,

"Do you still remember the ladder I told you about? From the 9900th floor to the 9999th floor, I went to the fairy world for the trial. I stayed in the fairy world for more than a year."

Ji Ruxihe was shocked when he heard Su Chen's words and said,"The ladder trial actually went to the fairy world? What is the origin of the ladder? How could it be so powerful? Even the passage to the fairy world can be opened."

The other women were also very surprised.

Su Chen told them about the ladder to heaven.

Ning Zhongze and Qingniao were both taken to the ladder by Su Chen. Now Ning Zhongze and Qingniao are very powerful, even stronger than them. Some of them must be strong.

Ji Ruxi and these women also want to climb the ladder to heaven. They all want to improve their cultivation level so that they can help Su Chen.

Now they hear that the trial of the ladder to heaven can lead to the fairy world, which makes them They are even more looking forward to the ladder.

Su Chen promised to take them to climb the ladder in the future.

"The ladder is very mysterious, and I haven't figured it out yet, but one day I will find out the true origin of the ladder."

Shui Rou (Mrs. Ye Di) looked at Su Chen tenderly and asked,"Husband, how did you become the divine general of Yaochi in heaven?"

"This is a long story"

"Then keep your story short"

"The thing is like this, when I went to the fairy world for the first time, I used the banner of Guanyin Bodhisattva......."

Su Chen sat down and told Ji Ruxi and these women everything that happened when he went to the fairy world.

However, he also brushed aside some of the affairs of Princess Iron Fan, Third Holy Mother Yang Chan and others, and Su Chen was also afraid that these women would despise him.

After Ji Ruxi and the other girls heard what Su Chen said, they were speechless for a long time.

The women looked at Su Chen and felt incredible that

Su Chen was pretending to be a Guanyin Bodhisattva in the fairy world, and Su Chen was in heaven. He also managed to defeat the Queen Mother, and even the Queen Mother's peach garden was occupied by this bastard.

If their strength was not too low, Ji Ruxi and these women would all want to taste the flat peach with the best innate spiritual roots.

Is this just what this bastard said about getting rid of the Queen Mother?

What kind of deal is this?

They all guessed that Su Chen would not capture the Queen Mother, right?

If Su Chen takes down the Queen Mother, then this bastard will really be too outrageous.

Xiaobai looked at Su Chen and asked worriedly,

"Husband, you said you want to become an immortal within three years. Then after you become an immortal, you will have to do the 10,000-level trial mission. Will the 10,000-level trial mission still be in the fairy world?"

Xiao Bai feels that the 9900-level ladder trial is very difficult for Su Chen. It should not be hell-level difficulty. After all, Su Chen is facing the immortals and Buddhas in the fairy world.

If the 10,000-level ladder trial is The trial is still in the immortal world, and with Su Chen's strength as he has just become an immortal, he may be in great danger.

"Yes, the 10,000-level trial mission is still in the fairy world."

Su Chen nodded when he heard Xiaobai's words.

Then he looked at Ji and Xihe and said,

"Xihe, you need to send someone to inform Concubine Yan and Jing salamander to let them deal with the matters at hand as soon as possible. In two years, I will take you to climb the ladder to heaven."

"I see!"

Ji Ruxihe nodded hurriedly when she heard Su Chen's words.

She also knew that time was tight.

One hundred days in the Shenyu Continent is equal to one day in the Tianxuan Continent. The women like Concubine Yan and Jing Salaman only had about seven days to prepare.

If Some women may not be able to make it by then, and they may miss a huge opportunity.

Su Chen thought about it and said to Xiao Bai,

"Xiaobai, order the secret guards to inform Queen Medusa of the Snake Tribe, Xu Zhihu of Northern Liang, High Priest Bo Saixi of Poseidon Island, and Queen Bidong'er of the Southern Continent Spirit Empire. These women will also be here two years later. Come here."

Su Chen didn't want to call Bi Dong'er to come.

After all, Bi Dong'er is not his woman, but he didn't call her an adulterer for nothing.

Besides, Bi Dong'er is a very noble and cool beautiful woman. Su Chen is also very fond of Bi Dong'er. Interested.

Xiao Xun'er and Qian Xue'er have already climbed the ladder to heaven. The elf princess Sylph and Isabella are too far away. They have also climbed the ladder to heaven. There is no need to call them back this time.

Shi Feixuan looked at Su Chen and said He requested,"Husband, please call me master and senior sister too.""

Suru heard Shi Feixuan's words, she looked at Su Chen and said,"Brother, call Shuiyue and Lu Xueqi."

"All right!"

Su Chen nodded and agreed. Anyway, so many people have gone there, including Shuiyue from Qingyun Sect and several of her disciples.

When Shi Feixuan and Suru heard that Su Chen agreed, they were very Shi

Feixuan wanted to repay Shui Yue for her selfless teachings and the care given to her by the senior sisters.

Su Ru felt that she owed something to the Qingyun Sect. If Shui Yue's cultivation realm became stronger after climbing the ladder to heaven , Qingyun Sect will still be the top sect in Shenyu Continent in the future.

Zhou Zhiruo reminded Su Chen,

"Our people also need to inform them that the Huanwen people are still practicing outside, and they also need to be reminded that they will come back in two years. The women who are in retreat must also notify them in advance of leaving the retreat."

"Well, you can arrange this yourself."

Su Chen smiled and said to Zhou Zhiruo.

Su Chen felt that he had led these women astray. These women should stop asking questions, right?

"Husband, Yue'er, aren't you going to find her and come back?"

"No, Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang will not harm Yue'er, they will send Yue'er back in the future."

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