In the palace of Nanzhao Kingdom, the black-armored army escorted Bai Miao's holy aunt, master and apprentice. When the three masters and apprentices arrived, Princess

Chai and Su Yan were very surprised.

They did not expect that Bai Miao's holy aunt would dare to hide in Nanzhao Kingdom. Your Majesty, is Bai Miao seeking death?

Princess Chei said to Su Yan with a serious face,

"It seems that Bai Miao is also suspicious. Yan'er, is this how Bai Miao wants to deal with it? Have they all been killed?"

"We previously asked the White Miao to suppress the Black Miao, but this may not be possible. No matter what, the White Miao and the Black Miao are both Miao people. When facing the disaster of genocide, the White Miao and the Black Miao may share the same hatred."

Su Yan nodded when he heard Princess Chai's words.

Bai Miao dared to hide the Miao King of Nanzhao this time.

This is because he had second thoughts.

Regardless of whether Bai Miao really surrendered this time, Bai Miao's surrendering army must Take control.

Su Yan thought about it and immediately said to Princess Chaocha,"Auntie, order the Black Armored Army to first control the more than 100,000 surrendered troops of Bai Miao."

"OK, I will personally lead the army to control the Bai Miao surrendering army."

Princess Che said and hurriedly took theThe secret guards have left.

I'm afraid Bai Miao's army also has different intentions. This time they must all be tied up. If not, they will all be trapped and killed.

"Someone, bring in the master and disciple of Saint Bai Miao"

"Yes, Princess!"

Su Yan was very speechless as she touched her chin.

She just said that she would use the bad relationship between Bai Miao and Hei Miao to rule the Nanzhao Kingdom. It seems that she has thought too much. Foreign races are foreign races. It seems that she still wants to trap them all. killed

"Kneel down!"

At this time, the secret guards escorted the three masters and disciples of the holy aunt to the main hall. The secret guards pushed the three saint aunts to the ground one by one.

"To report to the princess, the three masters and disciples of Holy Aunt Bai Miao are here."

Su Yan looked at the three holy aunts kneeling on the ground, and she shouted and asked expressionlessly,

"Holy Aunt Bai Miao, you are so brave. You know that the Black Armored Legion is arresting the King of Nanzhao, but you dare to hide the King of Nanzhao secretly. Aren't you afraid that I will slaughter your entire Bai Miao tribe?"

The three masters and disciples of Shenggu were very surprised when they heard the secret guard call the little girl the princess. They did not expect that the little girl turned out to be the daughter of Lord Wu Xiang of Hangzhou City. A little princess actually sacrificed her life. Taking the risk of leading an army to destroy the country, this little girl was too outrageous.

Su Yan's murderous tone made them even more panicked.

The three saint aunts all sensed murderous intent from Su Yan's tone.

"Princess, for the Miao king who hid in Nanzhao, this is what I did privately. Even if the princess kills me, I will not complain. I also ask the princess not to involve the Bai Miao people."

"Hey, do you think it's possible?"


"Let me tell you, the Black Armored Legion has been dispatched. The more than 100,000 surrendered Bai Miao troops will be controlled, and all the Bai Miao people will be implicated by you."

"you......Are you going to kill millions of people?"

"I would do it if possible. The Black Armored Legion has massacred millions of foreigners. You white Miao men are higher than the wheels of all the people who killed you, and the women have been slaves for generations."

Aunt Saint was surprised and shouted when she heard Su Yan's words,

"No, Princess, I did this all privately. Please forgive the Bai Miao people, Princess."

"Master, this little girl is a devil, we fight her"

"Yes, Master, if we don’t resist, this demon will massacre our entire Bai Miao tribe."

Anu and Galojiao struggled and shouted to the holy aunt.

They were also frightened by this little devil.

A man was trapped and killed when he was taller than a wheel?

Women have been slaves and maids for generations?

This is what a little girl should say. If so? This little princess is a little devil, a little devil who kills without blinking an eye.

"Let me guess, why is this little girl becoming more and more cruel? Who did Su Yan learn from?"

At this time, above the palace,

Su Chen and the mermaid Delia appeared silently on the beam. He was very speechless when he heard what Su Yan just said.


Su Chen thought about it and felt that it was nothing.

Su Yan's mother, Jingli, is an assassin who kills people without blinking an eye.

Her aunts are not ruthless people,

Ji Ruxihe? Yaoyue? Yan Fei? Shi Guanyin? Jellyfish Yinji, etc., these women are all in the world. Having killed countless people, it is not surprising that Su Yan has such a character.

The mermaid Delia looked at Su Chen and said angrily,"Su Chen, your daughter Su Yan is really cruel. How did you educate your daughter? of? Is she so cruel at such a young age?"

Su Chen shook his head and said,

"Delia, my daughter will manage a huge empire in the future. If she is a gentle woman in the future, will she be able to manage a powerful empire?"

"But you can’t just massacre people at will, right?"

Su Chen hugged the mermaid's soft body, and he shook his head and explained,

"Delia, these are alien races, just like the orcs, elves, dwarves, and sea tribes in your western continent."

"Did the human empire in the West also massacre other alien races? As long as other alien races attack a human city, won't the humans in the city also be massacred by those alien races?"

"Those who are not of my race will have different minds. This is an unchanging law since ancient times."

Delia was silent after hearing Su Chen's words.

Su Chen was right.

The war in the Western Continent was more cruel than that in the Eastern Continent.

Orcs broke into human cities. Humans were either slaughtered in vain or captured as rations. Others The races are basically the same, even if they are kind-hearted elves, they will kill them all when faced with human invasion.

Su Chen looked at the silent mermaid Delia, and

Su Chen looked at the majestic Su Yan below. He would not stop this matter. Su Yan.

Su Yan is almost ten years old.

Some things Su Yan does are more perfect than him. Su Chen doesn’t care whether Su Yan will massacre the Bai Miao people.

"Resist? What are you using to resist? Since you dared to hide the King of Nanzhao secretly, you should know the consequences of doing so. Didn't you see and hear the slaughtered army of Heimiao?"

The holy aunt looked at the secret guards holding crossbows around her. Although she was a cultivator in the Nascent Soul Realm, if she dared to resist, the Bai Miao people would really be massacred by Su Yan.

Besides, she didn't believe Su Yan There was no powerful immortal cultivator around, so the Holy Aunt could only comfort Anu and Gai Luojiao.

"Princess, there is a reason why we hid the King of Nanzhao secretly. This time it was my private decision, and the Bai Miao people didn’t know about it at all. Princess, please don’t involve the Bai Miao people."

Su Yan thought for a moment after hearing Aunt Saint's words and asked,"Oh, tell me your reason? If you can convince me, I can let the Bai Miao people go this time. Otherwise, the Bai Miao people will wait to be tricked and killed."

"Princess, the high priest of our Bai Miao tribe and the Black Miao king used to be husband and wife, but later......"

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