After the Holy Aunt heard what Su Yan said, she hurriedly told Su Yan the past events between Bai Miao and Hei Miao. Now she could only use the incident between the high priest and Zhao Ling'er to convince Su Yan. If you can't convince Su Yan with all this, I'm afraid Bai Miao will really be implicated in her genocide and be wiped out.

"You bastard, if you touch me again, I will bite you."

At this time,

Mermaid Delia stared at Su Chen with a red face.

This bastard,

Mermaid Delia did not expect that Su Chen would touch her, especially since this bastard's hand kept touching her waist. She is now He just wanted to kick this bastard away.

Su Chen didn't pay attention to the mermaid Delia, he still touched Delia's waist.

During the few days in Hangzhou, he didn't have time to talk to Delia, but now he has the opportunity Now,

Su Chen didn't care about taking advantage of the mermaid Delia for a while. This was regarded as his reward for sending Delia back to the Western Continent.

Su Chen smiled and said to Delia,"Delia, tomorrow You are about to enter the pool. How about letting me touch your fish tail then?"

"You are dreaming!"

When Delia heard Su Chen's words, she yelled at Su Chen angrily. Is this shameless pervert going to attack her this time?

During the few months that Mermaid Delia was in Hangzhou City, she I also know something about Su Chen.

This bastard is a shameless pervert. There are many beauties in the mansion, including beauties of all races, including snake demons, sparrow demons, snake women, female ghosts, and even legendary immortals.

However , , the mermaid Delia still has a crush on Su Chen, but she is not willing to commit herself to this bastard.

Besides, she is the princess of the mermaid kingdom and the sole heir of the mermaid kingdom, so it is impossible for Delia to marry Su Chen. Chen.

Su Chen held Delia in her arms and said in her ear,"Delia, mermaids don't have a taboo against touching fish tails, right?" Is it true that a mermaid's tail can only be touched by those close to her or her husband?"

"Why are you asking these questions? Su Chen, please don't do this nonsense, or I'll be really rude to you."

"oh? How can you be rude to me?"

"Shameless pervert, I will bite you to death!"

The mermaid Delia was very angry by Su Chen.

This bastard took advantage of her along the way, but this bastard even touched her fish tail.

Is the fish tail allowed to be touched by just anyone?

Delia is I want to bite this shameless pervert to death.

Damn it!

The mermaid actually bites?

How can a mermaid bite like a human woman? Will the mermaid Delia pinch his waist again in the future?

Su Chen looked at it with excitement Delia, who was blushing, bit him and wouldn't let go. Su Chen was not worried about being discovered. This place had been shielded by him with his space magic power. It was impossible for anyone below to discover his and Delia's existence.

Su Chen tightened his grip He hugged Delia tightly and looked down.

Although Delia was biting him hard, she was still measured.

With the strength of Delia's magician (Nascent Soul Realm), if Delia used With all his strength, a piece of meat had been bitten off his arm.

At this moment,

Su Yan was very speechless after hearing the words of the holy aunt.

After a long time, this still had something to do with that Zhao Ling'er. The death of Zhao Ling'er's mother turned out to be related to Hei Miao. Wang is related, and it can even be said that the Black Miao King is one of the murderers who killed Zhao Ling'er's mother.

But Zhao Ling'er still defends the Black Miao King so much? Doesn't Zhao Ling'er know that the Black Miao King is one of the murderers who killed her mother?

The Holy Aunt is here After saying this, she looked at Su Yan and continued,

"Princess, I let the Black Miao King hide in the priest's temple for the sake of the high priest's daughter Zhao Ling'er. If the Black Miao King is killed, Zhao Ling'er will definitely blame the entire White Miao tribe."

"I have no choice. If possible, I would like to kill King Heimiao with my own hands to avenge the high priest."

Su Yan nodded when he heard the saint's words.

That Zhao Ling'er is a holy mother bitch.

If the White Miao people really refuse to save the Black Miao King, Zhao Ling'er will indeed ignore the White Miao people.

"I understand, Holy Aunt, this is the last time. If you do something that makes me unhappy again, you should understand the consequences. Let the three of them go."

"Yes, Princess!"

"Thank you, Princess, thank you, Princess!"After the Holy Aunt heard Su Chen's words, she happily saluted Su Yan and said, this crisis has finally passed. Fortunately, this little princess is not an overbearing and unreasonable little girl.

"Little girl, you are so majestic now!"

"Father? How did you come?"

Su Chen suddenly appeared in the hall holding the mermaid Delia. He was very satisfied with Su Yan's handling this time. This little girl was not massacred as she pleased.

Delia blushed and immediately let go of her bite. Holding Su Chen's arm, this bastard would show up without notifying her.

She didn't know if she was discovered by the people in the hall. Delia was so shy that she couldn't even raise her head.

Su Yan saw Su Chen's appearance. She was very surprised.

She didn't expect that Su Chen would appear in Nanzhao. Could it be that her father was coming to take her back?

Shenggu master and apprentice were very surprised when they saw the two people who had just appeared.

Su Chen and Delia Their silent appearance did not surprise them.

After Su Yan called Su Chen's father, the three masters and apprentices looked at Su Chen in shock. They did not expect that Lord Wu Xiang of Hangzhou City would actually appear. Also arrived at Nanzhao Kingdom

"I was passing by here!"Su Chen stepped forward and touched Su Yan's hair and said with a smile.

Su Yan patted his chest when he heard Su Chen's words,"I was scared to death. I thought my father was going to take me back."

Su Chen looked at Su Yan speechlessly and continued,

"Yan'er, you have grown up a lot. Your mother and aunts and I will not be too strict with you in the future. However, you must think carefully before making any important decisions."

"Haha, I know!"

"Yan'er, your Black Bird Legion is coming soon. Don't disrupt your aunt Mu Guiying's military deployment. You should lead your Black Bird Legion to fight in the future."

"real? My army is coming?"

Su Yan was very happy when she heard that her Black Bird Legion was coming.

Although the Northern Combat Legion also obeyed her orders, the Northern Combat Legion was not her legion after all. She had no choice but to use the Northern Combat Legion. It wasn't that smooth.

Su Chen nodded and replied,"Well, your black bird army will arrive in a month at most."

When Su Yan heard Su Chen's confirmation, she smiled and looked at the blushing mermaid Delia next to her.

Su Yan did not expect that Delia would be with his father. Delia should not be at home in Hangzhou City. Has his father returned to Hangzhou?

Su Yan looked at the blushing Dili and smiled and wanted to tease her once. Anyway, this mermaid will be her father's woman in the future.

"Aunt Delia, why are you with my father?"

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