Su Chen turned around and saw the confused look on the angel beauty's face, and he smiled. He might have confused the angel beauty this time.

Anyway, it is impossible for this angel to know the information about the angels in the Super Seminary. Su Chen just talked nonsense, and it is impossible for this angel beauty to know about the things in the other world.

Whoosh! boom!

Holy shit!

Su Chen did not expect that the angel beauty would suddenly attack him. Fortunately, Su Chen had been careful, otherwise he would have been hit by the angel beauty's beam.

The angel beauty shouted while chasing Su Chen,

"Heretic, I don't believe what you said. You are dead. Angels cannot be insulted."

"Damn it, angel beauty, I have a hostage in my hands. If you dare to attack me again, I will kill you."

"A candidate for the Son of God, do you think I would care about his life or death?"

I'll go!

No wonder this angelic beauty didn't care about the life or death of the eldest prince Chris at all after she arrived. It turns out that the eldest prince Chris is just an insignificant villain.

What the hell, why should I catch this bastard so stupidly? ?

The eldest prince Chris also heard what the angel beauty said, and he saw Su Chen’s unkind eyes.

The eldest prince Chris hurriedly begged Su Chen for mercy,

"Don't kill me, don't kill me."


Su Chen smashed the eldest prince Chris to pieces with one palm. He is a useless person.

How can he celebrate the New Year if he is left here?

The angel saw Su Chen killing the eldest prince Chris from behind, which made her even more angry. , that human being was the one she was responsible for assessing, and

Su Chen actually killed the person in charge of her. It would be impossible for her to visit the Godfall Continent again in the future.

This damn human being, the angelic beautiful eyes looked at Su Chen and were filled with tears. murderous intent,

"Heretic, you actually killed the candidate for the Son of God. You deserve death."

What the hell!

Is this angel beauty not mentally healthy?

The angel beauty just dismissed the eldest prince Chris. Why did she kill the eldest prince Chris? Why is this angel beauty so angry if something happens again?

Su Chen is also He's drunk, what is Angel Beauty doing?

Just now he said he didn't care, but after he killed the eldest prince Chris,

Angel Beauty suddenly became even more angry. Could it be that what Angel Beauty said just now was ironic? Swish, swish, swish......

Boom boom boom.......

The beautiful angel kept attacking Su Chen from behind.

Everything Su Chen passed by was blown up by the angel's beams. Su Chen couldn't care less. He kept teleporting, disappearing and appearing, hanging on the girl behind him. Beauty angel.

Three days later,

Su Chen reappeared in the Eastern Continent.

His return to the Eastern Continent this time was much faster than going to the Western Continent. Su Chen didn't rest at all along the way. The angel beauty kept chasing him closely. Su Chen There was no chance to rest either.

After Su Chen appeared in the Eastern Continent, he thought about where to go to get this angelic beauty.

But where to go?

The angel beauty is not easy to deal with.

It is definitely not possible to go to Hangzhou City.

I don’t know if the little fox has gone into seclusion,

Li Shan?

When you go to Lishan,

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Our Lady are in Lishan. If you go to Lishan, you will be trapped by the angelic beauty.


Why did Angel Beauty stop?

Su Chen suddenly felt that the beautiful angel behind him had stopped. This made Su Chen confused. The beautiful angel had been chasing him for more than three days, so why did she stop suddenly?

"Angel beauty, are you planning to hunt me down?"

"Damn heresy."

When the angel heard Su Chen's words, she was very helpless.

This was already the boundary of the Eastern Continent.

She did not dare to continue chasing.

The immortals of the Eastern Continent did not welcome the gods of the Western world. If the immortals of the Eastern Continent found out that they had crossed the boundary, , I’m afraid her clone will be killed.

Su Chen looked at the angelic beauty behind and said deliberately,

"Angel beauty, did you just fall in love with me after chasing me?"

"Shameless heretic, you are seeking death."

The face of the angelic beauty is full of anger.

This Su Chen is too difficult to hunt down.

She has been chasing this heretic for more than three days, but the heretic's mana has not been exhausted.

Su Chen's ability to teleport allows She was helpless. If the heretic was closer to her, the angel beauty could use her powerful momentum to suppress this shameless heretic.

Now that they had arrived in the Eastern Continent, the angel beauty was also struggling with whether to continue chasing this bastard.

Su Chen also watched I understand, the angel beauty does not dare to step into the Eastern Continent.

This makes Su Chen curious.

The angel beauty's strength is now at the peak of the Tribulation Realm. Why does she not dare to step into the Eastern Continent?

Could it be that the Eastern Continent Immortals do not allow gods or powerful practitioners from other continents to come?

"Angel beauty, are you tired? Do you want to come over and have a drink and take a rest?"

"Heretic, you are lucky this time, I will never let you go next time"

"Angel beauty, do you want to leave?"

"none of your business!"

Oh my god!

This angelic beauty actually also speaks foul language?

Su Chen shook his head and was very speechless.

He felt that no matter how beautiful the women were, as long as they were angered, they would still curse and swear.

Su Chen sat down After standing on a branch, she looked at the angel beauty in the distance and asked,"Angel Beauty, we have known each other for more than three days, can you tell me your name? Maybe I still know you"

"Heretic, you can't possibly know me."

The angel beauty looked around.

She didn't want to give up on Su Chen. After thinking about it, the angel beauty decided to stabilize the heretic first. As long as he relaxed his vigilance, she could quickly kill the heretic.

"Tell me!"



Su Chen shook his head when he heard the name of the angel beauty.

He was not familiar with the names of Western angels at all.

Angelette should not be a powerful angel in the Western God Realm, like Michael and Gabriel. , Angels like Raphael should be very powerful angels

"Have a drink!"

Su Chen threw a bottle of wine at Angelette.

Su Chen was also thinking of ways to make Angelette continue to chase her.

Only in this way could Su Chen let Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang capture this angelic beauty.

A living angel. Beauty,

Su Chen is also very interested in Angel Angelette

"Is this the fairy wine from the Eastern fairyland? You actually have the fairy wine from the Eastern Immortal Realm? Who are you?"

Angelit caught the wine thrown by Su Chen.

She was very surprised when she opened it.

This bottle of wine actually contained the fairy energy of the Eastern Immortal Realm. How is this possible? How could the wine of the Eastern Immortal Realm appear in the Shenyu Continent?

Angelique Te looked at Su Chen and became wary. She now suspected that Su Chen might know the immortals from the Eastern Immortal Realm, or even that Su Chen might be a descendant of the Eastern Immortal Realm family left in the Shenyu Continent.

"Angelite, please try the wine given to me by Kesha, the King of Angels. This is the wine that angels in the Eastern Fairyland often drink."

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