Su Chen started talking nonsense again to the angel beauty Angelette. I'm afraid these fairy wine angel beauties are also known in the fairy world.

The last time Su Chen was in the fairy world, he just stayed in the eastern heaven. The prehistoric world is vast and boundless.

Ghosts don't know about the west. With these gods in that lumpy nest,

Su Chen felt that in the prehistoric world, the most powerful gods in the west were probably some Da Luo Jinxian.

Otherwise, in the Godfall Continent,

Angel Angel would not be afraid of entering the Eastern Continent.

Angel Angelite looked at the ambrosia in her hand, and threatened Su Chen again coldly,

"You still dare to talk nonsense and heresy, you still dare to deceive me, do you really think that I dare not kill you?"

Su Chen shook his head and continued to lie,"Angelit, what I said is true. The angel race is a very beautiful and righteous race. I also admire the beautiful angels very much. Angel

Angelite looked at Su Chen with great disdain.

This human being was talking nonsense.

She didn't believe every word Su Chen said.

Angelette took a sip of the ambrosia and mocked,"Kesha, the King of Angels?" Is this the angel you admire?"

"Of course, Kesha, the King of Angels, is an angel doing justice. When she was in power, no one in the entire universe dared to oppose her. Evil demons and the God of Death all shunned the King of Angels."

"I still don't believe it!"

"System, is there any way to generate an image of Kesha in my memory?"

"Ding, yes, I won’t do it next time."

Su Chen didn't expect that the system actually agreed.

This system is becoming more and more humane.

However, what the hell is it if it doesn't happen next time?

Last time, the system asked the system to open a channel to resurrect Lin Qing'er, and the system also said it wouldn't happen next time, haha!

It won't happen next time, right?

Anyway, there will be many things that will be ignored in the future. Su Chen wants to see if the system will tell him that he will not be punished every time.

At this time, a jade piece appeared in Su Chen's hand.

Su Chen used his magic power to look at the image in the jade piece. He smiled.

The image in the jade film was from when Kesha had not become the King of Angels. Su Chen felt that if Angelite could see the tragic fate of the women of the angel race 30,000 years ago, would Angelette be able to see it? Are you mad?

Su Chen threw the jade piece towards Angelite and said with a smile,"Angelit, this jade piece records Kesha's life. See if I have deceived you.""

"I'll watch it."

Angelit took the jade piece and looked at it before replying to Su Chen,

"Then you just watch slowly, I'll take a break first."

Su Chen leaned on the branch and closed his eyes.

However, his mental energy was always focused on Angelette, and he was also worried that Angelette would suddenly take action against him.

"Cunning heresy!"

Angelit saw Su Chen closing her eyes, but she didn't take action against Su Chen.

The main reason was that the human's mental power had been checking her. Angelette could feel that Su Chen was wary of her.

Anji. Li Te took the jade piece and wanted to see what information it contained. The life of Kesha, the King of Angels? She didn't believe it at all. This human being was probably fooling herself.

After Su Chen closed his eyes, his mind Checking Lin Qing'er in the sky-swallowing magic jar, he also wanted to see if Lin Qing'er's appearance had changed after she was resurrected, and whether there would be any rejection of his memory.

I wonder!

Lin Qing'er is so beautiful? Is this the same as Lin Qing'er's appearance? The stone statues in the priest's temple are 60-70% similar.

They are wearing a white dress that sets off a perfect figure, with long straight black hair scattered on the shoulders, big bright eyes, delicate red lips, and a thin waist. A gentle and beautiful face.

Su Chen was also surprised by Lin Qing'er's beauty.

After looking at it for a while, Su Chen shouted to Lin Qing'er,"Lin Qing'er, do you want to come out?""

"Suchen?"Lin Qing'er suddenly heard a familiar voice while practicing. She looked around and asked doubtfully,

"it's me!"

When Lin Qing'er heard that it was indeed Su Chen, she was very happy.

Lin Qing'er couldn't remember anything in the past.

She just knew that it was Su Chen who saved her. Even Su Chen spent a lot of resources to let her go. She had a new life.

Although Lin Qing'er didn't know what the relationship between Su Chen and her was, she could remember Su Chen's voice and even Su Chen's face, so Lin Qing'er felt that Su Chen might be very important to her. Qing'er smiled softly and replied,"Su Chen, I don't want to go out yet. I think I will break through in less than a month. I want to go out after breaking through. Is this okay?"

"Okay, you can make a breakthrough in the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar with peace of mind."

Su Chen was very speechless when he heard Lin Qing'er's words.

Now Lin Qing'er is at the peak of the Fusion Realm.

If Lin Qing'er breaks through again, her cultivation realm will be the same as her own.


Su Chen sees that Seeing Lin Qing'er's gentle smile,

Su Chen also felt that it was worth wasting the empress's resources.

Lin Qing'er probably regarded herself as her only relative. In the future, Lin Qing'er would obey his words just like Lan Yincao.

Su Chen There is a peerless beauty next to him again, and she is also a powerful peerless beauty. This is the best thing for him.



Damn! Why is Angel Angelite so crazy?

Su Chen was frightened by the loud noise and hurriedly opened his eyes.

He did not feel any danger, which meant that Angel Angelite was not attacking him again.

At this moment,

Angel Angelette looked at the jade piece in her hand with an angry face. She had just seen the tragic fate of Kesha and the female angels, which made her so angry that she wanted to kill those male angels. The female angels are under the rule of the Heavenly Palace. Just like slaves, no! Not even as good as some slaves.

Male angels can abuse female angels at will, and even kill female angels at every turn.

Angelite's eyes turned red when she looked at the image in the jade film.

Angelite Te looked at the jade piece in her hand. She checked the images in the jade piece and found that all of this really happened.

Although they were in different worlds, she and Kesha's angels belonged to the same angel family. The sad one said to himself,"Is this really true? What happened in the video is actually true? Are we female angels so miserable in every world?"

"Angelette, you finished reading so quickly?"Su Chen looked at Angelette and asked loudly.

Angelette looked at Su Chen and asked complicatedly,"No, I just saw that Kesha was going to resist the rule of Tiangong. Su Chen, where is this small world? Do you have a spatial passage to this small world?"

"No, what are you going to do?"

Angelit said to Su Chen with a fierce expression,"I'm going to kill all the male angels in the small world."

"Forehead! Angelite, you should finish reading the images in the jade film before talking."

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