Su Chen felt that it was a bit miserable to deceive the angel Angelite.

He had a fart coordinate in the world of Super Seminary. It was not certain whether there was even a small world like Super Seminary.

But what did Angelette mean just now?

Just now Angel Angelet said, are female angels so miserable in every world?

What does it mean?

Could it be that the female angels in other small worlds are as miserable as the female angels in the Super Seminary?

Suchen looked at Angelite and did not ask her.

He and Angel Angel were still enemies. Besides, even if he asked Angel Angel, Angel Angel would not be able to tell him about this so-called heresy.

Angelique glanced at Su Chen and continued reading.

She was not so hostile to Su Chen now.


Su Chen ruined her future.

Her future medium prince Chris was killed, and

Angel Angel Te also cannot come to the Divine Meteor Continent again.

If she cannot come to the Divine Meteor Continent, the power of faith in the church will not be absorbed at all, and she will not be able to advance to the realm of body cultivation in the God Realm. She is a seraph. I am afraid that I will not be able to advance to the Eight-Winged Angel in tens of thousands of years.

The day passed like this.

In the dark night,

Su Chen kept leaning on the branch to rest, and the angel Angelette also kept looking at Kesha's past in the jade film.

Suddenly, there were many footsteps in the forest, and some human conversations were also heard.

"Come on, we can take a boat to the northern continent after passing through the forest. We have to dig more magic crystals this time. We will all be rich by then."

"Boss, who needs the magic crystal? Why would you pay a big price to acquire it?"

"Yes, we only got three magic crystals last time, but someone paid one million gold coins to buy them. The magic crystals were of no use. Why would someone pay a big price to buy the magic crystals?"

"Boss, are those people demons?"

"I feel like, those wearing black robes, as if they are afraid of being recognized."

At this time, a burly middle-aged man stopped with a big sword.

He said to the people behind him with a serious face,"Those are the people from the Ghost King Sect, please be stricter with your mouths, otherwise Our Tianxing mercenary group will be destroyed by the Ghost King Sect."

"Yes, boss!"

"Everyone speed up. This time the magic crystal mine was discovered by many mercenary groups. If we don’t speed up, we won’t be able to get any of the magic crystals in the magic crystal mine."

"Yes, boss!"

Su Chen looked at the hundreds of battle-experienced mercenaries passing under the tree.

He was also interested in that magic crystal. The

Ghost King Sect actually purchased this so-called magic crystal. It seems that the magic crystal should be used to protect evil people. Practitioners have special uses.

Swish swish swish......

Suddenly, some more people appeared here secretly. These ten people were all very powerful. Ten of them were in the Nascent Soul Realm, four were in the Out-of-Body Realm, and there were even two powerful ones in the Distracting God Realm.

The dozen or so people did not stop, and they carefully followed the Tianxing mercenary group in front.

Su Chen looked at the dozen black-robed men walking away and said doubtfully,"People from the Ghost King Sect, two of the black-robed men are women. The weak black-robed woman is not Baguio, right?"

Bei Continent ?

Magic crystal mine?

The Northern Continent is the most special continent in the Shenyu Continent.

Su Chen has also inquired about information about the Northern Continent before.

There are no humans, no other races, and even monsters in the Northern Continent. The Northern Continent is filled with people who have no intelligence. There are even ferocious beasts and even the legendary underworld.

Moreover, the miasma and poisonous miasma in the Northern Continent are not suitable for the survival of various races at all.

Humans without cultivation will probably be poisoned immediately if they enter the Northern Continent. Even humans with cultivation realm do not dare to enter the Northern Continent. Go deep into the northern continent.

Even if there are detoxification pills, humans are still exploring the edges of the northern continent.

Su Chen looked at the angel Angelite in the distance and said,"Angel Beauty, do you know anything about the Northern Continent?"

Angel Angelite trembled when she heard Su Chen's words.

She still had fresh memories of the Northern Continent. , the fear in the Northern Continent made it impossible for her to forget it in her life. Angelit felt that even if her true form of Seraph went to the Northern Continent, she might not be able to leave safely, and might even die in the hinterland of the Northern Continent.

Angel Angelite thought for a moment and then looked at Su Chen and reminded,

"For the sake of giving me this image, let me remind you once, Northern Continent? I advise you not to seek death. It is a forbidden land for humans. Even I dare not go deep into the Northern Continent."

"I explored the Northern Continent decades ago. At that time, I was almost killed by a powerful beast before I could penetrate deep into the hinterland of the Northern Continent."

"Moreover, the Northern Continent is very strange. The Northern Continent is an ominous place, and it is also a place abandoned by the gods. Even the gods are not willing to go to a place. You should understand how dangerous it is."

Su Chen was very surprised when she heard the words of the angel beauty Angelite.

She didn't think that even Angelette would not dare to enter the Northern Continent.

Is the Northern Continent really very dangerous?

Angelina's angel clone is in the realm of transcending tribulation. Peak, this is the existence of a ceiling in the Shenyu Continent.

Su Chen looked at Angelite with a frightened expression, and

Angelite didn't seem to be lying.

That can only show that the Northern Continent is really very dangerous,

Su Chen Chen touched his chin and thought about whether to go to the Northern Continent.

He was not afraid of miasma and poisonous miasma.

Su Chen was worried about encountering powerful ferocious beasts. If he encountered some powerful ferocious beasts, he didn't know whether he could escape..Su

Chen suddenly appeared next to Angelite and asked,"Angelit, I'm going to the Northern Continent, do you want to go with me?""

When the angel Angelite heard what Su Chen said, she looked at Su Chen with great disdain.

This bastard knew that the Northern Continent was very dangerous, but he still wanted to go to the Northern Continent. I don't know if this human being is audacious or a complete idiot.

Angelite put away the jade piece and glanced at Su Chen and sneered,"Hi! If you want to go and die, I will kill you. I will not go to that terrifying Northern Continent."

Su Chen crossed his arms and smiled and said to the angel Angelite,"Angelit, if you go to the Northern Continent with me, I can tell you the passage to Kesha's world."

Su Chen has no choice.

Although Angelite has been trying to kill him, the Northern Continent sounds very dangerous. He can only deceive the beautiful angel Angelite. If Angelite is around, maybe he can It will be safer

"You shameless human being, don’t you know the passage to Kesha’s world? Human beings are indeed despicable and shameless villains."

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