Angel Angelette has been to this town before, and she is very clear about everything here.

In the town, although it is peaceful on the surface, when you leave the town, all the races here will show their true colors and kill. , rape, treasure grabbing, and even cannibalism, these are commonplace. This is the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, hell for the weak, and paradise for the strong.

Su Chen nodded when he heard Angelite's words.

He thought that the people who came here were not ordinary characters. Faced with the death threat in the northern continent, these people of various races dared to come, which meant that these people were all ordinary people. They are indifferent to life and death, and even these people are originally vicious and evil people.

"Slaves are for sale, dwarf slaves, good at forging weapons, you can buy a dwarf slave for 10,000 gold coins"

"Jade crystal ore, blue crystal jade for exquisite jewelry, one piece of blue crystal jade ore, one thousand gold coins"

"The giant dragon, the golden dragon of the Western Continent, has the cultivation level of Nascent Soul Realm, only changes the spiritual weapon"

"A magic weapon sword. You can get one for ten low-grade spiritual stones. Just a magic weapon sword. First come, first served."

"Purple Magnolia, spiritual flower Purple Magnolia, five low-grade spiritual stones for one, the ultimate healing spiritual flower."

In the small town, all kinds of items are sold on the streets, including slaves, exotic flowers and plants, and all kinds of ores.

Su Chen was stunned when he saw these.

It seemed like he was playing a game. The people here The scene is just like setting up a stall to buy items in the game

"Master, do you want a beautiful woman? A top-quality beauty succubus, a top-quality elixir can be exchanged for a beauty from the succubus clan."

At this time, a magician from the Western Continent (Nascent Soul Realm) appeared in front of Su Chen and said quietly.

Su Chen looked at the middle-aged Westerner who stopped him in front of him, and he asked doubtfully,

"Succubus? Isn't this a demon clan?"

"The young master is right. This demon was captured in the last battle with the church. However, the succubus is difficult to tame and can confuse people. Our mercenary group also spent more than a year without taming it, so we are ready to sell the beautiful succubus. The succubus."

Su Chen became interested in succubi after hearing what this Westerner said.

No, he was interested in the demons in the Western Continent.

There are demons in the Eastern Continent, there are demons in the Southern Continent, and there are also demons in the Western Continent. , although the demons are different in each continent, their nature is exactly the same.

The demons are everywhere killing creatures of various races, and the various races on the continent also yell at everyone of the demons.

"A top-quality elixir? You guys are really open-minded. I can buy more than a hundred beauties of all kinds with one top-quality elixir."

The middle-aged man saw that Su Chen was too expensive, but when he found that Su Chen was wearing luxurious clothes, he felt that Su Chen must come from a big family, and top-quality elixirs should not be a problem for Su Chen.

The middle-aged man hurriedly He introduced Su Chen,

"Young Master, succubi are different. Succubi are the best beauties among the demon clan. Just like our elves and mermaids in the Western Continent, they are all the best beauties that can be found but cannot be found."

"It's too expensive, I can't afford it."

Su Chen shook his head and decided to leave.

Although the succubus helped him understand the demons of the Western Continent, he was going to the dangerous Northern Continent this time.

He just bought the succubus, and

I'm afraid he still has to protect it. Succubus, his life and death in the Northern Continent depended on the angel Angelite, how could he still protect a succubus?

When the middle-aged man saw that Su Chen was leaving, he became anxious.

Their mercenary group was already waiting in the town. It's been almost a month.

If they can't trade the best elixirs, I'm afraid their leader will die. If the powerful leader dies, their mercenary group may be annexed or killed by other large mercenary groups.

"Master, master, don't go. Master, the succubus is still in perfect condition. If the leader of our mercenary group had not been seriously injured, we would not have been able to sell this beautiful succubus."

After Su Chen heard what the middle-aged Westerner said, he looked at the angel Angelite who was wandering around.

Su Chen decided to go and see the succubus.

If the succubus was useful to him,

Su Chen would just waste one. The best elixirs are also available

"Let me take a look at that succubus first, and then tell me if I like it"

"Okay, okay, young master, you and I will go to the headquarters of our Longxiang mercenary group. The succubus is locked up in our camp."


After Su Chen and the middle-aged Westerner left,

Angel Angelite looked at Su Chen who left, with a look of contempt on her face.

Humans are all lustful people, and what she did to Su Chen was very... looked down upon, and Angelite was too lazy to talk to Su Chen.

"Master, this is it, our station is here."

After a while, the middle-aged man took Su Chen to a yard in the town.

Dozens of mercenaries were resting in the yard. They saw the deputy commander bringing a young man. These mercenary groups Everyone hurriedly stood up and looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen checked the mercenary group and didn't care about anything.

This was just a small mercenary group.

In addition to this middle-aged man, there were two other people who were in the Nascent Soul realm, and the others Dozens of them are all in the Golden Core Realm. This mercenary group poses no threat to him at all. If the Longxiang mercenary group dares to take advantage of others, Su Chen won't mind sending them to meet their God.

"What about the succubus?"

"Master, in the house on the left"

"Take me to see it!"

"Okay, Master, please!"

The middle-aged man waved to the other people in the yard, and he hurriedly took Su Chen to the house next to him.


After the door of the house was opened, in a cage in the house, a beautiful woman with purple hair was Locked in a cage, the beautiful woman in the cage cursed when she saw someone coming in,

"Damn humans, I will kill you all!"

The middle-aged man pointed to the succubus in the cage and said to Su Chen,

"Master, this is the succubus. Look, her eyes and hair are both purple."

"However, Master, please do not get close to the succubus. The succubus will use her charm and purple eyes to confuse us. Many of us in the Longxiang Mercenary Group have been confused, and the succubus has almost escaped several times."

Su Chen looked at the succubus and nodded.

The succubus was indeed born to bring disaster to the country and the people.

She has a face like a vixen, eyes that seduce all living things, and a figure that is bulging forward and backward. Especially her now torn dress reveals a lot of fair skin. , this is even more tempting.

Su Chen took out a top-quality elixir and threw it to the middle-aged man, saying,"This is a life-creating elixir. You should have heard that the succubus belongs to me." The middle-aged man took the Shengsheng Good Fortune Pill, looked at it and said excitedly,"Thank you young master, thank you so much, young master. I know that this Life Good Fortune Pill will definitely save our leader's life.""

"You go out!"

Su Chen clapped his hands to the middle-aged man and said,

"Yes, Master!"

The middle-aged man nodded to Su Chen with the elixir and left in a hurry. He wanted to ask the leader to take the elixir of creation as soon as possible, so that there would be no more crisis in their mercenary group.

"Human pretty boy, you dare to buy me, aren't you afraid that I will eat you?"

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