The succubus didn't expect that anyone would really dare to buy her.

Over the past month, many humans wanted to buy her, but under her charm, those humans were afraid of her and stayed away..

This human actually bought her after seeing him without saying a word. Could it be that this human's lust makes him not afraid of demons?

Su Chen looked at the succubus with his arms folded and asked with a smile,"Eat me? Miss succubus, how are you going to eat me?" The succubus beauty is now sealed, and

Su Chen can't see the succubus. She is at the level of demon cultivation, but since the succubus beauty has been captured, her strength should not be strong, otherwise she would not be captured alive.

The succubus was stunned when she heard Su Chen's words.

Why didn't this human being follow the routine? When those humans heard her words before, they were either scared away or were very resistant to her cannibalism. Why did this human being still smile and ask? How does she eat? Is this human a fool?

"Um? Of course I ate you alive. Human flesh and blood is very delicious. I haven't eaten human beings for a long time."

Su Chen smiled when he heard what the succubus said, and he still eats people?

The succubus is not a cannibal, so what kind of people do he eat?

Are the succubi one of those little cannibals?

He looked at his body and teased ,"It turns out you want to eat my flesh and blood. I thought you wanted to eat my body.""

"Damn humans, you're looking for death!"

The succubus saw Su Chen looking at her lower body, and she understood.

She didn't expect this human being to be so shameless, which made her want to kill this human being immediately.

Su Chen shook her head and said to the succubus seriously. ,"Okay, Miss Succubus, I only ask you three questions. If your answers satisfy me, I will let you go free.""

"What? Is what you said true?"

The succubus was surprised when she heard Su Chen's words.

She didn't expect that Su Chen would let her go after just asking her three questions.

Although the succubus didn't know whether what Su Chen said was true or false, this was what she could get. A chance for freedom.

Su Chen nodded and replied,"Of course, I never cheat on beautiful women."

The succubus clenched her little fist and threatened Su Chen,"Human, you'd better keep your word, otherwise I will curse you to a bad death."

"The first question is, how many troops do the demons in the Western Continent have?"

"There are countless armies of demons. There are so many demons under the abyss that you can hardly imagine."

"The second question is, since there are so many demons, why didn’t they occupy the northern continent?"

The succubus heard Su Chen ask this question, and she didn't know whether to tell Su Chen for a moment.

However, the succubus thought about the secrets within the demon clan, and the church in the Western Continent probably knew about it, so she even told her What Su Chen said was not a betrayal of the demon clan at all.

The succubus thought for a while and then said,

"I can tell you this. Although the Abyss Demon Clan is numerous in number, the Demon Clan is not a unified Demon Clan."

"In the abyss, the demon clan has six major demon kings. The six demon kings often launch wars with each other to unify the demon clan. Without a unified demon clan, it is impossible to defeat you humans."

Su Chen touched his chin after hearing Succubus's words and thought about it.

There are so many demons and the six demon kings are waging war against each other.

No wonder the abyss demons have never attacked the ground. If the chaotic demons don't work together, they will not be able to survive. It is impossible to be the opponent of the various empires and churches in the Western Continent.

Su Chen thought for a while and continued to ask,"The third question, are the six demon kings the most powerful people in the abyss? What level of cultivation are they at?"

The succubus shook her head when she heard Su Chen's question and said,"Human, you have two questions this time."

"Do you answer?"

Su Chen asked with a smile.

The succubus had already answered two questions. Su Chen didn't believe that the succubus would not answer the last two questions.

The succubus rolled her eyes at Su Chen and replied,

"Let me tell you, this is not a secret anyway. The six demon kings are all at the peak of the demon king's strength, which is the realm of the sacred sky god (dongxu realm) in the Western Continent. They are all the most powerful existences among the demons."

Su Chen was very speechless after hearing this.

It turned out that the six demon kings were at the same level of cultivation as him. Su Chen had previously thought that the six demon kings were all capable of transcending the tribulation realm. It seems that the demons in the Western Continent are not too strong.

The succubus looked at Su Chen and asked with gleaming eyes,"Human, I have already answered you, are you going to fulfill your promise and let me go?"



Su Chen waved his hand, and the cage was opened.

The succubus didn't expect that Su Chen really let her out.

It's just that this human let her go, so why didn't he lift the seal for her?

"Why don't you unlock my power? Su

Chen smiled when he heard Succubus's words and said,"Miss Succubus, I just promised to let you out, but I didn't promise to lift your seal. Are you overthinking it?""

The succubus looked at Su Chen and shouted angrily,"You......If you don't lift my seal, how can I survive in the human world?"

"Answer me one more question and I will unseal you"

"Damn you humans are scumbags and you are a shameless bastard."

The succubus was so angry that she wanted to strangle this bastard to death.

She didn't expect that Su Chen would say this. She also blamed herself. Why didn't she make it clear to this bastard just now? This time she fell into this bastard's trap.

"The last question is very simple. How many powerful races are there in the demon clan?"

The succubus heard Su Chen's last question.

She didn't expect it to be so simple.

The succubus smiled seductively at Su Chen and said,

"A powerful race within the demon clan? There are quite a few, including demons, dark elves, lichs, bone dragons, orcs, skeletons, banshees, vampires, and our succubi. These are some powerful races of demons, and there are many more. Race strength is average"

"Yes, you demons have quite a few races."

"Can you lift my seal now?"


Su Chen walked up to the succubus and lifted her cultivation seal.


I'm here!

Su Chen didn't expect that just after he lifted the succubus' cultivation seal, the succubus would suddenly attack him.

Su Chen hurriedly teleported After escaping the attack of the succubus, the door of the house was blown to pieces by the succubus.

Su Chen appeared behind the succubus and hurriedly warned,

"Succubus, this is a small town in the northern continent. It is strictly forbidden to take action in the town. If you don't want everyone in the town to take action against you, you'd better be more honest."

The succubus immediately dodged Su Chen's attack when she saw her.

This made her very confused about Su Chen's strength.

How could a person in the intermediate magician realm avoid a holy magician (out-of-body realm)? A sudden attack?

"Hum, I'm just testing your strength, an intermediate magician (grand master)? Are you a liar as a human being?"

"It's none of your business, you're free, and we won't owe each other anything in the future."

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