When Su Chen was thinking about how to face the ruthless empress in the future, the

Sky-Swallowing Demon Jar in the air completely sucked the Yamata-no-Orochi into the jar, and the lid of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Jar was also closed again.


The Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar suddenly appeared in Su Chen's hand.

When Su Chen looked at the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar, it was very complicated.

The Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar was a powerful imperial weapon, but it was also a powerful trouble.

The ruthless empress!

Su Chen didn't know how to deal with this matter in the future.

The ruthless empress came to Su Chen and said softly,

"Brother, after the Yamata no Orochi is refined in the future, its essence can enhance my brother's strength. Brother, you are too weak now."

Su Chen nodded and said to the ruthless empress,

"I know, Nannan, take me to a quieter place and let’s talk"

"Okay, brother!"

With a wave of the ruthless empress's soul, Su Chen and the ruthless empress disappeared here.

After Su Chen and the ruthless empress disappeared, the angel Angelite lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

Haili The cultivators who were not swallowed by the Yamata-no-Orochi all flew out of the sea towards the warship. The Yamata-no-Orochi had been suppressed, and the cultivators here did not have to escape. On the warship,

Baguio saw Su Chen and When the ruthless empress left, she said unhappily,

"Why did Su Chen leave with his sister?"

After Baguio learned that the gorgeous woman was Su Chen's sister,

Baguio breathed a sigh of relief.

She was just worried that that woman was also the confidante of that bastard.

But why is Su Chen's sister so powerful? Maybe even a powerful immortal. Why is

Su Chen just a small immortal cultivator?

Did Su Chen say that his cultivation talent is not as good as his sister?

You Ji shook her head at Baguio and said,

"Yao'er, Su Chen may want to talk to his sister alone. Su Chen will definitely be back soon."

Youji felt that she really underestimated Su Chen, no, she underestimated Su Chen very much.

I'm afraid Su Chen is not a human from the Shenyu Continent at all. Immortal world?

Su Chen may have come to the Shenyu Continent from the fairy world. People, it’s just why Su Chen’s strength is so weak, this is what You Ji can’t understand.

Su Chen’s sister may be a powerful person in the immortal world, why is Su Chen still a small immortal cultivator?

Could it be that Su Chen is in the immortal world Something happened and you started practicing again?

The succubus kept muttering to herself in confusion,

"Fairy! That woman is an immortal. Su Chen's sister is actually an immortal and a powerful immortal. How is this possible?"

The succubus has heard rumors about the fairy world in the Eastern Continent. She is very sure that the phantom woman who appeared just now is an immortal. If that woman wants to kill the demon king of the demon clan, it is probably just a matter of wave of her hand. It's just that. , isn’t it true that powerful immortals cannot appear in the Divine Meteor Continent? Even powerful spiritual treasures cannot appear? In the Divine Meteor Continent, even the immortals who appear can only be clones, and even their cultivation will be suppressed in the Tribulation Tribulation Realm. But the cultivation level of the woman just now is not at all beyond the Tribulation Realm. Although the woman did not reveal a powerful aura, the woman was as graceful as the empress. The succubus felt that Su Chen's sister was in the fairy world, and probably also in the pyramid The same existence at the top. After half a day, the warship still did not move. The cultivators on the ship did not dare to leave until Su Chen came back. Su Chen was very powerful. And Su Chen's sister was even more powerful, even Su Chen's sister is an immortal. The cultivators here are afraid that if they leave privately, they will offend Su Chen. If they don't wait for Su Chen to come back, they will sail away. By then, they may die without knowing how. Angelette Looking at the sea with a lonely face, she has given up on killing Suchen now, but why didn't Su Chen let his sister kill him before? When Angelette left Su Chen and his sister, she found Su Chen He didn't even look at her. Could it be that he was so weak that even Su Chen didn't bother to pay her a second? Whoosh! At this time, Su Chen suddenly appeared on the battleship. He looked around and said to the cultivator next to him,

"Hurry and set sail"

"Yes, my lord!"

The cultivator next to him hurriedly saluted after hearing Su Chen's words.

Su Chen waved his hand, glanced at Angelite, and walked to the cabin.

He did not speak to Angelite, nor did he go to Baguio.

He wanted to think carefully. Thinking back to the conversation with the ruthless empress just now.

Angelette saw Su Chen leaving without saying a word, and she didn’t stop Su Chen.

The two of them would be strangers from now on.

After the boat started, everyone on the boat also Knowing that Su Chen was back,

Baguio and You Ji went to find Su Chen. They both had many questions they wanted to know.

"Why did you kill Su Chen before?"The succubus looked at Angelette on the deck and asked doubtfully.

The succubus didn't go to find Su Chen.

Besides, she had nothing to do with Su Chen.



She had been Su Chen's slave before.

The succubus was just She was curious that the relationship between Angelique and Su Chen was definitely unusual, but she couldn't figure out why Angelette killed Su Chen when Su Chen was fighting Yamata no Orochi.

Angelette was indifferent. He threatened the succubus,"Succubus, this is not your question. If you don't want to die, stay away from me.""

"Well, you are powerful and you have the final say."

The succubus shrugged when she heard Angelite's threat and replied.

She couldn't afford to offend this Angelite.

This woman was also too powerful.

The succubus felt that there were too many strong people in the Godfall Continent. She There is no longer any hope for the demons to attack the Shenyu Continent in the future.

"Wait, succubus, I advise you to stay away from Su Chen in the future. Su Chen is not something you, a succubus, can enchant."

"You don’t need to worry about this. I think Su Chen is good. Not only is he powerful, he even has an immortal sister. If I become Su Chen’s woman in the future, I believe it will only be good for me and not harmful."

"Humph, whimsical!"

"Haha, I may be fanciful, but how will you know failure if you don’t try?"

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you. If you want to die, I won't stop you."

Angelit glanced at the succubus and left.

She simply didn't believe that the succubus could enchant Su Chen. Su Chen's identity and background was probably very complicated.

After this trip to the Northern Continent,

Angelite returned to The God Realm will investigate Su Chen.

The succubus looked at Angelette leaving, and she said doubtfully,"Angelique, who are you? Why do you have an aura about you that I hate so much?"

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