Three days later, the warship was getting closer and closer to the northern continent.

Su Chen had not seen anyone in these three days.

When Baguio and You Ji arrived, Su Chen sent them away.

Su Chen thought about many things in the past three days.

The information revealed by the ruthless empress was a bit big.

Su Chen did not expect that the fairy world was also very unstable. The fairy world in the Eastern Continent was actually divided into two parts.

The prehistoric fairy world and the wild fairy world are just that the strength of the wild fairy world is relatively weak, and they can only be located in remote wild areas.

The dark chaos in the wild has made the entire wild human beings live in dire straits. Millions or even millions of humans die every year. Tens of millions.

There are also the gods in Western mythology.

They are also in the remote Western Region of the Immortal Realm.

However, the Western Gods are not willing to live in the remote Western Region. They have been trying to attract the attention of the four major continents of the Ancient Immortal Realm for millions of years.

After several wars, the Western Gods were completely defeated. Even some powerful Western Gods were destroyed by the Heavenly Court and several major sects.

Su Chen had a headache thinking about this.

The fairy world was also very uneasy, but he had caused a lot of trouble this time.

If Su Chen appeared in the ancient fairy world again, the ruthless empress would probably look for him directly, or even ruthlessly kill him. The empress may have murderous intentions towards herself.

Three days ago, Su Chen gave this trace of the ruthless empress some nine-thousand-year-old flat peaches, as well as Huangzhong pears, top-quality spiritual stones, top-quality fairy wine, fairy tea, and more than a dozen seven-turn golden elixirs.

If this trace of the Empress's soul is successfully cultivated into a body and becomes an independent individual, even if the ruthless Empress' body wants to take back this trace of her soul, it may not be possible.

Su Chen felt a little regretful when he thought about it, but this trace of the ruthless empress's soul was so good to him. All the empress's skills and magical skills were passed on to Su Chen.

Su Chen also didn't want this trace of the Empress' soul to be absorbed by the ruthless Empress' body in the future, just like the little Nannan.

That cute and pitiful little Nannan. If Su Chen met, he would definitely not be able to let the ruthless Empress. Absorbed the little girl.

Su Chen rubbed his forehead and said helplessly,

"Alas, I found this all by myself. I hope the ruthless empress will not become an enemy in the future."

In the fairy world, journey to the west, dark chaos, and the reluctance of the Western gods,

Su Chen may encounter these in the future.

Su Chen also understood that Angelette said that he had great potential, and even broke the promise to take action against him, Anji Lite is trying to get rid of a future enemy for the Western God Realm.

The Western Gods still refuse to give up on the four major continents in the Eastern Fairy Realm. I am afraid that a war will break out between the Eastern Fairy Realm and the Western God Realm in the near future.

Dong Dong Dong!


At this time,

Baguio arrived and knocked on the door of Su Chen's room and shouted,

"Baguio, come in!"

Su Chen was very speechless when he heard Baguio's cry.

Baguio has been knocking on the door every day for the past three days. Su Chen couldn't understand why Baguio kept coming to disturb him. Baguio and Youji came in. Su Chen After entering the cabin,

Baguio looked at Su Chen and shouted unhappily,

"You bastard finally met me. What were you thinking about in the cabin these days?"

Su Chen poured a cup of fairy tea for Baguio and Youji and replied,"I'm not thinking about anything, I'm just a little tired and want to take a rest."

"Hum, just lie to me."

Baguio didn't believe that Su Chen could be tired.

This bastard looked so lively. How could he be tired?

You Ji smiled and said nothing.

She found that Su Chen and Baguio had a very good relationship. Youji also hopes that Baguio and Su Chen can be together

"This tea?"

Youji took a sip of tea and found that her magic power had increased a lot.

This made her very surprised when she looked at Su Chen.

This was not spiritual tea.

The spiritual tea had no effect on her strength at all.

This must be an immortal. Tea, is this the fairy tea that Su Chen's sister gave him for cultivation?

Su Chen looked at the beautiful You Ji and smiled and said,"This is fairy tea, I will give you some, and you can drink it from now on." The effect of practice will be very good."

Su Chen feels very good about You Ji.

In the plot,

You Ji is a royal sister that people like very much.

Although You Ji is in the ghost king sect of the villain, You Ji is not a bad woman who does all kinds of evil. Moreover, You Ji’s love for Baguio is real.

"Thank you!"

Youji quickly thanked Su Chen after hearing what she said.

Baguio stretched out her hand to Su Chen and said with a smile,

"Su Chen, give me some panacea as well. I am now in the Nascent Soul realm, which is too poor compared to you. I want to improve my cultivation realm quickly."

Su Chen shook his head and took out some golden elixirs and fairy tea and fairy wine and said,"You can use these four-turn golden pills sparingly. I don't have much left. I will also give you some fairy wine."

"Su Chen, is your sister a fairy?"

Baguio smiled and put away the training resources that Su Chen gave her this time.

If she wants to keep up with Su Chen in the future, these training resources will definitely be indispensable. Baguio does not want to have a growing gap between her and Su Chen's cultivation level. big


"Then why are you so weak? Su

Chen rolled his eyes at Baguio and said speechlessly,"You little girl, don't be so curious. There are some things I won't tell you.""

"Not to mention pulling him down!"

Su Chen suddenly thought of Baguio's villain father, and he reminded Baguio,"By the way, Baguio, tell your father not to deal with Qingyun Sect again in the future. Your father is no match for Master Shuiyue of Qingyun Sect."

Baguio shouted in disbelief when she heard Su Chen's words,

"How can it be? After my father, a strong man in the Dongxu Realm, and the head of the Qingyun Sect, Daoxuan, were killed by you, the Qingyun Sect no longer had a strong man in the Dongxu Realm. Shuiyue of Xiaozhufeng was just a cultivator in the Fusion Realm. She could not possibly My father's rival."

Su Chen shook his head and explained to Baguio,

"Shui Yue is about to advance to the Dongxu Realm, and I also gave Shui Yue the Qing Yun Sect’s Immortal Killing Sword. Also, my sister used to be from the Qing Yun Sect, Suru, you should have heard of it."

The reason why Shui Yue advanced to the Cave Void Realm so quickly was all done by Suru.

Although Suru left the Qingyun Sect for Su Chen, she didn't want the Qingyun Sect to fall from now on.

Su Chen gave Suru some training Suru gave all the resources to Xiaozhufeng's Shuiyue, and even gave Suiyue the Zhuxian Divine Sword that Su Chen wanted to come to Qingyun Gate.

Baguio was very surprised when she heard Su Chen's words.

"What? Shuiyue is going to advance to Dongxu Realm? You also gave Shui Yue the Immortal Killing Sword?"

Su Chen nodded and reminded,

"This is all true. Tell your father, if he dares to take action against Qingyun Sect, I may take action against Ghost King Sect.

Baguio looked at Su Chen and asked speculatively,"Are you doing it for your sister, Suru?" Su

Chen took a sip of tea and replied,"Yes, although Suru has left the Qingyun Sect, she will not watch the Qingyun Sect decline and be destroyed." Baguio nodded and said seriously,

"I understand, I will tell my father, and even persuade my father not to take action against Qingyun Sect."

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