Queen Medusa and Youxue were very surprised when they heard what the succubus said.

Su Chen actually went to the depths of the northern continent?

Are the depths of the Northern Continent a place humans can go?

Queen Medusa and Youxue also heard that the depths of the Northern Continent were very dangerous.

According to legend, gods would perish if they went deep into the Northern Continent. They were very worried about Su Chen's safety.

Queen Medusa shook her head and said,

"No need for now, Youxue, summon the shadow assassins, and let’s go to the depths of the northern continent to find that bastard."

The Northern Continent is too far away from Hangzhou City in the Eastern Continent, and they didn't bring the butterfly-winged bird with them.

Even if they go to inform the strong men in Hangzhou City now, there's not enough time.

"Yes, ma'am!

Youxue nodded and disappeared.

The succubus was very surprised when she heard Queen Medusa's words,"Madam, are you really going to the depths of the northern continent?""

The hinterland of the Northern Continent is very threatening.

Does Su Chen's wife want to die?

There has been no news about Su Chen for more than two years. Maybe Su Chen may have died in the hinterland of the Northern Continent.

The succubus is very confused now. , she originally wanted Su Chen's woman to take her away, but she didn't expect that this woman would go to the depths of the Northern Continent.

If she went to the hinterland of the Northern Continent with Su Chen's woman, wouldn't she have a long life?

Queen Medusa Looking at this somewhat embarrassed woman, she frowned.

This woman's appearance and figure were very good, which made her very dissatisfied with Su Chen for provoking women everywhere.

Queen Medusa asked the succubus coldly and arrogantly,"Yes, what's your name? What is the relationship with my husband?"

The succubus looked at this beautiful and noble woman.

This woman was like a queen. She was cold, arrogant and unattainable.

She was just like the devil king of their succubus clan. Her aura and aura were too powerful.

The succubus did not dare to face the beauty. Queen Tussaud conceals,

"Madam, my name is Mei Ji. I am a demon. I am actually a slave bought by Su Chen."

"Demons? slave?"

Queen Medusa was very surprised when she heard what the succubus said.

She didn't expect that this woman was actually a demon. No wonder the cultivators in the camp said they wanted to capture the succubus, but they turned out to be arresting this woman.

Meiji clicked He nodded and hurriedly explained,"Yes, I am a succubus of the demon race. Su Chen bought me in the mercenary town two years ago, but Su Chen has already given me my freedom."

Mei Ji has no choice.

Her identity as a demon cannot be concealed in the temporary camp.

If she dares to lie to this powerful woman,

Mei Ji's last hope of escape may be gone.

Queen Medusa's face is cold. Said,"It turns out that the cultivators in the temporary camp want to arrest you."

Mei Ji nodded and said helplessly,"Madam, this is also because my identity as a demon has been exposed. The practitioners here want to catch me and sell me as a slave."

"See ma'am!"

At this time, more than twenty women in black night clothes appeared next to Queen Medusa and saluted.

The succubus suddenly saw so many women appearing, and these women in black were all at the same level of cultivation as her..

This made the succubus very surprised. With more than twenty cultivators in the out-of-body realm,

Mrs. Su Chen’s subordinates were too powerful.

"No courtesy, Youxue, let's set off."Queen Medusa waved her hand and ordered.

Queen Medusa doesn't care about looking for the captured snake girls now. Su Chen's safety is much more important than those snake girls. She can only find Su Chen first. In the morning, come back to find and rescue those captured snake girls.

"Yes, ma'am!"

When Mei Ji saw Queen Medusa and others were leaving, she took a look at these powerful women, and the succubus decided to go to the hinterland of the Northern Continent with these women. If she continued to stay in the temporary camp, sooner or later she would be One day they will be caught by those cultivators.

Succubus has no choice.

Although the depths of the northern continent are very dangerous, it is also very dangerous to stay in the camp.

Meiji hurriedly stepped forward and said to Queen Medusa,

"Madam, let me go with you too. It will be very dangerous for me to stay here."


Queen Medusa nodded and agreed.

After all, this demon is the slave of that bastard Su Chen, and she doesn't want this succubus to be caught and humiliated by those practitioners.

Deep in the northern continent,

Su Chen Chen took the female ghost everywhere to look for spiritual flowers and spiritual fruits.

Su Chen had a great harvest this time.

In the depths of the Northern Continent that no human has ever set foot in, he got a lot of spiritual fruits here that were thousands of years old, and even A special crystal mine, the female ghosts also discovered a lot.

And what made Su Chen even more happy was that he actually found a spiritual stone mine here, and it was also a medium-level spiritual stone mine.

"Master, all the spirit stones have been collected."A female ghost came to Su Chen and saluted.

Su Chen stretched and got up from the grass and said with a smile,"Well, that's right. It's time for us to leave, otherwise that crazy woman will probably drive us away.."

Su Chen felt that the atmosphere here was getting more and more strange, as if something was about to happen.

Su Chen did not dare to stay here any longer. If the mentally disturbed Empress Pingxin appeared again, he would probably be beaten again.

"Master, do you want to gather the sisters?"

"Gather together. I feel like something big is going to happen. I can't stay here any longer."

"Yes, master!"

After the female ghosts gathered and arrived,

Su Chen did not dare to delay any longer. He collected all the female ghosts and prepared to leave this place of right and wrong.


Come on!

What happened?

Just when Su Chen was about to teleport away. At that time, the earth suddenly shook, and a huge light pillar suddenly appeared in the center of the northern continent. The burst of light from the light pillar made Su Chen unable to open his eyes.


Su Chen saw countless huge light blades moving rapidly from the center. As it spread around, some powerful ferocious beasts were killed before they could dodge. He was also frightened and hurriedly teleported away.

After Su Chen appeared thousands of miles away, he was very shocked when he looked at the scene around him,"What the hell? , What on earth is that old lady Pingxin doing?"

The center of the Northern Continent is like a doomsday scene.

Thousands of miles in radius have been completely destroyed.

Mountains have been flattened, lakes and rivers have disappeared, and forests have become bare.

Even the powerful I'm afraid all the ferocious beasts are dead.

When Su Chen saw this scene, he said to himself,"No, we have to leave here quickly. That crazy woman is really crazy. I hope that crazy woman will not destroy the entire Shenyu Continent." Destroyed."


Ping Xin suddenly appeared next to Su Chen.

She looked at Su Chen and said anxiously,"Stop, Su Chen, I need your help!"

"Sorry, I'm just a little human monk, I can't be of much help. Goodbye, no! Never again."

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