When Su Chen heard Empress Pingxin's words, she hurriedly refused, just kidding!

This crazy woman didn't know what she was planning in secret.

Such a terrifying thing had happened just now, and Su Chen didn't want to die accidentally.

The Wu Clan has declined, and the saints in the prehistoric fairyland are also very wary of Empress Pingxin. Even Taoist Hongjun may have plotted against Pingxin. Su Chen does not want to seek death by participating in Pingxin's plan.


What the hell!

This damn crazy woman, aren't you ready to let him leave?

Su Chen teleported several times without leaving Ping Xin's side, which made his face look very ugly.

After Pingxin sealed the space here, she looked at Su Chen and said again eagerly,

"Su Chen, Yaochi Divine General, if you help me this time, I owe you a cause and effect."

A cause and effect?

​​Although this is a great opportunity, he still has to be destined to get the cause and effect of Empress Pingxin.

Su Chen can't leave now, and

Empress Pingxin can't let him leave again, and neither can this crazy woman. She knew what she wanted him to do, but Su Chen didn't dare to agree to this crazy woman.

Su Chen looked ugly and shook his head and replied,

"Concubine Pingxin, I am just a little monk, I can't help you much, and I have no interest in knowing what you do. Concubine, you should let me go."

Ping Xin saw that Su Chen still refused to agree.

She threatened Su Chen in a cold tone,"You just called me a crazy woman. Do you think I will go crazy now?"

Holy crap!

Maybe this crazy woman has been paying attention to me?

Now I'm in trouble.

It seems that Empress Pingxin is ready to be soft and hard.

"Empress Pingxin, I was unintentional just now.......I join in, I agree, I agree to help, please put down your hands."

Su Chen was talking about rejecting Empress Pingxin. When he saw Empress Pingxin slowly raising her hand, Su Chen hurriedly changed his words. Su Chen was also speechless.

He didn't expect that Empress Pingxin was going to ask for it again. Take action, alas!

This is what happens if you have no strength.

This damn old woman will one day take revenge for today.

"Go to my palace!"


Empress Pingxin smiled when she heard Su Chen's words. She waved her hand, and Empress Pingxin and Su Chen disappeared here.

At this moment, in the camp on the seaside of the North Continent, the terrifying aura and huge beam of light just now, The cultivators here have all discovered it, but the terrifying noise makes the cultivators here very uneasy.

"What happened deep in the northern continent? Could it be that a treasure was born?"

"It's possible. The light beam just now was very bright. There must be a treasure born."

"Boss, should we go take a look?"

"Hey, little mercenary, go take a look deep into the northern continent? With your Golden Core Realm cultivation, you would not be able to get out of the depths of the Northern Continent alive even if you have ten lives. I'm afraid your life will be over before you reach the depths of the northern continent."

"Yes, the depths of the Northern Continent are too dangerous."

"Cowards, the beam of light just now must have been a treasure. If you don't go, our mercenary group will go."

In the temporary camp, some mercenary groups are heading towards the depths of the northern continent one after another. The huge light beam just now attracted them. The mercenary groups who want treasures do not want to miss this opportunity.

As more and more people The mercenary group headed towards the depths of the northern continent.

The remaining mercenary groups and casual cultivators could not resist the temptation. They also dressed up and followed them. Tens of thousands of mercenaries and casual cultivators were all there. Heading towards the depths of the Northern Continent.

More than two thousand miles away in the Northern Continent,

Queen Medusa, Youxue and Succubus were also frightened by the loud noises and light beams just now.

The ferocious beasts here originally made them difficult to deal with. , but they did not expect such a terrifying thing to happen deep in the northern continent.

Youxue looked at Queen Medusa and asked worriedly,"Madam, should we continue to go deeper?"

"Go on, hope nothing happens to that bastard Su Chen."Queen Medusa replied with a cold face.

She was a little worried about Su Chen now.

Su Chen was a troublemaker.

Queen Medusa even suspected that the violent vibration just now was probably caused by that bastard Su Chen.

"Yes, ma'am!"

The succubus looked at Queen Medusa and didn't dare to say anything.

She didn't want to go to the depths of the northern continent.

She was still frightened by the terrifying loud noise just now, but she was under someone else's roof now. No matter how worried the succubus was, She also had to continue deep into the Northern Continent with Queen Medusa. In the underground palace in the center of the Northern Continent , after Su Chen was brought here by Empress Pingxin, he was very surprised when he saw ten huge blood pools around him.

"Damn it, why are there ten big blood pools here? Empress Pingxin, what on earth are you doing here?"

Ping Xin looked at the ten blood pools around him and reminded him coldly,

"You don't have to worry about this, Su Chen, I want you to use the space law to help me seal the space here."

"I will do something in a while. I will not bother to block the space here. You have to block the space here."

"And you can’t let out any breath at all. You saw the violent noise and light beam just now. If I hadn’t stopped it in time, the entire Northern Continent might have been destroyed."

"If you don't want the Shenyu Continent to be destroyed in a while, you must seal off the space here."

What the hell!

Is this something a human can do?

The Northern Continent was almost destroyed by the slightest exposure of his aura. Empress Pingxin thinks too highly of herself.

Su Chen is just a little human monk, and the terrifying aura just now made him Can the laws of space be sealed?

Su Chen looked at Empress Pingxin with a hazy face and said with a dark face,

"Empress Pingxin, are you asking me to die? I am just a young monk in the Tribulation Realm. If the terrifying aura just now breaks out again, do you think my cultivation level can seal this place?"

"you can!"

"Damn it, I want to leave, I don’t want to die here inexplicably."

Empress Pingxin suddenly appeared next to Su Chen.

She and Su Chen were face to face and said coldly,

"You can't leave, Su Chen. You have to do it today, and you have to do it for me even if you don't. Today is very important to me. As long as what I do succeeds, I can promise to do anything for you."

Su Chen shouted angrily to Empress Pingxin,

"Queen Pingxin, don’t even think about it. If the terrifying aura just now breaks out again, I may be wiped out in an instant. I will be dead. Your promise is of no use."

Empress Pingxin looked at Su Chen and said slowly,

"Then just watch the Shenyu Continent be completely destroyed. I won’t stop you anymore. If you want to leave, just leave."

Ping Xin doesn't believe that Su Chen won't help.

Su Chen's wife and daughter are all in the Shen Yun Continent.

If this bastard doesn't help her, the chaotic energy leaked from here will destroy the entire Shen Yun Continent.

By then,

Su Chen and His wives and daughters will still die

"What the hell!"

Su Chen is really helpless, leaving?

Can he rush back to Hangzhou City in the Eastern Continent if he leaves now?

Can he quickly gather all the troops and his women, and can he quickly evacuate the Shenyu Continent?

This damn crazy woman.

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