Su Chen was very worried when he looked at the ten blood pools around him.

What on earth is this damn crazy woman going to do?

Ten blood pools?

I'll do it!

Isn’t this crazy woman like Empress Pingxin trying to resurrect the top ten ancestral witches?

In the prehistoric fairyland, the ancestral witch Tu of earth opened up six paths of reincarnation and became Pingxin Empress. Gonggong, the ancestral witch of water, knocked down Buzhou Mountain and was suppressed in the eyes of some sea. The remaining ten ancestral witches were all involved in the Lich War. Fallen.

Could these ten blood pools be the blood essence of the other ten great ancestral witches?

Empress Pingxin is hiding in the Shenyu Continent.

Is she trying to secretly resurrect the top ten ancestral witches?

Su Chen looked at Empress Pingxin beside him and swallowed his saliva.

He could only pretend to know nothing now.

If Empress Pingxin found out that he knew the secret here, Su Chen might not be able to leave alive.

Pingxin saw that Su Chen was not leaving, which made her relieved.

She previously opened a passage to chaos on her own, but she didn't expect that the energy of chaos would run wild after it arrived.

Pingxin can only maintain the space channel, she can't do other things.

The Shura tribe she conquered in the Shenyu Continent has no one who understands the laws of space. If she can't seal the space here, she won't dare to use the chaos energy. Bring it here again.

Empress Pingxin could only find Su Chen again for help.

"Get ready, I'm going to open a space channel"

"Wait, what channel do you want to open?"Su Chen asked hurriedly after hearing what Empress Pingxin said.

Although Su Chen wanted to help Empress Pingxin seal the space here, this crazy woman couldn't explain clearly what she was going to do.

Open the space channel?

Be prepared?

What the hell? Preparation, this crazy woman didn't explain clearly, how could he prepare?

Ping Xin looked at Su Chen with cold eyes, and she said coldly,"You don't have to worry so much, you can seal the entire palace with space laws now."."

Damn it,

I will be killed by this crazy woman sooner or later.

"Space blockade!"

"Space barrier!"

"Space prison!"

Su Chen didn't pay attention to this crazy woman Ping Xin anymore. He used three spatial magical powers to block the palace layer by layer.

He was also extremely careful now.

This crazy woman didn't know what to do to open the space channel.

If he... If you are not careful, you may be wiped out directly here.

Pingxin nodded when he saw what Su Chen did.

Although this human being is not very strong, it is already very good to be able to do this.

Pingxin looked at Su Chen Chen said,

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen to you. I only let you seal the space here just in case."

I believe you!

Su Chen doesn't believe what Lady Pingxin said. Could it be that the terrifying aura and beam of light before were fake?

Boom boom boom.......

At this time,

Empress Pingxin took out a dark roulette wheel and threw it in the air.

The dark roulette wheel was spinning rapidly, and then a crack was stirred open, and terrifying airflow leaked out from the crack. When Pingxin saw these airflows, she hurriedly waved her hands to guide them into ten blood pools.

Su Chen's face turned pale when he saw those terrifying air currents.

Although he was far away, those terrifying air currents made Su Chen's soul tremble.

Chaos energy?

Is this him the energy of chaos? damn it!

This crazy woman is really crazy.

Su Chen trembled and said to himself,"This......This must be the energy of chaos. This crazy woman really wants to kill herself this time."

Pingxin saw that the passage opened by the Six Paths of Reincarnation was getting bigger and bigger, and more and more chaos energy was coming in.

She was also worried that the chaos energy would leak out again.

Pingxin looked at Su Chen and hurriedly reminded Su Chen. Said."Su Chen, seal off the space!"

After Su Chen heard Empress Pingxin's words, he couldn't care so much anymore.

Su Chen yelled at Empress Pingxin,"Damn it, you crazy woman, you better hurry up, these chaotic energies can't do anything. It's not something I can block"

"A quarter of an hour, you just need to hold on for a quarter of an hour and I can finish it"

"A quarter of an hour? If the energy of chaos leaks out, I won't be able to hold on for a breath."

"You must persist even if you can't hold on, otherwise you will die, and the Shenyu Continent will be completely destroyed by the energy of chaos."

"damn it!"

"Time goes backwards!"

"Time pauses!"

"Time loop!"

Su Chen also hurriedly arranged the magic power of the law of time around the palace.

He is also risking his life today.

If the energy of chaos is leaked, he will really die, and even the Shenyu Continent will be destroyed. Su Chen is now facing Empress Pingxin is so cruel.

Pingxin is still injecting the energy of chaos into each blood pool.

There is also a trace of sweat on her forehead now.

Pingxin is not afraid of these energy of chaos. She is afraid of these energy of chaos. She doesn't care about the Qi at all.

She is very nervous now.

If these chaotic Qi cannot activate the ancestral witch essence and blood, her brothers may not be able to be resurrected.

After hundreds of thousands of years, she has been trained in the Shenyu Continent. She spawned many ferocious beasts and used the ferocious aura of the ferocious beasts to soften the essence and blood of the ancestral witches. If she failed again this time, she would really lose all hope.



Cough cough cough......

What the hell!

After a trace of chaotic energy hit his space blockade, Su Chen was immediately shocked to the point of vomiting blood and coughing.

"Space blockade!"

"Space blockade!"

"Space blockade!"

Su Chen hurriedly added three space blockades.

This was already his limit. If these couldn't block the energy of chaos, Su Chen could only wait to die.

Boom boom boom boom.....

At this time, several blood pools in the palace suddenly exploded, and even the blood essence in the blood pools dissipated quickly.

Ping Xin shouted as he looked at these people whose expressions changed drastically."How could this happen? How could this happen?"

Boom boom boom......

Each blood pool exploded, and the blood essence in the blood pool was like boiling water, constantly rolling and dissipating.

Su Chen looked at the rioting blood pool and shouted to Pingxin,

"Crazy woman, if you don’t close the space channel, your method won’t work at all."

Pingxin shouted angrily when she heard Su Chen's words,

"Damn it, how could this not work? What do you know, you bastard? I will definitely succeed. I will definitely succeed."

Damn it!

Is this crazy woman really crazy?

The essence and blood in the blood pool are constantly dissipating.

Didn't this crazy woman see it?


At this time, the first person to be injected with the energy of chaos The blood pool was completely cracked, and the blood essence in the blood pool was completely dissipated.

"No, Brother Tianwu!"

Pingxin screamed sadly when she saw a blood pool that had dissipated.......

Then each blood pool continued to crack, and the blood essence in the blood pool was almost dissipated.

"You idiot woman, quickly close the space channel, otherwise all the essence and blood of your brothers will be completely dissipated."

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