Su Chen looked at Empress Pingxin and was really speechless.

This crazy woman actually had time to be sad?

If the space channel is not closed quickly, and if a few more channels of chaotic energy leak out, he will also die along with these ancestral witch essences and blood.


Empress Pingxin glared at Su Chen fiercely, and she took back the Lingbao Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk in the air.

Su Chen saw that the space channel was healing quickly, and he hurriedly wiped the sweat on his head.

Today is really scary. Damn him, this crazy woman is so crazy, no wonder the witch tribe is called a barbaric race. The ancestral witch Houtu was still a gentle and kind ancestral witch?

Is this what he is called gentle and kind?

Su Chen felt that he was betrayed by his previous life The information was deceived.

In order to save the other ancestral witches of the Wu clan, Hou Tu Zu Wu, this crazy woman will take the entire Shen Yun Continent to take risks.

If you are not careful, all the creatures in the Shen Yu Continent will be killed by Hou Tu Zu Wu. Play to death.

After Su Chen saw that the space passage had been completely healed, he looked at Empress Du Pingxin who was checking the blood pool and said with a guilty conscience,

"that.......Well, Queen Pingxin, if nothing happens, I will take my leave."

Su Chen had loudly insulted Empress Pingxin before.

He was worried that this crazy woman would settle accounts with him.

Moreover, he just accidentally mentioned Empress Pingxin's brother. If Empress Pingxin reacts later, she will do something to him. By killing people and silencing them, Su Chen died unjustly.

After Empress Pingxin heard what Su Chen said, she said coldly without looking back,

"Did I let you go?"

Su Chen worriedly assured Empress Pingxin,

"If you have any other instructions from Queen Pingxin, just tell me, and I will definitely complete them for you, even through mountains of swords and seas of fire." Does this crazy woman really want to settle accounts with her future wife?

Su Chen is not sure why Empress Pingxin still won't let him leave.

The essence and blood of the ancestral witches in the blood pool are basically finished, and it is impossible for the top ten ancestral witches to leave. After being resurrected, Empress Pingxin will not return to the six realms of reincarnation in the prehistoric fairy world. What else will she do if she stays here?


Why did Empress Pingxin come to the Shenyu Continent in person?

Moreover, her cultivation level has not been restricted, and even Empress Pingxin can even use spiritual treasures in the Shenyun Continent.

The black roulette wheel just now is probably an innate spiritual treasure at the very least.

Why is Empress Pingxin not restricted by the law of heaven? How can Su Chen not understand this ?

I can't understand.

At this time, after Empress Pingxin took back the remaining ancestral witch essence and blood in the blood pool, she looked at this and said sadly,

"Hundreds of thousands of years of preparation have come to nothing, Yao Chi Divine General, you should know what is in this blood pool, right?"

Su Chen pretended to be confused when he heard Empress Pingxin's words and said,"Yes, I know, the blood pool is full of blood."

After hearing Su Chen's words, Empress Pingxin said coldly,

"Blood? You are still pretending to me. I heard clearly what you said to me just now. You just said the ancestral witch essence and blood in the blood pool. What? Are you afraid that I will kill you and silence you?"

Pingxin looked at Su Chen with great disdain.

This Yaochi God General is really a shameless person, even a human who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

It has not been a quarter of an hour, but he pretends not to remember what he just said. , Empress Pingxin has a new understanding of this shameless Yaochi general.

Su Chen said hurriedly in embarrassment,

"The empress is joking, I was in a hurry just now and spoke nonsense. I was also talking nonsense about the blood in the blood pool."

"Hum, Su Chen, do you think our Wu clan is really doomed? Is it really impossible for my brothers to be resurrected?"

"Ahem, empress, I'm just a little monk. What you're asking is too profound. I don't understand anything about this."

Empress Pingxin glanced at Su Chen and said sarcastically,"Don't you understand? I think you understand it very well. You can guess from the ten blood pools that this is the essence blood of the ancestral witch. What else don’t you understand?"

Su Chen did not answer Empress Pingxin.

He thought it would be better to remain silent.

Empress Pingxin is a crazy woman with a lunatic mind. Moreover, she had just experienced the failure of resurrecting other ancestral witches.

Su Chen was also afraid of saying something wrong. , he will be killed and silenced by this crazy woman.

When Empress Pingxin saw that Su Chen did not answer, she waved her hand and said in frustration.

"Please leave, you'd better forget everything about what happened today"

"What happened today? I didn't see anything today"

"get out!"


Damn crazy woman!

Su Chen curled his lips and was about to leave.

This crazy woman really didn't recognize her relatives.

After all, he helped this crazy woman just now.

Now he asked himself to get out?

This grudge has been recorded.

Su Chen suddenly Thinking of what he had just been thinking about, he looked at Empress Pingxin and asked in a low voice,"Empress Pingxin, can I ask you a question?"

"Just ask!"

Pingxin didn't expect that Su Chen would ask her questions, which made her a little curious.

This little monk looked very shrewd. What questions did he want to know?

Su Chen asked Pingxin about the questions in his mind. Empress Xin asked,

"Empress Pingxin, why did you come to the Godfall Continent in person? Why is your cultivation level not restricted? Why do you use Ling Bao in Shen Yun Continent?"

"No comment!"

Empress Pingxin did not expect that Su Chen would ask this, which made her feel a little funny.

Who is she?

Empress Pingxin is the master of the six realms of reincarnation. As long as there is an underworld in each world, she can go there at will.

In In the underworld, even heaven can't control her.

I guess!

Su Chen didn't expect to get this answer.

She is really a crazy woman.

Forget it, just leave.

Su Chen looked at Empress Pingxin and disappeared instantly.

Empress Pingxin was there. After Su Chen disappeared, she looked at this place in silence.

Hundreds of thousands of years of planning still failed, and she even lost more than half of the ancestral witch essence and blood.

In order to resurrect other ancestral witches, she had no intention of managing the underworld of the six reincarnations. , Empress Pingxin doesn’t know if it’s worth it for her to do this.

"King Shura!"

"Empress!"A burly man with an ugly appearance came immediately and saluted Empress Pingxin.

Empress Pingxin looked at the subordinates she had conquered for many years and said,

"I am returning to the fairy world. This ruined underworld will be managed by your Shura clan from now on. Remember, you’d better not offend that human just now, otherwise even I won’t be able to save you."

"Yes, empress!"

After Su Chen came out of Empress Pingxin's palace, he hurriedly wanted to stay away from here. He didn't want to be threatened by Empress Pingxin again, and Su Chen didn't want to see that mentally disturbed woman again.

"Su Chen, I will wait for you in the underworld of the fairy world from now on."

At this time,

Su Chen suddenly heard the message from Empress Pingxin and was stunned.

What does this mean?

What is Empress Pingxin waiting for him in the underworld of the fairy world?

Su Chen suddenly thought of the ancestral witch essence and blood that Empress Pingxin had taken back. , which made his face look ugly immediately,

"Damn it, that crazy woman won’t give up, right?"

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