Concubine Yan nodded when she heard Ji Ruxihe's words.

All of Su Chen's women, confidants, and relatives must participate in this trip to the ladder.

Su Chen will become an immortal and appear in the fairy world in the future.

If they don't want to hold Su Chen back, they must speed up their cultivation. The ladder to heaven is a cheating device to improve their strength. Concubine Yan doesn't want anyone to miss this opportunity.

"Jing Salamander has already gone to take Su Yan, Xi and his sister, the war in Shenyu Continent should also stop temporarily, and Mu Guiying has also been recalled."

Ji Ruxihe nodded and said with a smile,

"Well, I also informed Mu Guiying that she will come back after deploying the legion's defense."

Concubine Yan thought for a moment and then ordered You Ruo beside her,

"You Ruo and the Shadow Assassins have all been recalled, as well as the Dark Guards and Luo Sheng."

"Yes, Queen!"

At this time,

Li Qingluo came to Yan Fei and said,

"Concubine Yan, give me Yue'er. You guys can discuss things here. We'll take Yue'er around Hangzhou."

"Okay, Aunt Li, I’ll trouble you then."

Concubine Yan looked at Li Qingluo, Suru, Mrs. Xiao, and Sister Li Qiushui, she nodded and said with a smile.

Li Qingluo pulled five-year-old Su Yue and said with a smile,

"Haha, what's the trouble? I haven't seen Yue'er for a long time. Little Yue'er has grown so big now."

Su Yue took Li Qingluo's hand and asked with her eyes wide open,

"Aunt Li, can I go around and play like my sister?"

"Not yet. Yue'er, don't be like your sister Su Yan. That girl is a crazy girl."

"My sister is not a crazy girl. She brings me gifts every once in a while."

"Okay, okay, okay, your sister is not a crazy girl."

The women in the hall watched Li Qingluo and the others leaving with Su Yue.

They were all very envious.

Su Chen only had two children so far.

Some of the women here also wanted a child very much, but as they and... Su Chen's strength continues to grow, and now it is more difficult to have a child.

In the garden, the three girls, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Wudang Madonna and Little Fox, are sitting together. Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Madonna are facing the little fox The appearance was very surprising.

The queen of Dashang, Su Daji, was not dead.

How is this possible?

Su Daji was killed by Lu Ya's immortal-killing flying knife.

How come the vixen Su Daji is still alive?

Su Daji seems to have started practicing again.

"Are you surprised to see me?"

Su Daji, who looked like a little girl, looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin and said with a sweet smile.

Guanyin Bodhisattva coldly said to the little fox,"Su Daji, I didn't expect that you didn't die."

The little fox smiled and said nonchalantly,

"Haha, I am a nine-tailed fox. Will I be killed so easily?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva coldly warned the little fox,

"Su Daji, I don't care about your past, but why do you appear next to Su Chen? Are you going to take advantage of Su Chen?"

"Suchen? Su Chen will be my husband in the future. How could I harm him? You should also know what happened to me in the ancient fairy world. Am I Su Daji who brings disaster to the country and the people?"

The Holy Mother of Wudang looked at the little fox and shook her head and said

"Su Daji, I know you were wronged, but that matter was calculated by those people. Do you think we can change it with our strength?"

Although Mother Wudang has some sympathy for the little fox, her master Tongtian Saint is also the one who plots against the little fox.

She doesn't know what is so special about the little fox that he will be plotted by those saints, but this is not something she dares to investigate. Something.

None of the great powers in the ancient world dared to investigate the little fox.

Five saints plotted against the little fox at the same time.

Who could find out why the little fox was plotted by these saints?

The little fox nodded and said helplessly,"Yeah, those people are too powerful, I'm just a little vixen, why do you think those people want to plot against me?"

"Not sure."

Bodhisattva Guanyin and Our Lady of Wudang both shook their heads. How could they know why the saints plotted against the little fox.

The little fox stood up, stretched out and said with a smile.

"Don’t worry, even if I appear in the fairy world from now on, no one will think that I am Su Daji. If you are not close to Su Chen, I will not let you know that I am Su Daji."

"That's fine. If you are recognized, Su Chen will probably be implicated by you. You'd better be more cautious when you appear in the fairy world in the future."

"I know that I will not let Su Chen fall into danger. Guanyin

Bodhisattva looked at the little fox and asked seriously,"Su Daji, is Su Chen the Human Emperor?""

"What do you think?"

"I think there are various signs that Su Chen is the Human Emperor"

"You should ask Su Chen personally, there are some things that I am not comfortable talking about."

The little fox looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin before disappearing.

She would not talk nonsense about Su Chen being the Human Emperor.

I am afraid Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin have already guessed that Su Chen is the next one who will appear. The human emperor, but they are still not very sure.

The matter of Su Chen being the human emperor is of great importance, even more serious than the exposure of her identity.

The little fox cannot tell anyone.

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Holy Mother are in the little fox After the fox left, they looked at each other and fell silent.

They were now 100% sure that Su Chen would be the next Human Emperor. They were also very helpless about Su Chen's status as the Human Emperor.

Even the saint sects in the fairy world would not agree. Seeing the birth of the Human Emperor, if the Human Emperor appears again, what is the meaning of the last time to become a god?

The saints only want to control mankind and control the destiny of mankind. It is impossible for them to see the emergence of a Human Emperor again.

Human The appearance of the emperor is equivalent to depriving the saints of their luck to invade the human race. How could those saints make the emperor appear again. Guanyin

Bodhisattva looked at the Wudang Virgin and reminded,"This matter must be kept secret. No one should say it, including you. senior sisters"

"I understand, just pretend I don’t know about this matter."Our Lady of Wudang nodded and agreed,

"Mother Wu, we must also warn Su Chen. The matter of the Human Emperor is of great importance, and Su Chen must not reveal it."

"I'm afraid Su Daji has warned Su Chen. Su Daji is even more aware of the matter of the Human Emperor."


More than a month later,

Su Chen and Queen Medusa and the other girls also returned to Hangzhou City.

In the city lord's palace,

Su Chen and the girls met one after another.

He had not seen the girls in Tianxuan Continent for a long time. , Su Chen missed them very much.

At night, in

Su Chen's room,

Su Chen hugged Concubine Yan and sat on the bed and asked,"Concubine Yan, is everyone here?"

Concubine Yan leaned in Su Chen's arms and shook her head and said,

"All the women from Tianxuan Continent have arrived, but Xu Zhihu is the only one who has not arrived from Shenyun Continent."

"Xu Zhihu? Yan'er hasn't conquered Beiliang yet?"

"No, Yan'er was going to defeat Beiliang, but in order to climb the ladder to heaven, I asked Xi and his sister to temporarily stop all wars."

"Well, the ladder is very important, so let the war stop."

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