Su Chen nodded after hearing Concubine Yan's words.

The war is about to stop now.

It is less than five months before the time agreed by the Holy Soul of the Ladder.

If the Holy Soul of the Ladder summons him in advance, the time will definitely be It was very stressful, but it was very beneficial for everyone to gather in advance.

Concubine Yan suddenly thought of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang.

Ji Ruxihe told her that

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang had been staying in Hangzhou for a long time.

They also have a very close relationship with Su Chen. Although they are not confidants yet, at least Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin will not do anything to harm Su Chen.

Concubine Yan looked at Su Chen with her beautiful eyes and said with a smile,"You can meet Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang tomorrow. Ji Ruxihe said that they will not be a threat to us."

Su Chen nodded and guessed,

"I know that Guanyin Bodhisattva and Mother Wudang have doubts about my identity as the Human Emperor, and may even guess that I am the next Human Emperor."

Su Chen also found it very difficult for Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Holy Mother.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was very kind to him. Su Chen also thought about telling Guanyin Bodhisattva his identity.

But Wudang Holy Mother?

Su Chen didn't dare to guarantee it.

After all, Our Lady of Wudang still has a saint master. If

Master Tongtian asks about Our Lady of Wudang, Our Lady of Wudang will definitely not deceive the rebellious Master of Tongtian.

"Husband, tell Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang that they are both powerful in the immortal world. They will also be helpful to you in the immortal world. We women with low strength cannot help you at all."

Su Chen shook his head and said

"let me think again"

"The matter of the Human Emperor is very important, Guanyin Bodhisattva can talk about it, but it is not necessarily the case with the Wudang Holy Mother. If the Tongtian leader asks the Wudang Holy Mother, the Wudang Holy Mother may not dare to hide it from the Tongtian leader."

Ji Ruxihe was shaken when she heard Su Chen's words.

She didn't have any good advice to provide to Su Chen.

The matter of the Emperor was of great importance.

Su Chen only told him about the Emperor. Other women did not I know.

Concubine Yan doesn't know how to help Su Chen.

After all, this matter involves a saint from the ancient immortal world. This is simply not something that her little practice can decide.

"Well, then think about it yourself!"

"Let’s not talk about this anymore. Madam, let’s take a rest."

In the next half month,

Su Chen took his wives to play around the city of Hangzhou. He owed too much to these ladies, and Su Chen also tried his best to spare time to make up for these ladies.

Hangzhou West Lake,

Su Chen took Jiang Yuyan and Mrs. Mingzhu to go boating on the West Lake.

It has been half a month.

Su Chen will retreat to practice tomorrow. Today is also the last time he will accompany his wives.

Mrs. Mingzhu poured a cup of tea for Su Chen and asked with a smile. He said,"Husband, there are still four months left, can you survive the catastrophe and become an immortal?""

"I don't know, but I feel like it's not possible"

"What to do? If you don't become an immortal during the trial of the immortal world, will you be in great danger?"

Su Chen hugged Mrs. Mingzhu and kissed her and said

"Mingzhu, I have overcome the tribulation and become an immortal, but I am still a little scumbag in the ancient world of immortality."

"A human immortal is at the lowest level in the immortal world. Every one of the heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven is stronger than me. I feel that whether I become an immortal or not, this will have no impact on my trial at all."

"Haha, my husband is right."

Jiang Yuyan laughed when she heard Su Chen's words. She had great trust in Su Chen. Even if Su Chen did not become an immortal, she still believed that Su Chen could complete the trial of the Holy Soul of the Ladder.

Mrs. Mingzhu leaned in Su Chen's arms She also smiled.

She thought what Su Chen said was right. An immortal who had just passed through a tribulation and became an immortal would still be a little scum even if he ascended to the immortal world. Whether he became an immortal or not, this really didn't matter to Su Chen. Not big.


"My husband, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang have returned to the fairy world."

At this time,

Zhu Yuyan quickly flew over and said hurriedly to Su Chen,

"Did they leave?"

Su Chen frowned when he heard Zhu Yuyan's words.

He has not seen Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin Mother since he returned to Hangzhou.

Su Chen was afraid that Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin Mary would mention the matter of the Human Emperor. He didn't want to tell Guanyin. The Bodhisattva and the Wudang Virgin deceived her.

But the matter of the Human Emperor is of great importance.

Guanyin Bodhisattva knows nothing yet, but the Wudang Virgin Su Chen is really worried.

Zhu Yuyan sat opposite Su Chen and nodded and said,

"Well, Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang have just said goodbye to Concubine Yan and the others. Concubine Yan asked me to inform you."

Su Chen sighed and shook his head and said,"Hey, just leave. The big event in the ancient immortal world is about to begin. I'm afraid they all have to prepare."

"Husband, will this not affect your trial?"Zhu Yuyan asked Su Chen worriedly.

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin Mary are powerful in the fairy world. She was also worried that Su Chen would anger Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin Mother. When

Su Chen arrived in the fairy world, there were no Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin Mary. With help, his trial in the fairy world may be even more difficult.


Su Chen stood up and looked at the picturesque West Lake.

He didn't believe that Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin Mary were two great powers in the fairy world. They would not help him in the fairy world.

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin Mary were not fools.

They They should also know that the Human Emperor's affairs are of great importance. Guanyin Bodhisattva and

Wudang Virgin Mother should understand that Su Chen concealed the Human Emperor's affairs from them.

Madam Mingzhu, Jiang Yuyan, Zhu Yuyan and others looked at Su Chen's convinced expressions, and they all They looked at each other and smiled.

Su Chen was confident that he could handle Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Madonna, and they were relieved.

In the fairy world, there were Buddhist Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Madonna who intercepted Buddhism to help Su Chen. Su Chen's There should be no danger in the trial.

Su Chen stretched and said with a smile,

"Let's go back. Today we all have dinner together. Tomorrow I will go into retreat to practice."


"I'll inform the sisters!"

"I went to ask the maids to prepare the ingredients."

The three Zhu Yuyan girls said one after another after hearing Su Chen's words.

Mingzhu and Jiang Yuyan smiled and disappeared on the boat first. One of them wanted to inform the other sisters, and the other asked the maids to quickly prepare the ingredients for the dinner.

Su Chen shook his head and said to Zhu Yuyan,

"Let’s go back to the house too. Zhu

Yuyan nodded and said with a smile,"Okay, tonight must be very lively.""

Su Chen smiled, hugged Zhu Yuyan and disappeared on the boat.

At night, in the back garden, all Su Chen's wives, confidante, and relatives came, and there were a group of beautiful women in the garden.

Su Chen Chen looked very happy.

Especially Su Yan and Su Yue.

These two little girls were very excited today, running back and forth in the garden.

Su Chen looked at the happy girls in the garden,

He took a sip of wine and said to himself,"If I can always be so carefree and carefree, living with girls with nothing to do, it should be a very beautiful life."

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