Su Chen nodded when he heard Guanyin Bodhisattva's explanation.

Although the heavenly merits are good, he may not get much heavenly merits in the Journey to the West plot.

After all, Su Chen's strength is too weak. If he can get some heavenly merits by playing soy sauce along the way, it will be enough. Not bad.

However, if Su Chen can pass the 10,000-level trial of the ladder, then the rewards of the ladder will definitely be much more generous than those in the Journey to the West plot, and he may also get the heavenly merits by then.

Guanyin Bodhisattva said a few more words to Su Chen and then left.

Su Chen shook his head when he saw the beautiful Guanyin Bodhisattva leaving.

Guanyin Bodhisattva, a beautiful woman, was really nice to him. Su Chen also saw that Guanyin Bodhisattva was real. I care about him very much. It seems that I can no longer hide anything from Guanyin Bodhisattva in the future. but!

I'm afraid it's not that difficult for Su Chen to get the beauty of Guanyin Bodhisattva. The difficulty comes with motivation!

Su Chen didn't believe that he could defeat Guanyin Bodhisattva with his stubborn and stubborn personality.

Su Chen smiled and disappeared instantly.

At Gao Laozhuang,

Tang Sanzang was also preparing to leave with Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie.

Marshal Tianpeng was also named Zhu Bajie by Tang Sanzang, Tang Sanzang's second disciple.

"Miss Gao, I, an old pig, will come back to you after I have had my experience."Zhu Bajie looked at Miss Gao who was dodging next to him, and he excitedly shouted to Miss Gao,

"Idiot, pick up the burden and let's go."Sun Wukong grabbed Zhu Bajie's ears and pulled him back.

"Don't pull, don't pull, Bi Mawen, why should I bear the burden?"

Sun Wukong patted Zhu Bajie and threatened,

"Because I am the senior brother, idiot. If you call me Bi Mawen again, be careful I will beat you again."

Zhu Bajie became honest when he heard Sun Wukong's threat.

He was severely beaten by Sun Wukong last night. Zhu Bajie couldn't beat Sun Wukong, and now he could only swallow his anger.

At this time,

Tang Sanzang saw that Su Chen had not come back,

He asked Sun Wukong anxiously,

"Wukong, why hasn’t Su Chen come back? This will delay our journey."

"Don't worry, master, that boy is here!"Sun Wukong looked at the road and said with a smile. When

Tang Sanzang and Zhu Bajie heard Sun Wukong's words, they all looked at the road in confusion.

After a while,

Su Chen appeared dangling far away from the road.

Sun Wukong looked at Su Chen lazily. He looked angrily and shouted,"Su Chen, hurry up, we are about to set off.""


Su Chen instantly appeared next to Sun Wukong and the others with a piece of grass in his mouth.

"Set off!"

Tang Sanzang looked at Su Chen and then rode on the white dragon horse.

Sun Wukong held the white dragon horse, Zhu Bajie carried the burden, and Su Chen carried his head on both shoulders and followed the Buddhist team on the road. The sea of

​​blood, the deepest part of the six paths of reincarnation.

A palace Inside,

Empress Pingxin was sitting on a futon and meditating. Suddenly she opened her eyes.

Empress Pingxin looked at Dongsheng Shenzhou and said to herself,

"Su Chen, the general of Yaochi, did not expect to return to the fairy world so soon, and even got into the group of Buddhist scripture collectors. That bastard probably wanted to gain heavenly merit."

Empress Pingxin feels that Su Chen is very extraordinary.

In the Shenyu Continent,

Su Chen was able to guess that she wanted to resurrect other ancestral witches.

Moreover, in the fairy world, this weak little monk not only messed up in the heaven , He was like a fish in water, and he could also be protected by women like the Queen Mother and Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Pingxin guessed that

Su Chen should have something extraordinary to deserve the protection of those female quasi-sages.

After thinking about it, Pingxin suddenly shouted,

"Jiufeng, come here!"

"Yes, empress!"

After a while, a heroic and beautiful woman appeared in the palace. After she arrived, she bowed respectfully to Empress Pingxin.

Pingxin looked at the great witch Jiufeng and nodded.

Jiufeng was the only one in their witch clan. She is also the witch clan's Yuanshen, and she is also the only female quasi-sage power among the great witches of the Wu clan. If Jiufeng hadn't had Yuanshen, her last marriage with the Human Emperor Zhuanxu might have been calculated and her demise.

"Jiufeng, take Daluo Jinxian's Nine Nether Bird with you. You go to the junction of Dongsheng Shenzhou and Xiniu Hezhou to find Su Chen. The Nine Nether Bird will be handed over to Su Chen and let the Nine Nether Bird recognize Su Chen as its master."

Jiu Feng was very confused when he heard what Empress Pingxin said.

Jiuyouque is Empress Pingxin's mount.

Although Empress Pingxin has never used Jiuyouque, why would Empress Pingxin give away Jiuyouque?

Jiuyou Feng asked Queen Pingxin respectfully,"Su Chen? Madam, is Su Chen also from our witch clan?"

"No, Su Chen is a human race"

"Human race? Why did the empress give the Nine Nether Bird to a human race?"

Jiu Feng was very angry when she heard that Su Chen was from the human race.

During her period of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors,

Jiu Feng was almost killed by the plot of the Human Emperor Zhuan Xu and Lu Ya. She had great hatred for the human race.

Empress Pingxin saw Jiu Feng's anger She shook her head with an expression on her face.

She knew that Jiufeng was very hostile to the human race, but the other great witches in the Six Paths of Reincarnation were all warlike. Empress Pingxin was not worried about the other great witches coming out of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Empress Pingxin was calm. Explained to Jiufeng,

"Jiu Feng, in the prehistoric fairy world, the human race is now the protagonist of the world. The Wu clan has declined, and the last time we failed to resurrect our brothers, it is impossible for our Wu clan to make a comeback."

"We don’t have many remaining Wu Clan. Although I can protect the Wu Clan in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, this is not a long-term solution. Sooner or later, the Wu Clan will return to the prehistoric fairyland."

"However, it is impossible for the saint sects in the ancient fairyland and even the Heavenly Court to allow our witch clan to return to the ancient fairyland." Jiu Feng became more and more confused when she heard Empress Ping Xin say so much. What does this have to do with the human race Su Chen?

"Madam, what does this have to do with that Su Chen?"

Empress Pingxin continued with a cold look on her face.

"Jiufeng, Su Chen is not only a human race, he is also the only existence in heaven after the Emperor Haotian."

"Even the Buddhist Guanyin Bodhisattva, the Intercepting Our Lady of Wudang, the Golden Spirit Mother, the Yunxiao Fairy, and even the Queen Mother of West Kunlun have a close relationship with Su Chen"

"Do you know what this watch is about? These are five or six quasi-saints. If these women were brought together by Su Chen, even the saint sect would not dare to offend Su Chen."

Jiu Feng was frightened when he heard about Empress Ping Xin.

Su Chen is actually the only one in heaven after the Emperor Haotian?

He is also closely related to five or six quasi-sages?

There are only three left in their witch clan.

There are probably not many quasi-saints from other saint sects. Su

Chen was able to gather five or six powerful quasi-saints. Is that human Su Chen also a powerful quasi-saint?

Jiufeng is now a little worried about Ping Ping Empress Xin asked,"Empress, is Su Chen really that powerful?"

"Haha, no, Jiufeng, you guessed it wrong. Su Chen is a little human monk who has not yet become an immortal. You can kill that bastard and weakling with one finger."

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