Empress Pingxin laughed when she heard Jiufeng's words. She thought of that bastard's angry and helpless expression when he threatened Su Chen in Shenyun Continent , and Empress Pingxin couldn't help but want to laugh. Jiufeng looked at Empress Pingxin in bewilderment, Su Chen was actually an immortal? But a little human monk? How can this be? If Su Chen was not an immortal, how could he be the only existence in heaven next to the Emperor of Heaven? Why do those powerful quasi-saints have a close relationship with a small human race? Jiufeng asked Empress Pingxin in confusion,"Empress, are everything you said true?" Empress Pingxin nodded and warned seriously,

"That's right, Jiufeng, don't underestimate that bastard. Su Chen not only knows the laws of space, but also the laws of time. His future achievements will definitely not be low."

Empress Pingxin once suspected that Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Queen Mother saw Su Chen's huge potential, and they all wanted to draw Su Chen into their respective camps.

But later,

Empress Pingxin returned to the ancient fairyland. Only then did they realize that those powerful women were not wooing Su Chen at all, but that they were surrounding Su Chen.

Su Chen was the backbone of those powerful women, which surprised Empress Pingxin even more.

Jiu Feng was surprised He rubbed his forehead and asked in disbelief,

"A small human race actually knows the laws of space and time? Madam, is this true?"

The law of space and the law of time are two of the ten laws of chaos, and they are even the most powerful laws that rank very high.

Su Chen, a little human who has not yet become an immortal, actually knows the law of space and the law of time.

This little human It's a bit unbelievable!

The great witch Jiufeng is becoming more and more interested in Su Chen, the second-in-command in heaven!

He is closely related to several powerful quasi-sages!

He also knows the laws of space and time.

Even the Hou Tuzu witch Everyone looked at Su Chen with admiration, and she was a little anxious to know who Su Chen was.

Empress Pingxin nodded and continued,

"good! Jiufeng, Su Chen's potential can be said to be very huge, but that bastard's other abilities are also very powerful."

"Those powerful powers in the ancient world are probably more or less closely related to Su Chen. If our Wu Clan will return to the ancient fairyland in the future, Su Chen may be able to help our Wu Clan."

Jiu Feng nodded and understood.

"I understand. Your Majesty, you asked me to give the mount Nine Nether Bird to Su Chen because you want to make good friends with Su Chen from the human race, right?"

"Yes, Jiufeng, I know you don't like the human race, but those big bosses in Xingtian can't handle this matter at all. I can't live without the Six Paths of Reincarnation, so I can only rely on you to establish a good relationship with Su Chen. This is very important to our witches. Clan is very important"

"Don't worry, Madam, I will definitely have a good relationship with Su Chen"

"Jiufeng, let’s go!"

"Yes, empress!"

Ancient Taiyin Star, in the Taiyin Palace,

Chang'e sat on the futon and kept frowning.

Su Chen reappeared in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

She also felt that after all, the bastard had her breath on his body, and

Su Chen disappeared. Five hundred years.

She has never found that bastard aura. This time Su Chen suddenly appeared in Dongsheng China, and

Chang'e was also very surprised.

"Chang'e, can that Su Chen you mentioned really help me recover?"

Suddenly, a woman's soft voice sounded in Guanghan Palace.

Chang'e immediately stood up and said coldly,

"Sister Chang Xi, Su Chen should have the Three Lights Divine Water in his hand."

"Guanyin's White Lotus can be promoted to the twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus. This must be Su Chen's help."

"If Su Chen had the Three Light Divine Water in his hand, it would definitely help his sister recover from her injuries quickly, and even help her return to her peak level of cultivation."

Chang'e was very excited when she heard Chang Xi's voice again.

She was Chang Xi's good corpse.

Although she had been cut off by Chang Xi, she and Chang Xi were already two different people, but after all, she and Chang Xi After tens of millions of years, they are now like sisters.

Chang'e has been looking for a decisive solution for Chang Xi's injury for millions of years.

However, since the Battle of the Gods and the destruction of the ancient world, many innate spiritual roots have been destroyed. disappeared, and she never found the treasure to help Chang Xi recover.

Chang Xi sighed and said gently to Chang'e,

"Alas, it’s hard for you. You have been running around here and there for my injury all these years."

Chang'e said with a nonchalant smile,

"Haha, sister, I used to be your good friend, but now I am your sister. It is natural for me to help my sister."

"Then go and get in touch with that human Su Chen. If Su Chen has the Three Light God, please help me and ask for ten drops. However, Chang'e, if something cannot be done, don't force it."

"I understand sister!"

Chang'e nodded when she heard Chang Xi's words.

She still knew something about that bastard Su Chen, but how was she going to get in touch with that bastard?

Su Chen was a shameless pervert, was she going to use a beauty trap to confuse that bastard again?

Heavenly Court,

Doumu Palace!

Our Lady of Golden Spirit, Our Lady of Wudang, and Yunxiao, who had regained her quasi-sage, sat together to discuss Su Chen's affairs.

Su Chen reappeared in the prehistoric fairy world, and even mixed in with the Buddhist scripture seekers. In the team, the three sisters wanted to rescue the disciples of Jie Jiao, so they needed Su Chen's help. The

Holy Mother of Jinling frowned and asked the Holy Mother of Wudang,

"Junior sister Wudang, couldn't there be no way to convince that bastard?"

Mother Jin Ling thought that Mother Wudang and Su Chen had been together for so long, why hadn't she convinced Su Chen yet?

The journey to the West had already begun, and they had no time to wait any longer.

Mother Wudang shook her head helplessly and replied ,

"Senior sister, Su Chen said that he could help me save some disciples of Jiejiao, but the number is probably very few."

"Su Chen is very dissatisfied with some of the disciples we teach. It would be difficult for that bastard to save more disciples."

The hands in the sleeves of Our Lady of Wudang are tightly held.

In the Shenyu Continent, she and Guanyin Bodhisattva can't easily wait for that bastard to return, but what about that bastard?

He actually knows that he is tired of being with his women every day. Together, he didn't even come to meet her and Guanyin Bodhisattva. Thinking about it now, she couldn't kill that bastard.

Yun Xiao said with a cold face,

"Senior sister, Journey to the West has begun, and we can't wait any longer. How about we secretly go to the lower world."

The Holy Mother Jin Ling heard Yun Xiao's words and shouted hurriedly,

"Yunxiao, please don’t do it. Since the journey to the West to obtain scriptures, the Heavenly Court has stepped up surveillance on us Jiejiao disciples. We are afraid that we will be discovered as soon as we leave the Heavenly Court."

Mother Wudang's face changed after hearing the words of Mother Jin Ling. She did not expect that Heaven would now step up surveillance on Jie Jiao's disciples. It seems that both Buddhism and Heaven were afraid that Jie Jiao's disciples would sabotage the Journey to the West to obtain scriptures.

"Don't go down to the realm easily. I'm going to find that bastard Su Chen. If Su Chen can help senior sister and junior sister go down to the realm, it will be a good thing for us."

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