Guanyin Bodhisattva glared at Su Chen angrily.

She wanted to strangle this bastard to death.

In the Shenyu Continent, this bastard turned a blind eye to her.

This had already made Guanyin Bodhisattva very angry.

If it weren't for the importance of traveling to the west to obtain scriptures,

Even in order to let this bastard get some heavenly merit, she had already caught this bastard and taught him a lesson.

But today, this bastard was really disgusted by her changed daughter?

Zhenzhen, the daughter of Guanyin Bodhisattva, is not a beautiful woman, but she is still a beautiful and delicate woman.

This bastard,

Guanyin Bodhisattva guessed that Su Chen might have seen through her true identity as her daughter.

This bastard must have done it on purpose

"Guanyin Bodhisattva, I really didn’t mean it, I thought......"

Su Chen looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva awkwardly and wanted to explain, but he saw there were three Bodhisattvas next to him.

Su Chen did not dare to offend the other Bodhisattvas. Weak people really have no human rights. If Su Chen was strong now, he would have Kicked all the other Bodhisattvas out.

Guanyin Bodhisattva glared at Su Chen and shouted,"What do you think? Tell me, keep making it up for me."

Su Chen coughed a few times and whispered,"Ahem, Guanyin Bodhisattva, I thought you were the woman you changed. He is a male Bodhisattva. Otherwise, how could I have changed so much?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was stunned when he heard Su Chen's words.

What did Su Chen say?

Other male bodhisattvas?

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at the Wudang Virgin and the girls and understood.


Guanyin Bodhisattva couldn't laugh or cry.

This bastard,

Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't expect that Su Chen would guess that the other three women were transformed from other Bodhisattvas from Buddhism, which she didn't know either. Is it time to teach this bastard a lesson?

Mother Wudang, Jiufeng, Chang'e and others also looked at Su Chen speechlessly.

They did not expect that Su Chen would regard them as Buddhist Bodhisattvas.

However, when they thought about it, they felt that Su Chen's guess was good.

Su Chen probably guessed early on that Buddhism was going to test the four masters and disciples of Tang Sanzang. No wonder this bastard didn't come to this villa before. The Virgin Mother and the girls had no idea about Su Chen's cleverness. I also admire the intelligence.

Guanyin Bodhisattva and they wanted to test Tang Sanzang's masters and disciples.

This was also a temporary idea.

Su Chen could guess it.

This shows that Su Chen is really different.

"Su Chen, look who I am?"

At this time,

Our Lady of Wudang waved her hand, and she returned to her original appearance. She looked at Su Chen and smiled coquettishly. Didn't Su Chen say that they were Buddhist Bodhisattvas? This bastard would still think that she was a Bodhisattva when he saw him. A Buddhist Bodhisattva?

"Not a Holy Mother?"

Su Chen saw that the person playing the mother turned out to be the Virgin Mary.

This made him confused again.

Shouldn't the person playing the mother be an old woman?

How could she become the Virgin Mary?

What about the remaining two daughters ? Where?

Su Chen hurriedly looked at Jiufeng and Chang'e. He wanted to know if the remaining two daughters were played by Bodhisattva.

"Jiufeng of the Wu Clan has met the Divine General of Yaochi!"

"Chang'e, the lunar star, has met the divine general of Yaochi!"

At this time,

Jiu Feng and Chang'e also recovered their original beauty. They looked at Su Chen and announced their families.

Come on!

Jiu Feng of the Wu clan and Chang'e of the Taiyin star, how could these two powerful women... Appearing here?

Where is the Bodhisattva?

Are those Buddhist Bodhisattvas driven away by these powerful women?

Su Chen is really confused.

Isn't it Guanyin Bodhisattva and the three Buddhist Bodhisattvas who are testing Tang Sanzang's masters?

How can it change now ? How come such powerful women as Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin, the Nine Phoenixes of the Witch Clan, and Chang'e of the Taiyin Star participated in the test of Tang Sanzang's master and disciples?

No wonder! No wonder Su Chen looked at his three daughters in the hall

You will feel that they are more feminine than women, but it turns out that these are beautiful women.

The cold and taciturn daughter should be played by Chang'e, the Taiyin star, the heroic daughter must be played by Jiufeng, the great shaman of the Wu clan, and the charming daughter is played by Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The old woman played by the Virgin Mary is also good, mature and full of feminine charm, which is also very attractive.

These four beautiful and powerful women are played in their true colors.

Well, they are very good and powerful.

This lineup is better than the Buddha Those Bodhisattvas are much more powerful.

Four quasi-sages came to test the four masters and disciples of Tang Sanzang. If the four masters and disciples of Tang Sanzang knew about it,

I don’t know if they would be frightened out of their wits.

But how could the Nine Phoenixes of the Witch Clan arrive? ?

Could it be that the crazy woman Empress Pingxin still has thoughts about her?

Su Chen looked at Jiufeng and was a little worried.

He didn’t want to provoke that crazy woman Empress Pingxin. Su Chen was afraid that one day he would be raped by that crazy woman Empress Pingxin. Damn it.

Where is Chang'e?

Chang'e seems to have met her once, and even the meeting was very unpleasant.

After all, Su Chen got some secrets out of Chang'e's mouth. Fairy Chang'e should not be able to understand herself, so this time she Did he come here to test Tang Sanzang and gain some heavenly merit?

Or did he come here specifically to find himself?

"Su Chen, we have something to come to you this time."Our Lady of Wudang walked to Su Chen and said with a serious face.

Su Chen said helplessly after hearing the words of Our Lady of Wudang,"Our Lady of Wudang, we have a good relationship, but I really can't do anything about the interception of teachings."

Su Chen didn't need to guess what the Holy Mother Wudang wanted to do with him.

This beautiful woman must be here to deal with those disciples of Jie Jiao, but he was really helpless.

He was just a little scumbag.

What if he saved Jie Jiao's disciples? And for offending Buddhism, Su Chen may have difficulty in the ancient immortal world.

The Mother of Gods calmly explained to Su Chen,

"Su Chen, I am not trying to intercept the disciples this time. My senior sister Jinling Shengsheng and my junior sister Yunxiao are going to the lower world. You have to issue an order in heaven to allow my senior sister and junior sister to go down to the lower world."

Su Chen said in surprise when he heard Wudang Madonna's words,

"Holy Mother, I issue an order? I am just a Yaochi general. Even if I issue orders, it will be of no use. You are better than me if you ask the Queen Mother."

Su Chen was also speechless.

Our Lady of Jinling and Yunxiao want to go to the lower world?

Our Lady of Wudang has no use for him.

He is just a small god general, or a very weak god general.

If it weren't for Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Queen Mother, Maintenance, he is nothing in heaven.

When the Holy Mother comes to ask for his orders?

Will the immortals in heaven obey his orders?

If it is in Yaochi Fairyland, those fairies will obey his orders, but in other heavens place, the immortals in the Heavenly Court would definitely not look down on him.

The Virgin Mother of Wudang suddenly smiled when she looked at Su Chen.

She guessed that Su Chen must not know his status in the Heavenly Court.

This bastard just came back from the Shenyu Continent, and in the Heavenly Court Now divided into two forces, Su Chen has the help of powerful women like them behind him. This bastard is a being who can compete with Emperor Haotian in heaven.

"Su Chen, you don’t have to worry about whether your order works in heaven or not, just issue the order."

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