In the hall of the villa, Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong were silent as Su Chen was taken away by the women Wudang Virgin. Although it was impossible for these human women to treat Su Chen like this, they all felt strange. Su Chen disappeared at first, but then he was brought back by the maid for no reason. If Sun Wukong had not checked that these women were not monsters or powerful gods, he might have thought that these women were waiting for them here. At this time, Zhu Bajie came to Tang Sanzang and said coquettishly,

"Master, this place is really nice, how about.....Otherwise we can stay."

Zhu Bajie originally just looked at the woman here lustfully, but when she saw the little daughter of this family, Lian Lian,

Zhu Bajie was attracted, especially the little daughter of this family, Lian Lian, who had a cold temperament.

He felt like Fairy Chang'e They are very familiar with each other. Although they have different looks, their cold temperaments are very similar.

Zhu Bajie still misses Fairy Chang'e.

The last time he stopped Fairy Chang'e in the heaven was for Su Chen, and he was demoted to the lower world because of Chang'e..Although this was the decision of the Human Religion and he could not object,

Zhu Bajie became more and more fond of Fairy Chang'e.

"What a nonsense, Amitabha!"

Tang Sanzang hurriedly scolded Zhu Bajie after hearing what he said.

Sun Wukong patted Zhu Bajie and said with a smile,

"Idiot, if you want to be the son-in-law of this family, you can stay. We will leave after tonight."

Sun Wukong felt that it was impossible for this family to recruit a pig-headed son-in-law.

Sun Wukong had previously thought that this woman had taken a fancy to his master Tang Sanzang and intended to keep Tang Sanzang as his son-in-law.

But after Su Chen arrived,

Sun Wukong discovered that the family's The mother and daughter were all interested in Su Chen, which made him feel a little funny.


Su Chen's pretty face was longer and more handsome than Tang Sanzang.

As for Zhu Bajie, he was just being passionate, and

Zhu Bajie didn't even take a pee or look at him. Like a pig, a pig demon wants to be a home-based son-in-law. Zhu Bajie is crazy about women.

When Zhu Bajie heard Sun Wukong’s words, he retorted in embarrassment,

"Brother Monkey, what are you talking about? If the master doesn’t stay, how can I stay? I also want to protect the master as he goes to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures. Tang

Sanzang nodded when he heard Zhu Bajie's words and said,"Bajie, we are monks, how can we covet worldly things?" Don't say these words again"

"Yes, master!"

Zhu Bajie lowered his head and replied hurriedly.

Zhu Bajie was also very helpless.

He knew his mission, but he didn't want to protect Tang Sanzang when he went to the West to obtain scriptures.

Besides, after the human religion used him this time,

Zhu Bajie will be a Buddhist from now on.

The Human Sect will give up on him if he gets some merits from Heaven. Zhu Bajie has no hope in the Human Sect.

He can’t go back to Heaven either. Zhu Bajie originally planned to go to the West to learn scriptures with Tang Sanzang, but they met here. For a woman with the same temperament as Chang'e, Zhu Bajie's turbulent heart had other thoughts.

Sun Wukong looked at Zhu Bajie and smiled.

He felt that Zhu Bajie definitely had no intention of giving up. This idiot would definitely go to the wife of this family to propose marriage.

Sha The monk shook his head and persuaded Zhu Bajie,"Second senior brother, we are under the guidance of Guanyin Bodhisattva to protect the master when he goes to the West to obtain scriptures. Don't think about other things."

"I understand. You can drink tea here. I'll feed the horse. The little white horse hasn't eaten all day."

Zhu Bajie stood up and walked outside.

He still wanted to try to see if he could be the son-in-law of this family. Zhu Bajie also missed his little daughter very much.

Sun Wukong looked at Zhu Bajie leaving and smiled strangely.

Tang Sanzang and Monk Sha thought that Zhu Bajie was embarrassed to stay, so he was looking for an excuse to let the horses go. Tang Sanzang and Monk Sha didn't care that Zhu Bajie left. At this moment, in the room in the backyard,

Su Chen heard that Wudang Virgin was still When he was asked to issue an order, he shook his head helplessly.

He didn't know why Our Lady of Wudang insisted on letting him issue an order. Even if he issued an order, no one would obey it. Wasn't it a waste of efforts for Our Lady of Wudang?

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Chang'e , the three girls of Jiufeng, after they heard the conversation between Su Chen and Our Lady of Wudang.

They looked at Su Chen one by one and were very speechless.

Su Chen probably didn’t know his power in heaven.

In heaven,

Su Chen Chen was only a head shorter than the Heavenly Emperor Haotian, and this was because the Heavenly Emperor Haotian controlled the list of gods.

If the Emperor Haotian did not have the list of gods,

Su Chen in the heaven would probably be the emperor secretly. The mother of Wudang looked ugly when she saw that Su Chen had not spoken for a long time.

So he asked Su Chen,

"Su Chen, I just asked you to issue an order. Don't you want to help me with this small favor?"

Su Chen helplessly replied hastily,

"Help, I'll help, but I can't go to heaven now. How can I issue orders?"

Su Chen was also afraid that Our Lady of Wudang would be so angry that she would beat him. Besides, Our Lady of Wudang was pretty good to him, and this time he was not trying to save the disciples of Jie Jiao.

Su Chen was just giving a useless order, which would be detrimental to him. It doesn't matter. As for whether the gods in heaven will listen to his orders? That's not his business.

When Our Lady of Wudang heard that Su Chen agreed, she felt a little happy.

This bastard is not that good. It's unreasonable.

Mother Wudang originally wanted to torture this bastard for a few more days.

Now that this bastard has agreed, she doesn't have to stay with this bastard anymore.

"Haha, the Seven Fairies are outside. You can ask the Seven Fairies to go back and talk to the Queen Mother in a while. The Queen Mother can do the rest for you."

"Seven fairies? No wonder I feel familiar when I see people in red and green. You powerful people are so awesome that you didn’t even notice that people in red and others have practiced before."

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Su Chen and said proudly.

"That is, our ability to change cannot be detected even by Sun Wukong's piercing eyes."

Su Chen shook his head and stopped thinking about this.

These women are all powerful quasi-sages, and Sun Wukong is also in the realm of golden immortal cultivation.

He couldn't see that.

Su Chen looked at the Wudang Virgin and reminded,

"Mother Wudang, I agree, I will tell the seven fairies to tell them to the Queen Mother"

"But we have to say well, I only ordered the Holy Mother of Jinling and Fairy Yunxiao to allow them to go down to the realm. The matter of intercepting the teachings has nothing to do with me. As for whether my order will work? I can't guarantee this either."

Our Lady of Wudang rolled her eyes at Su Chen and said with a smile,"No problem, as long as I have your order."

Who dares to disobey the order issued by this bastard in heaven?

From now on, with the orders issued by Su Chen, the Holy Mother of Jin Ling and Yun Xiao will have no reason why the Emperor Haotian wants to stop the Holy Mother of Jin Ling and Yun Xiao, not even the Emperor Haotian. Reason to use the God List to stop the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and the Lower Realm of Yunxiao

"Yaochi Divine General, Queen Pingxin asked me to give you a mount, I hope you can accept it later."

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