Su Chen looked at the terrifying thunder that was still gathering in the sky.

This frightened Su Chen.

Could he survive such a powerful thunderstorm? I'm afraid that any lightning strike could kill him.

Damn it, are you trying to kill yourself?

Damn it, how could I survive such a devastating thunderstorm?

Others who have become immortals have never heard that thunder tribulation can be so terrifying. Isn't this Heaven's law specifically targeting you?

Boom boom boom boom.....

At this time, thunder tribulation began to strike down

"I'll do it! Sky-swallowing magic jar, stop me!"

Su Chen hurriedly took out the Tiantian Milling Jar from the system space.

He didn't know if the Tiantian Milling Jar could block it, but now he can only act like a dead horse.

Boom boom boom........

After the first lightning tribulation struck down, the sky-swallowing mill jar above Su Chen's head resisted the thunder tribulation's attack.

Su Chen looked at the thunder tribulations in the air and didn't know how many there were. He quickly took out the ghost face mask and put it on his face. He also held the Sea Ding Needle in his hand.

Boom boom boom.......

Then, thunder tribulations struck down one after another.

Su Chen felt that these thunder tribulations were more powerful than the last.

If the thunder tribulations continued to increase in power, he might really die from these terrifying thunder tribulations.

Five hundred miles away, the four masters and disciples of Tang Sanzang were also frightened by the thunder tribulation in the sky, especially Sun Wukong.

When he found out that it was Su Chen who had overcome the tribulation, his monkey face immediately turned red. Three-nine heavenly tribulations, but what Su Chen experienced was ninety-nine heavenly tribulations. He did not expect that Su Chen had so much greater potential than him.

Tang Sanzang asked in horror at the terrifying thunder calamity in the sky,

"Wukong, what's going on? Why is God angry?"

Sun Wukong said with a complicated expression,

"Master, this is Su Chen overcoming the heavenly tribulation. As long as Su Chen survives the heavenly tribulation, he will become an immortal."

"Heavenly catastrophe? How could the catastrophe be so terrifying? Will God be able to survive such a horrific catastrophe?"

"I have no idea! Zhu

Bajie looked at the sky and yelled,"Good boy, Su Chen is about to go against the will of heaven. However, I'm afraid Su Chen is going to be doomed. It will not be easy to survive the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation.""

Monk Sha shook his head when he heard Zhu Bajie's words and said,

"Second Brother, it is impossible for anything to happen to the Yaochi God General. Don’t forget the powerful quasi-sages Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Queen Mother behind the Yaochi God General. They cannot watch Su Chen fall here."

Zhu Bajie was very speechless when he heard Monk Sha's words.

He had just forgotten the powerful women behind Su Chen. Those powerful women had the best innate spiritual treasures in their hands. It was impossible for those women to watch Su Chen being raped. Thunder Tribulation is extinguished

"Damn, you are right. Guanyin Bodhisattva, the Queen Mother in the Heavenly Court, the Queen Mother of West Kunlun, and the Wudang Holy Mother of Jiejiao. It is indeed impossible for those women to watch something happen to Su Chen. Junior Brother Sha, I’m afraid we will have to see the best innate spirits in a while. Treasure"


Heavenly Court,

Lingxiao Palace,

Heavenly Emperor Haotian stared at Su Chen who had gone through the heavenly tribulation. His face now is very ugly. In the short five hundred years since Su Chen came to Heavenly Court, his status in Heavenly Court has already He was about to be replaced by Su Chen. With Su

Chen's previous order,

Holy Mother Jin Ling and Fairy Yun Xiao were able to go to the lower realm unimpeded. No immortal in the entire heaven had ever blocked Holy Mother Jin Ling and Yun Xiao.

Emperor Haotian received the news at that time. His face turned dark.

He originally wanted to use the Conferred Gods List to recall Holy Mother Jin Ling and Yun Xiao, but he had no reason to recall her.

Holy Mother Jin Ling and Yun Xiao were ordered to go to the lower world, and Emperor Haotian had no reason to punish Holy Mother Jin Ling and Yun Xiao.

One Little scumbag,

I hope this thunder tribulation kills that bastard.

Emperor Haotian looked at Taibai Jinxing next to him and asked,"Taibai, do you think the Yaochi God General can survive the catastrophe?" Taibai

Jinxing hurriedly bowed to Emperor Haotian and said,"Emperor of Heaven, without the powerful help of God General Yaochi, it would be absolutely impossible for God General Yaochi to survive the ninety-nine tribulations of heaven.""

"Mighty? Will the powerful Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Queen Mother help the Yaochi general?"

"Emperor of Heaven, this is very possible. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and the Queen Mother are closely related to the divine generals. They will not watch the divine generals be struck to death by lightning."

Taibai Jinxing looked at Heavenly Emperor Haotian and shook his head.

Heavenly Emperor Haotian has no power in Heavenly Court. Since Su Chen came to Heavenly Court, Heavenly Emperor allowed Sun Wukong to cause trouble in the sky, and all the immortals in Heavenly Court basically fell to his side. Yaochi Immortal Palace.

In the Heavenly Court, the orders in the Yaochi Immortal Palace are more effective than the orders of the Heavenly Emperor in the Lingxiao Palace. If the Heavenly Emperor Haotian didn’t have the God List and the Divine Whip, he would even be the Heavenly Emperor canonized by the Tao Ancestor.

Maybe Su Chen is in the Heavenly Court now. The new Emperor of Heaven.

If Su Chen can survive the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation this time, then no one can shake Su Chen's power in Heaven.

Emperor Haotian shouted with a gloomy face,

"Guanyin Bodhisattva, Queen Mother, Our Lady of Wudang, Our Lady of Golden Spirit, Fairy Yunxiao, and even Queen Mother of the West, why do they care so much about a little scumbag?"

"As the Emperor of Heaven, I don’t even have a quasi-sage master in my hands. The strong men of various saint sects in Heaven are even more disobedient. As an Emperor of Heaven, am I no better than a little scumbag?"

Taibai Jinxing hurriedly saluted the Emperor Haotian and said,

"The Emperor of Heaven calms down!"

The Heavenly Emperor Haotian stood up and shouted angrily,

"Calm down? How do I calm down? Could it be that one day Yaochi God General Su Chen came and forced him to abdicate?"

"Emperor of Heaven, you are the Emperor of Heaven who was personally canonized by Taozu. No one dares to force the Emperor of Heaven to abdicate."

"Ridiculous, if Su Chen controls the heaven, I will be a puppet emperor. What is the difference between this and abdicating the throne?"

Taibai Jinxing lowered his head and didn't know how to answer the Emperor of Heaven.


Taibai Jinxing also admired Su Chen very much.

A little scumbag who was not yet an immortal actually controlled the entire heaven in just five hundred years.

In the Heavenly Court, whether they were disciples of Jie Jiao or disciples of Chan Jiao, they never dared to disobey Su Chen's orders.

Several quasi-sage strongmen of Jie Jiao had a close relationship with Su Chen, and none of Jie Jiao's disciples would dare to disobey Su Chen 100% of the time. Chen's order.

And the Antarctic Immortal Emperor of the Chan Sect also has a friendship with Su Chen, and it is impossible for the disciples of the Chan Sect to disobey Su Chen's orders. The remaining casual cultivators in the heaven are even more afraid to disobey Su Chen's orders. ,

Taibaijinxing felt that if Su Chen became the Emperor of Heaven, he would probably be much more powerful than Emperor Haotian, and Heavenly Court would be the true ruler of the entire three realms.

Emperor Haotian looked at Taibaijinxing with his head lowered and shook his head.

He gritted his teeth when he looked at Su Chen who was going through the Heavenly Tribulation. Emperor Hao really hoped that this little scumbag would be struck to death by the Thunder Tribulation.

"Damn it, is this over yet? Aren’t there thirty-six ways of heavenly tribulation? This guy is already forty years old. Isn't it true that Heaven will not stop until he kills him?"

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