Su Chen's face turned dark when he saw the thunder tribulations in the sky that had not dispersed.

He heard that there were only thirty-six transitional tribulations, but he had already passed through forty thunder tribulations, but not only did the thunder tribulations in the sky not dissipate, , and the power of terror is getting stronger and stronger.

This is his!

Could it be that Tiandao saw that he was a stowaway and was preparing to destroy him?

Damn, if you die, you will die, but God will not make things easier for you!

Su Chen looked into the air and cursed loudly.

"Tiandao, what the hell, are you willing to kill me before you kill me? These are his forty thunder tribulations, and the promised thirty-six thunder tribulations, are you displeased with me?"

Boom boom boom.......

As soon as Su Chen cursed, a thick thunderbolt struck Su Chen hard in the air.

Holy shit!

This guy really pissed off Tiandao.

Su Chen's whole body was covered in black by the thunder tribulation.

Although the Tiantian Mill Can blocked most of the attacks, the thunder tribulation still hit his body.

If Su Chen hadn't been wearing a grimace mask and holding a sea-fixing needle, I'm afraid Su Chen would have been beaten to pieces.

When the women who were paying attention to Su Chen heard Su Chen yelling at Heaven, their faces turned black.

They didn't expect that Su Chen didn't know about the Heavenly Tribulation, the Three-Ninth Heavenly Tribulation, and the Sixty-Ninth Heavenly Tribulation. , Ninety-Nine Heavenly Tribulations, these should be common sense among immortal cultivators.

How did this bastard Su Chen become an immortal?

This bastard doesn't even know the basic common sense of cultivating immortals. Will this bastard be laughed to death by the powerful people in the ancient immortal world?

In the heavenly court, the Seventh Fairy in red asked the Queen Mother with a confused look on her face,"Your Majesty, the general doesn't know the common sense of cultivating immortals?"

"That bastard, how does he practice?"

The Queen Mother was also very angry. She didn't expect that Su Chen didn't even know about the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation. This bastard even more idiotically cursed Heaven. This bastard is really tired of living.

"Madam, what should we do now?"

"Alas, don't worry, Guanyin Bodhisattva and I and the powerful spiritual treasures are by Su Chen's side. If Su Chen can't hold on, those spiritual treasures will help Su Chen resist the thunder disaster."

In the lunar star,

Chang'e just took a sip of tea and spit it out.

She looked at Su Chen in surprise and was stunned.

What was Su Chen doing?

Dare you scold Heaven?

Is he tired of living?

Jiujiu There are eighty-one heavenly tribulations, and that bastard has only passed forty.

How can he say he wants to go through thirty-six heavenly tribulations? Does that bastard Su Chen not know that he is going through ninety-nine heavenly tribulations?

Six paths of reincarnation Here,

Empress Pingxin burst out laughing after hearing Su Chen yelling at Heaven.

"Haha, is that bastard going to laugh me to death? Jiufeng, have you seen that bastard Su Chen doesn’t even know about the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation? I’m afraid that bastard doesn’t understand the basics of cultivating immortals at all."

Jiufeng's face turned dark and he shook his head and said,"Mother, I'm afraid this is true. Su Chen must not understand the common sense of cultivating immortals.""

"This time Su Chen is going to make Tiandao angry, and soon that bastard will suffer."

"Madam, will something happen to Su Chen?"

"No, Su Chen has seven or eight top-quality innate spiritual treasures around him, and those women will not let Su Chen be hacked to death."

Lishan, the Holy Mother of Wudang stood up angrily with a cold face.

Su Chen's ignorance made her really angry. She didn't even know for ninety-nine tribulations. Could it be that that bastard only knows those things when he hangs out among women every day? Is this a disgusting thing?

In the prehistoric fairyland, the Golden Spirit Mother and Yun Xiao were also dumbfounded by Su Chen.

They also did not expect that Su Chen would seek death like this.

He would actually think that there were only thirty-six ways of the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation, and even resist. When he reached the 40th level, he even cursed Tiandao. Holy Mother Jinling and Yunxiao were also very speechless towards Su Chen.

In the sea of ​​blood,

Ancestor Minghe heard Su Chen's curse words about Tiandao.

His face was so black that he wanted to slap Su Chen to death. ,

"Ignorant boy, this is really an ignorant boy."

Heaven, in the Lingxiao Palace,

"Haha, good scolding!"

The Emperor Haotian heard Su Chen yelling at Tiandao, which made him very happy.

The Emperor Haotian thought that if Su Chen pissed off Tiandao,

Su Chen would be dead this time.

The Emperor Haotian also didn't think of Su Chen. Being so ignorant, he didn't know about the ninety-nine heavenly tribulations, and

Su Chen actually thought that there were only thirty-six heavenly tribulations. It seemed that Su Chen was no longer worthy of his attention in the future.

At this moment,

Sun Wukong and others heard Su Chen's curse words. Everyone was stunned.

Su Chen actually cursed Tian Dao?

And because Tian Dao chopped him too many times?

Thirty-six thunder tribulations?

Who told Su Chen that there were only thirty-six thunder tribulations? Ninety-nine heavenly tribulations. There are eighty-one thunder tribulations.

Zhu Bajie patted his confused pig head and asked Sun Wukong,

"monkey.....Brother Monkey, is Su Chen dead this time?"


Sun Wukong was also very confused.

He didn't expect Su Chen to be so ignorant.

Sun Wukong thought he was just a daring monkey, but he didn't dare to scold Tiandao.

Su Chen was still awesome.

That idiot even scolded Tiandao now. Su Chen might be killed by Heaven in a short while.

Zhu Bajie looked at Su Chen and shouted,

"Oh my god, this is the person I have seen who was stupidly killed by me to survive the heavenly tribulation. Su Chen didn't know about the ninety-nine heavenly tribulations? Didn't those powerful people tell Su Chen this common sense?"

Monk Sha shook his head and said,

"Second Senior Brother, do you still need to tell me this? Those cultivators who don’t know that heavenly tribulations are divided into three-nine heavenly tribulations, sixty-nine heavenly tribulations, and ninety-nine heavenly tribulations."

"Hey, Su Chen doesn’t know!"

"Forehead! When I didn't say it."

Monk Sha was speechless for a moment.

Su Chen really didn't know about the Heavenly Tribulation.

The Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation Association thought that there were only thirty-six thunder tribulations. This was also the first ignorant cultivator he met.

At this time ,

Su Chen felt that Tian Tian Mo Guan could no longer hold on.

He had now survived forty-eight thunder tribulations.

Su Chen didn’t know how many more thunder tribulations there were to come, but the thunder tribulations in the air were becoming more and more powerful and terrifying. , if the Tiantian Milling Can persists, I am afraid that the Tiantian Milling Can will be broken into pieces.


What should we do now?

I don’t know how many heavenly tribulations there are.

Su Chen is also helpless.

The way of heaven must be split. Are you willing to die yourself?

Boom boom boom.....

In the air, a thick black thunder struck down again.

Su Chen looked at the Tiantian Mill Jar in his hand and hurriedly put it away. The Heaven Swallowing Mill Jar could no longer withstand the thunder calamity.


The twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus suddenly appeared on Su Chen's head.

Su Chen held the Dinghai Divine Needle and prepared to resist the thunder calamity. When he saw the twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus, he laughed.

"Ha ha....., Tiandao, if you continue to chop, I am not afraid of you now."

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