In the Heavenly Court,

Heavenly Emperor Haotian listened in bewilderment to the congratulations of Su Chen from the immortals and many forces in the Ancient Immortal Realm.

Emperor Yaochi? damn it!

I am the Supreme Being of the Prehistoric Immortal Realm, the Great Heavenly Lord of the Prehistoric Immortal Realm.

I don’t have the title of Heavenly Emperor of Yaochi.

Why do all the prehistoric immortals and the numerous forces in the prehistoric realm congratulate Su Chen?

Emperor Haotian kicked the jade table in front of him angrily.

All the gods, soldiers and generals in the heaven, even the Four Emperors and the Supreme Lord congratulated Su Chen.

What does this mean?

This means that the Heavenly Court is about to change its owner, and that he, the Emperor of Heaven, has ceased to exist in name only.

Chanjiao, Renjiao, Jiejiao, Buddhism, these saint sects all congratulated Su Chen, which all recognized Su Chen's identity as the Emperor of Yaochi.

Even the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Blood Sea, Wuzhuang Temple, West Kunlun, Wu Clan, Monster Clan, Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, Qilin Clan, these top forces in the ancient world congratulated Su Chen.

All the immortals in the prehistoric immortal world congratulated Su Chen.

What does this mean?

This shows that Su Chen is the destiny.

Heavenly Emperor Haotian thought that when he was canonized as Heavenly Emperor by Tao Ancestor, no one in the Saint Sect thought highly of him, and all the major forces in the prehistoric immortal world looked down upon him.

He and Su Chen were completely different from each other.

Could it be that they were the same person but had different fates?

The more Emperor Haotian thought about it, the angrier he became. He looked at Chaos and yelled like crazy,"I don't accept it, Tao Ancestor, Tong'er!" All the immortals in the prehistoric fairy world heard the roar of Emperor Haotian, but no one Let people take care of Emperor Haotian.

Heavenly Emperor Haotian was originally a boy of Daozu.

If Daozu had not balanced various saint sects in the first place, would Heavenly Emperor Haotian be able to become the Emperor of Heaven?

And since Emperor Haotian became the Emperor of Heaven, where is the majesty of Heaven?

Think about the Heavenly Court of the Demon Clan back then.

With the order of the Demon Clan Emperor Jun, hundreds of millions, billions, or even tens of billions of demons were willing to die for the Demon Clan Emperor Jun.

Where is Emperor Haotian?

What's the use of him being in charge of the list of gods?

Should the powerful immortals in the heaven listen to his orders or not? Does the Emperor Haotian dare to use the list of gods and the whip?

Emperor Haotian didn't dare.

Those were disciples of saints.

No matter how angry Emperor Haotian was, he didn't dare to take action.

Five hundred years ago, Emperor Haotian did a big stupid thing.

In order to get some Due to the merits of heaven, he actually allowed a monster monkey to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace. A mysterious monster monkey brought disgrace to the Heavenly Palace. Is the majesty in the Heavenly Palace still there?

Who among the immortals in the prehistoric immortal world is still afraid of heaven?

The monsters in the lower world are causing chaos.

Who do they blame?

Isn't this the result of the short-sightedness of Emperor Haotian?

"Emperor Haotian is finished, he has been abandoned by all the immortals"

"The Heavenly Emperor Haotian is not worthy of his basic virtue. What is the Heavenly Court in the prehistoric immortal world? There is no majesty at all. Even a demon monkey can cause havoc in the heaven. The heaven has no majesty at all."

"If the Emperor of Yaochi succeeds in overcoming the tribulation this time, the Emperor of Yaochi will probably be the most powerful Emperor since the Emperor of the Demon Clan."

"Yes, I hope that the Heavenly Emperor of Yaochi can successfully overcome the tribulation. In this way, even if we launch a war with the Western God Realm, our Great Desolate Immortal Realm will not be leaderless like the last war."

"Yes, there are not many years left until the Western God Realm invades our prehistoric fairyland."

"In a war that lasted ten thousand years, although our ancient world defeated the Western God Realm every time, we did not have a unified command after all. The low-level immortals in our ancient world also suffered heavy casualties."

"With Emperor Yaochi here in the future, we will definitely win the next war beautifully."

"I wish the Heavenly Emperor of Yaochi a successful escape!"

"I wish the Heavenly Emperor of Yaochi a successful escape!"......

The immortals in the prehistoric fairyland simply look down on Emperor Haotian.

Emperor Haotian’s heart is higher than the sky and his life is thinner than paper. For the sake of small profits, he does not care about the overall situation. If Heaven continues to be controlled by Emperor Haotian, sooner or later, Heaven will Replaced by other top forces.

At this moment,

Su Chen had no idea what was happening in the prehistoric immortal world. He was recovering his body with the help of the system while absorbing the fate of the country and the destiny of the human emperor.

Boom boom boom........


Above the nine heavens in the prehistoric fairyland, a golden beam of light fell from the sky, and the golden beam of light instantly enveloped Su Chen.

Boom boom boom.......

There was an extra kind of luck in Su Chen's sea of ​​luck, and Su Chen even obtained the status of Emperor of Heaven!

Su Chen was recognized by Heaven, who also granted Su Chen the status of Heavenly Emperor in the prehistoric fairy world, and the luck in Heaven also began to pour into Su Chen's sea of ​​luck.

In the Heavenly Court,

Heavenly Emperor Haotian was deprived of the Heavenly Emperor status in an instant by Heavenly Dao.

Heavenly Emperor Haotian's fortunes flew out from the sea of ​​fortune of Heavenly Emperor Haotian one after another. These heavenly fortunes disappeared in the Heavenly Court in an instant. Heavenly

Emperor Haotian was no longer there. With the Heavenly Emperor's fruition, Heaven's destiny is to find a new Heavenly Emperor with the Heavenly Emperor's fruition.

At this time,

Emperor Haotian's cultivation level also continued to drop from the late stage of Quasi-Saint to the late stage of Quasi-Saint.....Quasi-Sacred Middle Period.....In the early stage of quasi-sage, Emperor Haotian's cultivation level dropped to the early stage of quasi-sage.

Then it stopped.


Celestial Emperor Haotian's cultivation was about to fall to the level of Daluo Jinxian.

The Heavenly Emperor Haotian felt all this in a daze, the Heavenly Emperor's status was deprived, the heavenly luck dissipated, and the level of cultivation fell.

The Heavenly Emperor Haotian looked at all this and murmured to himself,

"How can it be? How could this be? My Heavenly Emperor status, my Heavenly destiny, my cultivation realm, why were my Heavenly Emperor status deprived of me?"

Taibaijinxing looked at Emperor Haotian and left.

Haotian's position as Emperor of Heaven was already in name only.


Taibaijinxing did not expect that Emperor Haotian would also be deprived of his position.

This shows that the Taoist ancestors have given up on Emperor Haotian. , Taibai Venus is useless even if it is left.

In the prehistoric fairy world, all the immortals saw the golden light pillar shrouding Su Chen.

Some powerful immortals understood that

Su Chen was now the emperor of heaven, and even the luck of heaven was Gathering around Su Chen, Su Chen is now the justifiable Emperor of Heaven.

"This is the status of Heavenly Emperor. Su Chen has been recognized by Heaven. From now on, Su Chen will be the legitimate Heavenly Emperor in Heaven."

"Yes, with the attainment of the Heavenly Emperor's status, the fortune of Heaven will follow. From now on, Su Chen will be the new Emperor of Heaven."

"Will the world-destroying thunder catastrophe still strike the Emperor of Heaven?"

"this....Not sure!"

"Weird, so weird, I can’t even see Emperor Su Chen clearly. I’m afraid only the saints and heaven know whether the world-destroying thunder tribulation can kill Emperor Su Chen."

"What I saw today is more frightening than what I have seen in hundreds of thousands of years."

"Yes, today is really thrilling. Emperor Su Chen just survived a catastrophe. Things are happening one after another. I am worried that Emperor Su Chen will cause trouble later."

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