In the Heavenly Court, in the Yaochi Peach Garden, there are Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang, the Queen Mother, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Fairy Yunxiao, the Queen Mother of the West, Fairy Chang'e, and the Great Witch Nine Phoenixes.

They are all very happy now.

Not only was Su Chen conferred the title of Heavenly Emperor by Heaven, he even received the luck in Heaven.

It should be impossible for Su Chen to get into trouble again.

The Queen Mother said with a serious face,"Let's not be too happy. The world-destroying thunder tribulation is still there, and the world-destroying thunder tribulation may kill Su Chen."

Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded and said,"Well, the Queen Mother is right. If the world-destroying thunder catastrophe does not dissipate, Su Chen may still be in danger."

Queen Mother Xi frowned and said in confusion,

"There's something wrong with this. Look, Su Chen is in the state of Yuan Shen now. It stands to reason that he has failed to overcome the tribulation."

"Even if the law of heaven wanted to punish Su Chen, the law of heaven granted Su Chen the title of emperor of heaven, and even the destiny of heaven was obtained by Su Chen. Why did the world-destroying thunder calamity destroy Su Chen?"

Our Lady of Wudang shook her head and said,

"I also can not understand? Yun

Xiaozou explained with a frown.

"Whether or not Heaven will destroy Su Chen is one thing. Su Chen is the destiny of Heaven. Heaven will naturally grant Su Chen the title of Heavenly Emperor, but this is another thing. However, Heaven will not give up the thunder catastrophe of destroying the world. , Su Chen must survive the world-destroying thunder catastrophe."

Mother of the Golden Spirit nodded and said,"Yunxiao's guess is good, it should be something like this."

Fairy Chang'e said with a cold face,"Then we must still be ready to support Su Chen at any time."

The great witch Jiufeng also agreed,

"Yes, Su Chen cannot die now."

After some discussion, the girls are ready to support Su Chen at any time.

Su Chen's identity is different now. He is the new Emperor of Heaven in Heaven.

This is the Emperor recognized by all the immortals in the world.

If Su Chen officially ascends the throne as the new Emperor of Heaven,

He is probably the answer to all questions in the ancient immortal world. No immortal or immortal force dares to disobey Su Chen's orders.

When the Emperor Haotian was in power, it was impossible for him to be comparable to Su Chen.

In the Taiyin Star,

Fairy Chang Xi felt in her heart She was very shocked.

Su Chen had really underestimated her.

Su Chen, who had just become an immortal, had not even passed through the heavenly tribulation. Su Chen was actually granted the title of Heavenly Emperor by Heaven.

This was the weakest person in the history of the ancient immortal world. The Emperor of Heaven is also the most powerful Emperor of Heaven.

There are probably more than a dozen quasi-sages around Su Chen. Even the six realms of reincarnation, which have always been independent, support Su Chen. There is probably no immortal in the entire prehistoric fairy world who dares to disobey Su Chen's orders.

Chang. Fairy Xi looked at Su Chen's position and murmured to herself,"Su Chen, can this new emperor survive the world-destroying thunder catastrophe? Can you lead the prehistoric fairyland to prosperity?"

In the Six Paths of Reincarnation,

Queen Pingxin is very uneasy.

Su Chen's development speed is really too fast.

How long has it been?

It has only been a short five hundred years since Su Chen appeared in the heaven five hundred years ago. , Su Chen became the new Emperor of Heaven in the Heavenly Court, and he was the Emperor of Heaven that everyone expected in the prehistoric fairy world.

Empress Pingxin felt that she had done the right thing this time. She had previously decided to let Jiufeng give Su Chen a mount. Feng even went to help Su Chen when he was in the most danger.

The Wu Clan had a chance to return to the ancient fairyland.

After millions of years, the Wu Clan finally waited for it.

"Su Chen hoped to give the Wu Clan a chance."

At the boundary of Wanshou Mountain, the four masters and disciples of Tang Sanzang had been standing there in confusion for a while.

The voices of the immortals in the ancient world had frightened them.

Emperor Yaochi,

Su Chen spent the whole night like this. Became the new Heavenly Emperor in Heaven.

Not only did Su Chen gain the unanimous support of all the immortals in the ancient world, he was even awarded the Heavenly Emperor status and the destiny of Heaven by Heaven. They were all stunned by the changes in this short period of time. Zhu Bajie shook his pig head and said in surprise,"Good boy, Su Chen became the new Emperor of Heaven in a blink of an eye, and Heaven changed hands overnight."

Sun Wukong was still thinking about the sounds made in the ancient world of immortals just now.

From the powerful sounds made by those immortals, Sun Wukong felt that those immortals were very powerful.

Sun Wukong was not the opponent of those immortals, and he was not the opponent of any of those immortals.

Sun Wukong thought for a while and asked Zhu Bajie

"Bajie, those previous Jie Jiao, Chan Jiao, Blood Sea, Six Paths of Reincarnation, Wu Clan, West Kunlun, etc., what are those? Are all those immortals powerful?"

When Zhu Bajie heard what Sun Wukong said, he didn't dare to answer truthfully.

Zhu Bajie was also worried that after Sun Wukong knew about those powerful immortals, Sun Wukong would find out that his making a fuss in the sky was a joke.

"this......Well, Brother Monkey, it’s up to you to observe these for yourself. I can’t say for sure. If you say it’s strong, it’s powerful. If you say it’s not, it’s not powerful either."


Sun Wukong nodded and did not ask any more questions.

He already had a guess.

Su Chen said this, and

Zhu Bajie said the same.

Sun Wukong has understood some hidden secrets, but he still needs to continue to understand some things.

Tang Sanzang and Monk Sha listened to Sun Wukong During the conversation with Zhu Bajie, none of them spoke.

Boom boom boom....

At this time,

Su Chen's body had completely recovered, and he hurriedly put on his clothes.

The national luck and the human emperor's luck were almost all absorbed into the sea of ​​luck.

This time, the national luck and the emperor's luck were much more. Su Chen could not imagine that after unifying the Tianxuan Continent, the Xuantian Empire's national destiny and human emperor's destiny would increase so much.

But what are those golden lucks?

Su Chen didn't remember that he had such luck

"System, what is golden luck?"

"Ding, host, you have just obtained the status of Heavenly Emperor given by Heaven. These golden fortunes are the fortunes of Heaven."

Su Chen said in surprise when he heard the system's words,

"The status of the Emperor of Heaven? Let me guess, system, do you think I am the Emperor of Heaven now?"

"Ding, yes, host, you are now the new Emperor of Heaven."

Su Chen was very speechless when he heard what the system said.

How could he become the Emperor of Heaven when he recovered his body?

Where is the Emperor of Heaven Haotian?

Did the Emperor of Heaven Haotian fall?

But is this wrong? Even if the Emperor of Heaven Haotian fell, so will the Emperor of Heaven. It's impossible for him, a little human immortal, to do this. What big thing happened?

I guess!

It's him, why is the world-destroying thunder calamity still there?

Wasn't he granted the status of Heavenly Emperor by Heaven?

Heaven's Law Why do you want to destroy yourself?

Su Chen looked at the yin and yang eyes in the sea of ​​thunder in the sky, and the world-destroying thunder tribulation was also there, which made Su Chen's face darken again.

Su Chen looked at the Eye of Heaven above the nine heavens. asked loudly,

"God, who am I now? Emperor of Heaven? Damn it, I haven’t been the Emperor of Heaven for a day, are you going to destroy me? Heaven's way, quickly remove the world-destroying thunder tribulation, I look scared."

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