Su Chen was very angry when he said to Tiandao, what does Tiandao mean by doing this?

Granted the status of a Heavenly Emperor, but with the world-destroying lightning disaster still hanging over his head, is he giving himself a sweet date and then destroying himself?

Isn't this a estranged person?


A majestic voice came down from the Nine Heavens, and the entire prehistoric world trembled.

"Damn it, God, if you want to kill me, kill me. If you can't kill me today, don't think about it in the future."

Boom boom boom.....

At this time, the yin and yang eyes in the sea of ​​thunder in the sky looked down at Su Chen indifferently, and the world-destroying thunder catastrophe began to launch.

"Damn it, system, help!"

"Ding, host, you are really seeking death. This system is unlucky to have a host like you."

"System girl, stop talking nonsense and find a way to save me!"

"Ding, host, the destiny of the country, the destiny of the human emperor, and the destiny of heaven have all been absorbed into the host's sea of ​​destiny. The host is ready to receive the merits of heaven.

Su Chen asked the system in confusion,"God's merits?" System girl, what are the merits of heaven? I have offended Heaven, how could Heaven give me Heaven's merits?"

Tiandao's merits?

Since when has he done anything with merit?

Besides, if Tiandao is about to destroy him, will Tiandao send him heavenly merits?


Damn it!

Tiandao seems to be stupid.

Su Chen didn't understand just now. If you get the status of Heavenly Emperor, maybe the stupid Heavenly Dao will really give you Heavenly Dao merits.

"Ding, host, you unify Tianxuan Continent. You are both the human emperor and the heavenly emperor in Tianxuan Continent."

"Tianxuan Continent is also a small world attached to the Great Desolate Immortal World. The unified Tianxuan Continent not only increases the luck of the Great Desolate Immortal World, but also makes the aura of the Great Desolate Immortal World a little richer."

"This is a great merit"

"God is supreme!"

"Heaven will definitely reward the host's heavenly merits."

Su Chen was stunned when he heard what the system said.

How could he have so many benefits from unifying the Tianxuan Continent?

The unification of the Tianxuan Continent not only increased the luck of the Great Desolate Immortal World, it even made the spiritual energy of the Great Desolate Immortal World a bit richer. A small Is the world so capable?

"System, you can't joke, can you? How could a small world be of such great help to the prehistoric fairy world?"

"Ding, host, a small world without unity is not helpful to the Great Desolate Immortal World, but the important point is that you are the Emperor of Heaven, and you unified the Tianxuan Continent, which is equivalent to the expansion of the territory of the Great Desolate Immortal World."

"To use an analogy, you are the general of an empire, and Tiandao is the emperor of the empire. If you expand the territory and increase the territory of the empire, won't the emperor reward you?"

I guess!

General? Emperor


The system girl really knows how to use metaphors!

Su Chen finally understood after hearing the system girl's words.

All the reasons are because of his status as the Emperor of Heaven.

This unexplained status as the Emperor of Heaven is really true this time. Saved his own life.

If Su Chen obtained the merits of heaven, would the world-destroying thunder calamity dare to strike him?

The merits of heaven are like a million-dollar oil, refining spiritual treasures!

Offset karma!

Increase the realm of cultivation!

Su Chen even showed the merits of heaven , those who want to kill him don’t dare to take action against him. Killing him will get a lot of karma, and may even be destroyed by the thunder calamity sent down by heaven.

Boom boom boom...

Holy shit!

Su Chen saw that the world-destroying thunder tribulation was becoming more and more powerful.

It was about to launch the world-destroying thunder tribulation. I am afraid that the world-destroying thunder tribulation would come in three breaths.

Su Chen hurriedly looked at the Eye of Heaven above the nine heavens.

If the heavenly merits don't come down quickly, otherwise he will really be struck to death by the world-destroying thunder calamity. swish swish.....

At this time, the Queen Mother, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Our Lady of Wudang, Our Lady of Golden Spirit, Fairy Yunxiao, Queen Mother of the West, Fairy Chang'e, and the Great Witch Jiufeng appeared next to Su Chen one by one.

"Why are you here again?"

Su Chen's face turned dark when he saw the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother appearing.

Are these women really not afraid of death?

Su Chen couldn't send these women away this time. The laws of space and time only left seeds. He is It is impossible for the law of space and time to self-destruct again to have the previous power.

"Together with you we will resist the catastrophe of destruction"

"Yes, you, a little scumbag, will definitely not be able to withstand the world-destroying thunder catastrophe. We will help you withstand it this time."

"Su Chen, we won’t leave this time!"

"It’s just that you, a scumbag, can’t resist the world-destroying thunder tribulation. Let’s resist it together!"

"Su Chen, be careful later"......

After hearing Su Chen's words, the Queen Mother and her daughters said one after another that they women also knew that even with their own strength, they might not be able to withstand the world-destroying thunder catastrophe.

But Su Chen's words just now caused Heaven to execute [Execute] directly. The Yin and Yang Eyes of Heaven's Punishment have already triggered the world-destroying thunder tribulation. Even if they die, they will die here together with Su Chen.

Su Chen heard these women chattering, he shook his head and said,

"well! Forget it, let’s die together!"

Boom boom boom.......

Suddenly, the prehistoric world trembled, and a golden auspicious cloud appeared above the nine heavens. The purple aura gathered in the auspicious cloud illuminated the entire prehistoric fairy world, and the golden auspicious clouds continued to gather, and there was more and more purple aura.

"Merit is about to come, you all quickly stand in a circle around me."

Su Chen saw the heavenly merits appearing above the nine heavens, and he hurriedly said to the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother that

Su Chen did not intend to practice with the heavenly merits.

This time, these women risked their lives to save themselves again and again. Su Chen She planned to distribute these heavenly merits to the girls, so that they would be safer in the ancient fairyland in the future.

The Queen Mother looked at the heavenly merits above the nine heavens.

She looked at Su Chen and asked in surprise,

"Heavenly merit? Su Chen, how did you get the merits of heaven? And it looks like there are hundreds of acres?"

Su Chen waved his hands to the Queen Mother and the others, and he said hurriedly,

"We’ll talk about this later. You all should quickly stand in a circle around me."

After the Queen Mother and Guanyin Bodhisattva heard what Su Chen said, they hurriedly stood in a circle around Su Chen.

Although they didn't know what Su Chen was going to do, they still obeyed Su Chen's instructions at this critical moment.

For the Nine Heavens

Although the women like them all had doubts about the heavenly merits , it was not time for Su Chen to explain.

The heavenly merits and the world-destroying thunder calamity appeared in the sky at the same time, and they were very confused when they saw this situation.

One is the punishment of Heavenly Dao’s world-destroying thunder catastrophe, and the other is the reward of Heavenly Dao’s merits.

Is Heavenly Dao going to cause trouble?

"Heaven's Punishment Yin and Yang Eyes, I am a person who wants to gain the merits of Heaven, do you still dare to strike me with the world-destroying thunder tribulation? You are going against the law of heaven, be careful that the law of heaven will destroy you."

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