Su Chen saw that the world-destroying thunder catastrophe was about to be launched, and the auspicious clouds of merit and virtue were still gathering in the nine heavens, which made him a little anxious.

If the world-destroying lightning tribulation falls first, he and the other girls will die together, and the merits of heaven will be of no use even if they fall.

At this moment,

Tianpu's Yin and Yang Eyes were also very confused.

What's going on with Tian Dao?

Just now, Heaven issued an order to unleash a world-destroying thunder tribulation, and the Yin-Yang Eyes of Punishment also launched a world-destroying thunder tribulation.

However, the world-destroying thunder tribulation has not yet come, and

Heaven is going to send heavenly merits to the sinners again. The Yin and Yang Eyes of Heaven's Punishment are also confused, and they don't know whether to continue to rain down the world-destroying thunder tribulation, or to suspend the world-destroying thunder tribulation.

Boom boom boom......

The World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation kept roaring in the air.

The appearance of the heavenly merits made the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation wonder whether it should kill Su Chen. The Heavenly Punishment Yin and Yang Eyes also had no instructions. The World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation was also urged by the constant roaring..

In the ancient immortal world, all the immortals were confused and confused.

The appearance of the heavenly virtues above the nine heavens, as well as Su Chen's words just now, made the immortals in the ancient immortal world confused.

What is the heavenly law doing? ?

The world-destroying thunder catastrophe is about to be launched, and the heavenly merits are going to be handed down to Su Chen. This is both punishment and reward.

What is Tiandao going to do?

"How is this going? Why does Heaven want to give Heavenly Emperor Su Chen merits from Heaven again? And there are hundreds of acres, which is more than the human emperor has received from heaven."

"This is both a punishment and a reward. What exactly is Tiandao going to do? Also, why did Emperor Su Chen receive so much heavenly merit?"

"Thunder punishment? Merit? Such a scene has never happened at the same time in the prehistoric fairy world. Emperor Su Chen is really weird. How could the Emperor get so many heavenly merits for no reason?"

"It's very strange. Just now, Heaven was about to kill Emperor Su Chen, so how could it be that in the blink of an eye it was about to reward hundreds of acres of Heaven's merit?"

"Now it depends on whether the world-destroying thunder catastrophe comes first or the heavenly merits. If the world-destroying thunder catastrophe comes first, Su Chen and those powerful men may be in bad luck."

"Yes, I hope what Emperor Su Chen said just now can stop the world-destroying thunder tribulation."

The immortals in the Great Desolate Immortal World looked up in the air and shook their heads and nodded.

The world-destroying thunder tribulation and the merits of Heaven appeared at the same time.

This was the first time in the Great Desolate Immortal World.

All the immortals in the Prehistoric Immortal World were thinking, Heaven's Way. Is this to kill Su Chen? Or is he going to reward Su Chen?

In the air,

Su Chen and the girls looked nervously at the world-destroying thunder tribulation and the heavenly merits. They didn’t know whether the world-destroying thunder tribulation would come first or the heavenly way. The merits come down first, this is related to their life and death.

"Su Chen, what you just said seems to have some effect. The World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation seems to be frightened."

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation in the sky and spoke.

Guanyin Bodhisattva saw that the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation was about to fall, but after Su Chen's words, although the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation continued to roar, it never struck. Come down.

Three breaths have passed, and the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation is still roaring and roaring. Guanyin Bodhisattva felt that the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation might have been frightened by Su Chen.

Su Chen patted Guanyin Bodhisattva on the shoulder, shook his head and said ,

"Guanyin, stop dreaming. The Yin and Yang Eyes of Heavenly Punishment and the Thunder Tribulation of Destruction have no conscious thought. They just act according to the instructions of Heaven."

"You can understand what I just said with the Yin and Yang Eyes of Heavenly Punishment and the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation. The reason why the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation has not come down is probably because of the emergence of heavenly merits."

"is that so?"

After Fairy Yunxiao heard Su Chen's words, she frowned and looked at the Heavenly Punishment Yin-Yang Eyes and the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation.

Yunxiao felt that the Heavenly Punishment Yin-Yang Eyes and the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation had thoughts.

If the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation had no thoughts , ,

Su Chen had previously self-destructed and died. This should be regarded as a failure to transcend the tribulation. The world-destroying thunder tribulation should have dissipated.

But why has the world-destroying thunder tribulation not dissipated?

And after Su Chen's soul reappeared, the world-destroying thunder tribulation should have dissipated. Are you going to kill Su Chen's soul again?

When Su Chen heard what Fairy Yunxiao said, he thought about it and decided to try whether the Yin Yang Eye of Heaven Punishment and the World Destroying Thunder Tribulation had any consciousness.

Su Chen looked at the girls and smiled. Then he said,

"Wouldn’t you know if you try it?"

The faces of the girls changed when they heard Su Chen's words.

They didn't expect that Su Chen would seek death again.

Couldn't this bastard stop for once? What if the Yin and Yang Eyes of Punishment and the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation had consciousness, they would probably He is really going to be destroyed by the world-destroying thunder calamity.

"don't want!"

"Su Chen, give me a break and don't provoke the Yin Yang Eye of Heavenly Punishment and the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation again. If they have consciousness, are you going to kill us?"

"Bastard, be more honest with me"

"Holy Mother of Inadequacy, shut this bastard’s mouth for me, damn bastard, if we don’t die this time, you, bastard, won’t be able to live well"

"Su Chen, please stop provoking me."

"Bastard, you are really a troublemaker. They say that we Wu Clan are fools and have no brains, but you are even more of a fool. We Wu Clan should not provoke the laws of heaven and punishment. You bastard is just a fool."

"Watch out for this bastard and don't let him say anything else."

Su Chen's face turned dark when he heard the words of the women.

Just now, these women had doubts about heaven's punishment. Su Chen just talked casually. Why are all these women so angry and afraid that he will cause trouble again? Still. There is Jiufeng, what is this heroic beauty saying? Is he stupider than those fools of the Wu clan?

Damn, the ancestor witches of the Wu clan dare to anger even Tiandao, and even dare to take action against Tiandao.

He dares to ?


It seems that he had insulted and provoked Tiandao before, and he was also in a daze at that time.

Su Chen felt very embarrassed when he thought about it.

His previous performance was really stupider and stupider than that of the Wu Clan.

Boom boom boom...... now!

The gathering of auspicious clouds of merit and virtue above the nine heavens was completed. Hundreds of acres of auspicious merit clouds turned into pillars of light of merit and virtue, which were like the water of the Milky Way. They descended from the nine heavens to Su Chen in a mighty manner.

When Su Chen saw the heavenly merits descending first, he laughed and said,

"Ha ha.....The merits of heaven arrived first."

Boom boom boom.......

At this time, the world-destroying thunder and calamity in the sky also descended.

The aura that destroyed the heaven and the earth made all living beings in the entire prehistoric fairy world feel breathless. Some ordinary creatures and creatures with low cultivation levels were instantly suppressed. On the ground.


Why did the world-destroying thunder calamity come down at the same time?

Where is this happening?

When Su Chen saw that the world-destroying lightning disaster was coming, he looked into the sky with a dark face and couldn't help but cursed,"Heavenly Punishment, are you so fucking blind? Heavenly Dao has already rained down Heavenly Dao merits, you fucking Do you want to rebel?"

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