Su Chen looked at the shocked looks of these people, and he was also very helpless.

It is impossible to hide the news about the Human Emperor any longer. Even if he wanted to hide it, it would probably be unrealistic.

Su Chen also knew what would happen when the Human Emperor appeared.

Human Sect, Chan Sect, Buddhism, and even Jie Sect, which destroyed the sect, would not allow the Human Emperor to appear again.

The fate of the human race has been divided up by these saint sects.

Their current balanced situation cannot be broken by the reappearance of the Human Emperor.

With the reappearance of the Human Emperor, the fate of the human race may change.

Is it more luck for the human race?

Or is it less luck for the human race?

I'm afraid those saint sects don't know about it, but after the Human Emperor appears, part of the human race's luck will definitely belong to the Human Emperor.

Everyone in the Lingxiao Palace fell silent after hearing Su Chen's confirmation. They all knew what would happen when the Human Emperor appeared in this world.

At first, the Great Tribulation of the Gods was said to be the Gods, but that was just a lie by the saints. The trick of becoming a god is mainly to cut off the growth potential of the human race, and even prevent the human race's ruler from becoming an immortal.

The saints in the prehistoric fairy world will not make the human race stronger. If the human race is as powerful as the lich, how can the saint sect still preach? Heaven may also become a decoration.

Ancestor Minghe looked at Su Chen and asked doubtfully,

"Su Chen, have the Human Emperors in the Fire Cloud Cave discovered that you are the Human Emperor?"

Su Chen nodded and replied,

"Yes, my luck as a human emperor was revealed during the tribulation, and the human emperors in the Fire Cloud Cave should have discovered it."

Zhen Yuanzi couldn't understand when he heard Su Chen's words.

Even if Su Chen is the Human Emperor, wouldn't this be good for other Human Emperors?

If the Human Race has a powerful Human Emperor, won't the Human Race become even more powerful?

This will be good for the Human Race Isn't it beneficial? Why would those Human Emperors kill Su Chen, the Human Emperor?

Zhen Yuanzi was confused and said to Su Chen,

"Emperor of Heaven, so the Human Emperors in the Fire Cloud Cave want to kill you because you are the Human Emperor, but why do they want to kill you, a human race with the same destiny as them?"

"I can’t tell clearly either!"

Su Chen shook his head when he heard what Zhen Yuanzi said.


Su Chen also had some guesses, but he didn't want to think in that direction.

After all, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors had contributed to the human race. He didn't believe that those human emperors would be such human emperors. The Queen Mother looked at the people around her and guessed

"It should be for the fate of the human race. If Su Chen becomes the Human Emperor, the fate of the human race will definitely be redistributed."

"The Sage Sect all has spiritual treasures that can suppress luck. The Human Emperor in Fire Cloud Cave does not have spiritual treasures that can suppress luck. If they don’t want their luck to be shared by Su Chen, they can only kill Su Chen."

"I see!"

Everyone else heard what the Queen Mother said and felt it made sense.

If the human race had one more human emperor, the human race's luck would indeed be redistributed.

The sects of the saints all have luck spiritual treasures to suppress luck, but the human emperors don't.

Su If Chen Chen becomes the Human Emperor, the Human Emperors in the Fire Cloud Cave will have to give their luck to Su Chen. Even if they don't agree, it might be difficult for them.

"Su Chen, look, there are changes in Huoyun Cave."

At this time,

Queen Mother Xi used the Kunlun Mirror to check the Fire Cloud Cave, but she did not expect that millions of human monks would gather outside the Fire Cloud Cave, and even human monks would continue to arrive.

"this....Is Huoyundong preparing for war?"

"The human race actually hides so many monks, some of which are even immortals. Is Huoyun Cave afraid that we will attack them?"

"These are the subordinates and troops from the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors period. It seems that the Human Emperor in Fire Cloud Cave is preparing for war."

"The Human Emperor in the Fire Cloud Cave may summon millions of human monks and immortals. What should we do?"

"Fight over, Huoyundong is obviously trying to resist the sky with force."

"Yes, Su Chen was assassinated, which was already a big deal, but the Human Emperor of Huoyun Cave had to use his strength to resist, which was even more unforgivable."

In the Lingxiao Palace, the women of Wudang Holy Mother were all very angry. Before they went to attack the Fire Cloud Cave, the Human Emperor in the Fire Cloud Cave actually summoned an army to prepare to fight against the sky. They all wanted to destroy him. He saw the Human Emperors in the Fire Cloud Cave.

Su Chen's face was very ugly.

He originally didn't want to conflict with the Human Emperors. After all, the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors were all sages of the human race and had made great contributions to the development of the human race.

However, the people in the Fire Cloud Cave Is the emperor forcing himself to take action?

The armies are constantly gathering in the Fire Cloud Cave.

Do the immortals in the prehistoric immortal world know about it?

Is this because the Human Emperors want to give themselves a blow? Or is the Human Emperor in the Fire Cloud Cave planning to make peace? Fight by yourself?

The ruthless empress explained to Su Chen with murderous intent on her face,

"Brother, this is the Human Emperor of Huoyun Cave preparing for your attack, and also wants to give you a blow."

"After all, my brother has just become the Emperor of Heaven, and things and the army in Heaven have not yet been integrated. The Human Emperor in the Fire Cloud Cave only dared to assemble the army after seeing this period right."

"They were prepared to use force to overwhelm others, and even made their brother swallow the news of being assassinated."

Women like the Queen Mother nodded when they heard the words of the ruthless empress.

Although Su Chen is now the emperor in heaven, the heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven will also execute Su Chen's orders.

But I'm afraid it won't work against the human emperor.

The three emperors and five emperors are all saints.

If the disciples of the sect start a war, some people from the Renjiao, Chanjiao, and even the Jiejiao sect may come out to stop them. After all, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors all have their disciples, and they will not see Su Chen destroying their disciples.

"Reporting to the Emperor of Heaven, there is a Fengxuan fairy outside seeking to see him."

At this time, the heavenly soldiers reported outside the Lingxiao Palace.

After Su Chen nodded to Zhen Yuanzi and Ancestor Minghe, he ordered the heavenly soldiers outside,

"Let her in."

Zhen Yuanzi and Ancestor Minghe quickly canceled the space blockade at Su Chen's signal. After a while, a beautiful fairy arrived at Lingxiao Palace.

"Zhen Yuanzi, I have met Nuwa!"

"Ancestor Minghe has seen Empress Nuwa!"

"The Queen Mother (Guanyin, Jinling, Wudang, Yunxiao, Chang'e, Queen Mother of the West) has seen Nuwa."

When Zhen Yuanzi and the Queen Mother saw that it was the Nuwa Empress who came in, they all saluted.

They did not expect that the good corpse of the Nuwa Empress would come to heaven.

I am afraid there will be trouble this time. The arrival of the good corpse in the heaven must be to prevent Su Chen from dealing with the Human Emperor Fu Xi.

In the Lingxiao Palace,

Su Chen sat on the throne and did not get up, nor did he salute the good corpse of the Empress Nuwa.

The ruthless empress stood beside Su Chen. There was no movement around Chen.

Jiufeng had a stern look on his face when he saw Empress Nuwa.

The Witch Clan and the Demon Clan were at odds with each other.

It was impossible for her to pay homage to Nuwa, the saint of the Demon Clan.

The Good Corpse of Empress Nuwa After waving to the others, she looked at Su Chen and said,"Emperor Su Chen, when you see the Human Mother, why don't you pay homage?"

"The Human Virgin? Empress Nuwa, you used to be the Holy Mother of our human race. However, since the Yin and Shang Dynasties became gods, the Holy Mother of the human race has no longer lived up to her existence. You are now just a saint of the demon race and no longer the Holy Mother of the human race. I can say this. Is something wrong?"

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