Su Chen had no prejudice or dislike towards Empress Nuwa.

Empress Nuwa created the human race in the prehistoric fairyland. She was indeed the Virgin Mother of the human race and worthy of their worship.

During the Lich War, the demon clan massacred hundreds of millions of humans, but Nuwa did not stop them at that time.

This may have been prevented by other saints.

It may also be because the palms and backs of the hands of the demon race and the human race are full of flesh, and Nuwa Empress is out of sight and out of mind.

Su Chen could understand this.

After all, the Nuwa Empress had protected the human race for tens of thousands of years when the human race was weak. Even if a human race could not raise a child for a lifetime, it was indeed time to let go.

No matter why Nuwa Empress did not help the human race, the human race at that time did not blame Nuwa Empress. Those who should worship Nuwa Empress should still be enshrined.

However, during the period of the Conferred Gods,

Empress Nuwa should not take action against the last human emperor of the human race.

King Zhou was clearly deceived by Saint Zhunti at that time. Could it be that Empress Nuwa, as a saint, would not know this?

Or does Empress Nuwa want to comply with God's will?

Nuwa Empress is different from other saints. Nuwa Empress does not need to preach in the human race, and the human race will worship Nuwa Empress.

But even so,

Empress Nuwa still sent three demons to seduce the last human emperor of the human race, and in the end one refused to acknowledge him and even gave up on the three demons.

Su Chen always kept the matter of the little fox in mind. Why did Nuwa want to get rid of the little fox? What's so special about the little fox? Su Chen had to figure this out.

And finally?

The Yin Shang Dynasty was destroyed, the Human Emperor's fate was cut off, and the Human Emperor became the Son of Heaven. The Human Emperor, who should have been as noble as the Emperor of Heaven, became the Son of Heaven.

The human race will no longer worship the Nuwa Empress.

In the human race, statues of the Sanqing Dynasty, statues of the gods in heaven, and even statues of Buddhist monks are everywhere in the future. The entire human race has probably forgotten that there is the Nuwa Empress. Holy Mother.

Didn’t Empress Nuwa ask for this?

After the Yin and Shang Dynasties became a deity,

Empress Nuwa was no longer considered the Holy Mother of the human race.

What Su Chen said was not wrong at all.

When the good corpse of Empress Nuwa heard Su Chen's words, her face turned very ugly.

Before she could persuade Su Chen to give up dealing with the Human Emperor of Huoyun Cave, this little bastard actually started to attack her.

"Be presumptuous, Su Chen, don’t forget, I created the human race, and Heaven has recognized that I am the human race’s Holy Mother. Do you think you are right?"

"Ha ha....."

Su Chen burst out laughing when he heard the words of Empress Nuwa.

This narrow-minded woman still lives in herself, does God approve of it?

There are many things that are recognized by Heaven.

Prince Dong was recognized by Heaven as the leader of male immortals, but he was killed in the end.

Emperor Jun of the demon tribe was recognized by Heaven as Emperor of Heaven, and Emperor Jun also fell.

Just take the recent Heavenly Emperor Haotian.

Wasn't he also recognized by Heavenly Dao? If Heaven says it is regretful, it will be regretted. Isn't the status of the Emperor of Heaven still deprived of it?

"Empress Nuwa, Heaven has recognized you as the Holy Mother of the human race. I also recognized you as the Holy Mother of the human race before."


"What Heaven recognizes is the former Nuwa Empress, the one who initially protected the human race."

"Madam Nuwa, since the Yin and Shang Dynasties became gods, your luck as a human race has probably been less than 30%, right?"

"Have you never thought that since you are the Holy Mother of the human race, you could have taken up 80% of the human race’s luck?"

"Why are there so few now?"

"You have less than 30% of the luck of the human race, and that is only because you created the human race."

"If your status as the Holy Mother of the human race is deprived of you, Empress Nuwa, how much luck of the human race do you think you can still occupy?"

The good corpse of the Nuwa Empress was very angry when she heard Su Chen's words.

However, what Su Chen said was not wrong at all.

From occupying 80% of the human race's luck to now occupying 20% ​​of the luck, these two human race's gas Luck is also her contribution to the creation of human beings. I am afraid that the human race really does not regard her as the Virgin Mother of the human race.

If her status as the Virgin Mother is deprived, the good corpse of Nuwa Empress thinks that she may not even get the luck of the human race.

The Queen Mother and the other girls looked at Su Chen in shock.

They didn't expect that Su Chen would dare to talk to Nuwa Queen like this, and even sarcastically mocked the Nuwa Queen. This bastard really started to seek death again.

The Queen Mother and the girls looked at each other. After seeing this, they became alert. They would not let the angry Nuwa Empress take action against Su Chen.

Zhen Yuanzi and Minghe Ancestors widened their eyes when they heard Su Chen's words.

They also admired

Su Chen. They didn't know what to say because of Chen's ability to commit suicide.

Previously, they insulted the way of heaven, provoked the way of heaven, and ridiculed the yin and yang eyes of heaven's punishment. Now they even mocked Empress Nuwa. This ability to commit suicide was so powerful that they all had some heartache. Unbearable

"Su Chen, this is not what I am here to say today. Human Emperor Fuxi was wrong to assassinate you. I can give you some compensation. How about ending this matter?"

"too late!"

"What's too late?"

"I mean you came too late"."Why am I late? Haven't you asked these people to deal with the Human Emperors in the Fire Cloud Cave?"

"Ha ha......, Queen Mother of the West, let our Nuwa Empress see the scene of Fire Cloud Cave"


Queen Mother Xi took out the Kunlun Mirror after hearing Su Chen's words. She used her magic again to make the Kunlun Mirror show the scene of the Fire Cloud Cave.

Queen Mother Xi looked at the scene in the Kunlun Mirror, and she said to Empress Nuwa,

"Empress Nuwa, you’d better take a look at the Fire Cloud Cave first!"

"this......,how so? Is the Human Emperor of Fire Cloud Cave trying to resist the sky with his strength?"

When Nuwa looked at the millions of human troops outside the Huoyun Cave, she was very surprised.

She didn't expect that the Human Emperor in the Huoyun Cave would actually start a war. No wonder, no wonder Su Chen said it was too late,

Huoyun Cave This is to ride on Su Chen's head. I'm afraid this war will not turn around.

The Human Emperor in the Fire Cloud Cave is really looking for death. There are three quasi-sages, five Da Luo Jinxian, and millions of human beings. Can monks and immortals just rely on these to defy heaven?

Empress Nuwa looked at Su Chen and asked nervously,"Su Chen, what are you going to do?"


Su Chen said coldly with a cold face.

Empress Nuwa was very surprised when she heard Su Chen's words.

Su Chen's look reminded her of the demon emperor Jun, the same emperor of heaven, the same ruthlessness, and even the same murderousness. Decisive,

Empress Nuwa thought about it and wanted to dissuade Su Chen again.

She pointed at the millions of troops in the Kunlun Mirror and said,

"Those are all human monks and immortals. Some of them have contributed to the prosperity of the human race, and even dedicated their lives to the development of the human race. Do you want to kill even the sages of the human race?"

Su Chen mocked disdainfully after hearing what Nuwa Empress said,

"How about that? There are only friends and enemies in my eyes. Towards my enemies, I will be as ruthless as sweeping away fallen leaves. To my friends, I will be as warm as the spring breeze."

"As the Emperor of Heaven, I should suppress all enemies in the world!"

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