In the Lingxiao Palace, the Queen Mother and her daughters, Ancestor Minghe, and Zhen Yuanzi were all shocked when they heard Su Chen's words.

Especially what Su Chen said,

【As the Emperor of Heaven, I should suppress all enemies in the world! 】, this made everyone's blood boil with excitement.

They all felt that Su Chen was now a real Emperor of Heaven, a domineering Emperor of Heaven who only dominated himself. It was a blessing to have such an Emperor in Heaven, and it was also a blessing to the ancient world of immortality.

The good corpse of Empress Nuwa heard Su Chen's trance,

【As the Emperor of Heaven, I should suppress all enemies in the world! 】

Su Chen actually had such bold words.

This is more handsome than the demon emperor.

Su Chen, the emperor of heaven, is something that Nuwa Empress does not dare to underestimate.

If this Heavenly Emperor completely controls the Heavenly Court, the entire prehistoric era will be under Su Chen's control. Su Chen will probably be able to do anything that the Demon Clan and the Witch Clan have not done.

In the future, the prehistoric immortal world may really be unified, and saints will not be able to return to the prehistoric immortal world.

In the prehistoric immortal world, the Human Sect, the Chan Sect, Buddhism, and even the exterminated Jie Sect. If these sects dare not obey Su Chen's orders, they may be Su Chen directly destroyed the religion.

Su Chen looked at Jiufeng and asked seriously,

"Jiufeng, has Queen Pingxin agreed to my terms?"

Jiu Feng hurriedly replied after hearing Su Chen's words,

"Su Chen, the empress has already agreed, and one million witch soldiers and witch generals are ready."

"Jiufeng, you go back and make preparations. The army will be launched in Huoyun Cave in a month. All the immortal weapons and armor needed by the Wu clan will be sent from heaven."

"Yes, Emperor of Heaven!"

Su Chen said to Ancestor Ming He,"Ancestor, can the Rakshasa tribe dispatch an army of more than one million immortals?"

"Yes, no matter what, I will prepare the Rakshasa army."

Ancestor Minghe smiled and nodded when he heard Su Chen's words.

Ancestor Minghe will help Su Chen no matter what this time. Su

Chen will be his son-in-law in the future, and Su Chen's bold words this time,

Minghe Ancestor Zu's blood was boiling when he heard this.

Didn't he just want the Rakshasa army?

He had many Rakshasa people.

Although there were a few Rakshasa people above the level of immortals in the sea of ​​blood, he was still able to gather them together.

The four great devils!

The four great devils

These Daluo Jinxian Minghe Ancestors will be handed over to Su Chen in the future.

"Thank you ancestor, we will send troops to Huoyun Cave in a month!"

"Yes, Emperor of Heaven!"

Su Chen looked at Zhen Yuanzi again and asked,"Zhen Yuanzi, how many troops above heavenly immortals do you have in your Earthly Immortal Mansion?"

Zhen Yuanzi saluted and said,

"Heavenly Emperor, my Earthly Immortal Mansion doesn’t have many immortals, but I can still gather them together by forming an army of 200,000 immortals."

"Zhen Yuanzi, then call in the army!"

"Yes, Emperor of Heaven!"

"Queen Mother of the West, gather your fairies too"


Su Chen then looked at the Queen Mother and the Golden Spirit Mother, and said,

"Queen Mother, you go and integrate all the heavenly soldiers and generals in the heaven. All the immortal soldiers and generals above the heavenly immortals will be integrated into a legion of one million, which will be controlled by you respectively."

"The heavenly soldiers, generals and immortals in heaven will be killed if they disobey orders! Anyone who doesn't obey orders will be killed! A cut that conceals the realm of cultivation!"

The Queen Mother, the Holy Mother of Wudang, the Holy Mother of Golden Spirit, Yunxiao, and the other ladies all replied after hearing Su Chen's words,

"Yes, Emperor of Heaven!"

In the Lingxiao Palace, as the other women left, only Su Chen, Fairy Chang'e, the ruthless empress, and the good corpse of Nuwa were left here. The ruthless empress stood up and said seriously to Su Chen along the way,"Brother, I'm going to gather my men too."

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words of the ruthless empress.

He touched the ruthless empress' head and said with a smile,

"No, Nannan, you are from the wild world. This is the prehistoric fairyland. Your subordinates cannot come to the prehistoric fairyland. After all, this is a family matter in the prehistoric fairyland."

"Okay, I listen to my brother!"

The Ruthless Empress nodded when she heard Su Chen's words.

She understood what Su Chen meant.

The subordinates of the Ruthless Empress are all people from other worlds. If her subordinates come to the ancient world, it will be a matter between the two worlds. , this is very detrimental to the power of Emperor Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at Fairy Chang'e and said,"Chang'e, please help me later, I want to inform the prehistoric fairy world"

"OK, no problem!"

Fairy Chang'e nodded and replied.

She understood what Su Chen was going to do.

Su Chen was going to gather an army in the ancient world of immortality. There were countless casual cultivators in the ancient world of immortality, and there were also many strong ones. Su Chen They planned to gather all the troops at once this time.

The good corpse of Empress Nuwa has been watching by the side without making a sound.

She knew that it was useless to persuade Su Chen.

Those human emperors in the Fire Cloud Cave wanted to die, and Nuwa The good corpse of the empress is really helpless now.


What should Fuxi do?

Empress Pingxin of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is also on Su Chen's side. Those human emperors can't be reincarnated even if they are killed. Even Su Chen It might kill those human emperors physically and mentally.


At this time, a token flew into Chang'e's hand.

Chang'e laughed when she saw the token,

"Su Chen, this is the token given to you by Sister Chang Xi. With this Demon Emperor's token, all the demon soldiers and generals in the original demon tribe's heaven in Beiju Luzhou will obey the Demon Emperor's order."

Su Chen was very surprised when he heard Fairy Chang'e's words.

He had forgotten about the lingering demon clan in Luzhou, Beiju. The demon clan can be ranked alongside the witch clan as the most powerful race in the prehistoric fairyland.

He thought back then when the demon clan and the witch clan Earth, the strength of the demon clan will not be weak.

"And this thing? Chang'e, how many demon soldiers and generals do the demon clan have?"

Chang'e thought about it and said to Su Chen,

"Less than one million. These are all troops very loyal to the Demon Emperor. The remaining demon soldiers and generals have dispersed."

"Are those big monsters still alive?"

"Demon Saint Baize, Demon Saint Yingzhao, Demon Saint Qinyuan, Demon Saint Shang Yang, these are the only four Demon Saints left."

Su Chen smiled when he heard this.

There are still four demon saints from the demon clan, which is a good thing for him.

Although the demon clan has massacred the human race, in these millions or even tens of millions of years, the human race has He also killed a lot of demon clans.

Su Chen didn't care about these, as long as the demon clan could be used by him, it wouldn't be a problem.

Besides, Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi have been dead for tens of millions of years, and even Fuxi can be reincarnated to do The Human Emperor of the human race, what’s wrong with him accepting these demon soldiers and generals?

Su Chen nodded and said with a smile,

"Yes, Demon Saint Bai Ze is a wise man. I will keep Bai Ze here to help me manage Heaven."

"Su Chen, should I go to assemble the demon army from Luzhou, Beiju?"

Chang'e stood up and said to Su Chen eagerly.

Chang'e saw that Su Chen made the witch clan reappear in the prehistoric fairyland. She also wanted the demon clans in Beiju Luzhou to reappear in the other three continents of the prehistoric fairyland.

Beiju Ju Lu Continent is too miserable.

The remaining demon clan is living a very miserable life in Bei Ju Lu Continent.

"Go, don’t worry about the human race and the witch race, I will write you a heavenly decree. As long as the demon clan in Beiju Luzhou surrenders to me, the demon clan can return to Beiju Luzhou from now on."

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