Empress Nuwa shook her head when she heard Su Chen's words.

Although she is the Holy Mother of the human race, the human race has long been beyond her control.

Since I established the Human Religion, the most precious treasure of the human race, the Kongtong Seal, is in my hands again. The power of the human race lies in my hands.

If Empress Nuwa had the most precious human treasure, the Kongtong Seal, in her hand, she might be able to depose the Human Emperor, but can I give her the most precious human treasure, the Kongtong Seal?

This is simply impossible.

When Su Chen heard what Nuwa said, he continued to say

"Empress Nuwa, what if you have the human race’s most precious treasure, the Kongtong Seal?"

When Nuwa Empress heard Su Chen's words, she was shocked.

This bastard wouldn't want to snatch the human race's most precious treasure, the Kongtong Seal, right?

This bastard who keeps seeking death, does he really not want to live? Nuwa

Empress looked serious. So he asked Su Chen,

"Su Chen, do you know what you are talking about?"

Su Chen looked at the serious look on Nuwa's face, and he knew that Nuwa's mother had gone wrong.


Su Chen did not dare to talk about the saint.

If Su Chen dared to say the saint's name, the saint in the chaos would immediately notice it..

Su Chen didn’t want the saint to pay attention to him at this time.

"System, can you help me hide my secret? It's the kind of secret that even saints can't detect."

"Ding, yes, no one under heaven can notice you. Even if the host mentions Hongjun’s name, he will not notice it."

"I guess, the system is awesome"

"Ding, host, you'd better not commit suicide. This system is really helpless when it encounters you as a host."

"Understand, understand, system, I am not the one who caused this incident. I was almost assassinated. System, won’t you give me some life-saving treasure?"

"Ding, host, you are thinking too much. It is not dark yet, so stop daydreaming. This system is hidden."

Riou, is this system girl making fun of herself?

Su Chen shook his head.

System girl is becoming more and more like a person. It would be great if I can see the face of system girl.

Su Chen suddenly saw Nuwa The empress was looking at him like an idiot.

He was very embarrassed.

His conversation with the girl from the system just now made Su Chen a little complacent.

Su Chen immediately sat down and continued to speak to the Nuwa empress.

"Of course I know that the Kongtong Seal, the most precious human race, was supposed to be yours, but it was cut off by me. No, the Kongtong Seal, the most precious human race, should have been given to me by Daozu."

The Empress Nuwa heard Su Chen calling out the names of Lao Tzu and Taoist ancestors.

She was so frightened that she turned pale and reprimanded,

"Don't you want your life? Talking about saints and Taoist ancestors will be discovered."

Su Chen waved his hand and said with a smile,

"Don’t worry, Empress Nuwa, you won’t be discovered by them even if you talk about saints and Taoist ancestors around me."

"you......Do you have Chaos Spiritual Treasure Chaos Orb?"

Nuwa was very surprised when she heard what Su Chen said.

Isn't this bastard Su Chen deceiving her? What ability does this bastard have that can make the saints and Taoist ancestors not aware of it? Could it be that the Chaos Pearl of Chaos Lingbao is in the hands of this bastard? Where?

Su Chen coughed when he heard Nuwa's words and said,

"Ahem, empress Nuwa, just think that I have it. My secrets have been covered up around me, and I won’t be discovered when talking about any saint."

"Did you just say that the human race's most precious treasure, the Kongtong Seal, should have been mine? But the human race’s most precious treasure, the Kongtong Seal, is obviously destined to be related to me?"

"Destined? Who is the Lingbao destined to be with? This is not some of Daozu's methods. Madam Nuwa, don't forget that Daozu has completed the way of heaven. Although I don't know how much authority Daozu has in heaven, would it be difficult for him to use his hands and feet to manipulate some Lingbao? ?"

"Are you saying that Taoist ancestors linked the human race’s most precious treasure, the Kongtong Seal, with Lao Tzu?"

Su Chen took a sip of the tea handed to her by the ruthless empress and continued,

"This is what I guessed"

"Empress Nuwa, haven’t you ever thought about it? Why is the human race's most precious treasure, the Kongtong Seal, related to Laozi?"

"Is it just because he established the Human Religion?"

"Madam Nuwa, when I established the human religion, I probably didn’t have as much luck as you as a human race, right?"

"You are the Holy Mother of the human race, and you probably accounted for more than half of the fate of the human race at that time. If the human race's most precious treasure, the Kongtong Seal, does not belong to you, the holy mother of the human race, why did it belong to Lao Tzu of the human race?"

Nuwa Empress was silent when she heard Su Chen's words.

When I got the human race's most precious Kongtong Seal, she also thought about these issues, but she also saw that the human race's most precious Kongtong Seal was destined to me, so she didn't care about it..Now that she heard Su Chen say this,

Empress Nuwa also became suspicious.

"Daozu, why do you do this?"

"Because of the human race"

"Because of the human race?"

Su Chen nodded and said seriously,

"Yes, Lao Tzu, Primordial, Tongtian, and Sanqing all relied on the human race to become saints. Even you became a saint because of the human race."

"The potential of the human race is too great. It is impossible for Dao Ancestor to let the human race rule the prehistoric fairy world like the shaman clan and the demon clan."

"Therefore, Empress Nuwa, it is impossible for you to control the human race alone, and it is impossible for Taozu to let you escape his control."

"do you understand?"

These are all Su Chen's guesses, but nine out of ten of them are probably true.

Empress Nuwa was originally a human race that was completely controlled by one person.

In the end, she was divided by me.

Both I and Nuwa control some human rights. , but those are useless powers.

Although the Nuwa Empress is the Holy Mother of the human race, she does not have the human race's most precious treasure, the Kongtong Seal. She is probably too unwilling to abolish the human emperor.

Although I control the human race's most precious treasure, the Kongtong Seal. Dongyin, but he is only the leader of the Human Cult, not the Holy Father of the human race. Even if the human race's most precious treasure, the Kongtong Seal, cannot depose the Human Emperor when he is old.

This is a balance, a balancing method played by that old bastard of Daozu..

Empress Nuwa was silent when she heard Su Chen's words.

She felt that what Su Chen said was right.

The human race could make four people saints.

The potential of the human race was very great.

So the potential of the human race was so great?

Why did no saints appear? ? Or did Daozu kill the opportunity for someone in the human race to become a saint?


Daozu wants to control himself?

Is it because she has received too much luck from the human race that Daozu is worried that her cultivation level will surpass him in the future?

Empress Nuwa’s expression The pale one asked,

"Su Chen, is there anyone in the human race who can become a saint? Was it just stopped by Daozu?"

Su Chen nodded and replied,

"Yes, do you still remember Hongyun’s Hongmeng Purple Qi? That Hongmeng Purple Qi belongs to the human race, but it was cut into three long and five short by the Taoist ancestors, and this is how the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors appeared."

"So that’s the case, no wonder Hongyun, a man of great luck, failed to become a saint after receiving the Hongmeng Purple Qi. He even ended up in a state of death, haha...., Hongmeng Ziqi belongs to the human race, and Daozu is really scheming."

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