Empress Nuwa was very angry now.

If Su Chen hadn't mentioned these things, she might have been kept in the dark by Tao Ancestor. The most holy Tao Ancestor in the prehistoric times turned out to be an old cunt.

Empress Nuwa suddenly thought that the appearance of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the teachings of the disciples of the Sage Sect

, and the severance of the Human Emperor after becoming a god. These major events in the ancient immortal world were probably all calculated by the Tao Ancestor, and he was still planning to continuously weaken the human race.

Empress Nuwa looked at Su Chen and made her decision.

If she didn't know these things,

Empress Nuwa would never agree to Su Chen.

But she understood that

Empress Nuwa had been plotted by Taozu since she became a saint.


Empress Nuwa thought that she might not be a saint yet, so that old bastard Taozu started plotting against her.

"Su Chen, how can I obtain the Kongtong Seal, the human race's most precious treasure? Su

Chen shook his head and replied,"I will inform you when the time comes. Now is not the time to say it.""

Su Chen didn't know whether the method he thought of was feasible, but it was the only way.

Even if it was not feasible, Su Chen would still take the risk. If it succeeded, his gains would be huge.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your notification"

"One month later, in Huoyun Cave, I hope that your good corpse, Nuwa Empress, can appear there, and possibly your true body. I will ask Heaven to let you come to the prehistoric fairyland."

"Haha, okay, see you in a month!"

Empress Nuwa smiled at Su Chen and disappeared into the Lingxiao Palace.

When the ruthless Empress saw Empress Nuwa leaving, she sat next to Su Chen and asked speculatively,"Brother, what you just said is not true. Will he deceive Nuwa again?"

"Nanny, what I said is just a guess, and I also told Empress Nuwa that it was just my guess. Empress Nuwa should be able to tell whether it is true."

"Brother, you said that Nuwa Empress could escape from Tao Ancestor's control by relying on the human race, but Nu Wa Empress is the weakest among several saints. Even if Nu Wa Empress relies on the luck of the human race, she cannot escape from Tao Ancestor's control, right?"

Su Chen shook his head and explained to the ruthless empress,

"No, Nannan"

"Even before she became a saint, Nuwa was plotted by Taozu."

"When Nuwa became a saint, she was a quasi-sage who beheaded one corpse. Primordial, Tongtian, and even the two bald donkeys in the West were all quasi-sages who beheaded two corpses. I am afraid that I have beheaded all three corpses."

"Even if Empress Nuwa wanted to become a saint, she should have known the importance of the three corpses. She was probably calculated by Taozu to create a human being and become a saint in advance. Empress Nuwa should have guessed it this time."

When the Ruthless Empress heard Su Chen's explanation, she also understood.

The Ruthless Empress was also a little afraid of Dao Ancestor's calculations.

However, fortunately she was not from the ancient immortal world, otherwise she would have to face an old and ruthless person in the future. The empress probably didn't dare to sleep.

One month passed in the blink of an eye.

During this month, the immortals in the prehistoric fairy world were planning the actions in the heaven. The powerful races and powerful forces in the prehistoric fairy world had prepared their armies. Now Just waiting for the Emperor of Heaven Su Chen to give the order to suppress the rebellion.

The Human Emperors of the human race are also preparing their armies to fight against the Emperor of Heaven. There are more than 50 million human troops.

This is a terrifying number.

In the prehistoric fairy world, since the war between the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan. , There has never been such a huge army. In the ancient heaven,

Su Chen looked at the six million heavenly soldiers and generals in the Lingxiao Palace, and he nodded.

These are the Queen Mother and the Wudang Virgin. , they re-established the army of heavenly soldiers and generals in this month, and they were all at the realm of cultivation above heavenly immortals.

The Queen Mother walked to Su Chen, sat down and said,

"Su Chen, the army of six million heavenly soldiers and generals are commanded by me, Madonna Wudang, Madonna Jinling, Fairy Yunxiao, Fairy Qiongxiao, and Fairy Bixiao respectively."

Su Chen didn't expect Queen Mother and the others to bring Fairy Qiongxiao and Fairy Bixiao over, but the more powerful people, the better, not to mention Fairy Qiongxiao and Fairy Bixiao are also famous beauties.

Su Chen took the Queen Mother's hand. He smiled and said,

"Yes, it’s just that this war didn’t come in time to bring out the Monster Clan’s Zhoutian Stardust Formation. After this war, Human Emperor Fuxi will grab the Hetu Luoshu. In the future, he will go to Beihai and ask Kunpeng for 360 Five weekly star banners."

Our Lady of Wudang patted Su Chen's basics and said,

"Su Chen, the time has come. We should destroy those rebellious humans."

"Yes, it’s time to go!"

Su Chen started to fight when he heard the words of Mother Wudang. He looked at the girls next to him and said with a smile,"You guys help me build momentum, I will inform the entire prehistoric fairy world."

When the Queen Mother and the Wudang Virgins heard Su Chen's words, they all laughed.

The Emperor of Heaven in the majestic prehistoric fairyland turned out to be a little golden immortal, and he couldn't even inform the entire prehistoric fairyland. , this bastard is the weakest Emperor of Heaven since there was an envoy in Heaven,

Emperor Jun of Heaven!

Emperor Haotian of Heaven!

That one of them is not a powerful quasi-sage, but they think that Su Chen is really pitiful, Emperor of Heaven has not done a good job yet One day, troubles come one after another.

Boom boom boom boom....

At this time, all the girls began to build momentum for Su Chen.

The Immortal World was shaken, and the immortals in the entire Immortal World looked in the direction of Heaven.

When all the immortals saw the heavenly soldiers and generals outside the South Gate of Heaven, the immortals in the Immortal World stood up one after another. They knew that the war was about to begin. It's about to start

"The war is about to begin. There are six million heavenly soldiers and generals, and the weakest heavenly soldiers and generals are all immortals. Are there such powerful heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven?"

"This may be the heavenly soldiers and generals reorganized by Emperor Su Chen during this month."

"Well, that’s right. In the past, the heavenly soldiers and generals were all cannon fodder. Now when we see the heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven, this is the true rule of heaven in the prehistoric fairyland."

"Yes, these heavenly soldiers and generals are more than enough to fight against the Western God Realm."

"I hope nothing will happen again, and this time Heaven will be able to smoothly extinguish those rebellious people in Huoyun Cave."

"If you don’t tell me, I won’t be worried. Emperor Su Chen is a master of committing suicide. I hope Emperor Su Chen will not cause trouble this time."

"I hope the Emperor of Heaven will not seek death again this time."

At this time,

Su Chen was sent outside the Nantian Gate of Heaven by the girls, and they all stood next to Su Chen.

"See the Emperor of Heaven!"

"See the Emperor of Heaven!"

"See the Emperor of Heaven!"

Outside the Nantian Gate, when Su Chen appeared here, an army of six million heavenly soldiers and generals saluted Su Chen in unison,

"The dragon tribe, Zhulong, leads an army of four million dragon tribes to meet the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Dragon clan, see the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Dragon clan, see the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Dragon clan, see the Emperor of Heaven!"

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